IBY288PO ;ALB/ESG - IB*2*288 POST-INSTALL ROUTINE ;21-OCT-2004 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**288**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; EN ; Entry Point ; D AEXREF D FACBILID D TESTQ ; Q ; AEXREF ; Build the new and improved "AE" x-ref in file 399 D BMES^XPDUTL("Removing the old ""AE"" index file data and definition") D DELIX^DDMOD(399,135,1) KILL ^DGCR(399,"AE") D MES^XPDUTL("Done") ; D BMES^XPDUTL("Creating the new ""AE"" index file data and definition") N IBXR,IBRES,IBOUT S IBXR("FILE")=399 S IBXR("NAME")="AE" S IBXR("TYPE")="MU" S IBXR("USE")="S" S IBXR("EXECUTION")="R" S IBXR("ACTIVITY")="IR" S IBXR("SHORT DESCR")="Index by patient and insurance company" S IBXR("DESCR",1)="Cross reference of patients and bills to payer responsible for the bill." S IBXR("DESCR",2)="This will be used to prevent deletion of insurance policy entries from the" S IBXR("DESCR",3)="patient file if a bill has been created for this insurance company." S IBXR("DESCR",4)=" " S IBXR("DESCR",5)="Created with patch IB*2.0*288 replacing traditional cross-reference #1 in " S IBXR("DESCR",6)="field 135 of file 399. Medicare is now a valid insurance company for " S IBXR("DESCR",7)="this index file." S IBXR("SET")="N CURR S CURR=+$$COBN^IBCEF(DA) I $G(X(4)),$G(X(CURR)) S ^DGCR(399,""AE"",X(4),X(CURR),DA)=""""" S IBXR("KILL")="N G I $G(X(4)) F G=1,2,3 I $G(X(G)) K ^DGCR(399,""AE"",X(4),X(G),DA)" S IBXR("WHOLE KILL")="K ^DGCR(399,""AE"")" S IBXR("VAL",1)=101 S IBXR("VAL",1,"COLLATION")="F" S IBXR("VAL",2)=102 S IBXR("VAL",2,"COLLATION")="F" S IBXR("VAL",3)=103 S IBXR("VAL",3,"COLLATION")="F" S IBXR("VAL",4)=.02 S IBXR("VAL",4,"COLLATION")="F" D CREIXN^DDMOD(.IBXR,"SW",.IBRES,"IBOUT") I +$G(IBRES) D MES^XPDUTL("Index successfully created!") G AEXXX ; ; Index file failure. Not created for some reason ; D MES^XPDUTL("A PROBLEM WAS ENCOUNTERED. INDEX FILE NOT CREATED!!!") D MES^XPDUTL("SENDING MAILMAN MESSAGE...") D MES^XPDUTL("PLACING THE 'PATIENT INSURANCE INFO VIEW/EDIT' OPTION OUT-OF-ORDER.") NEW XMDUZ,XMSUBJ,XMBODY,MSG,XMTO,DA,DIE,DR,IBX S XMDUZ=DUZ,XMSUBJ="IB*2*288 Error: AE index not built",XMBODY="MSG" S MSG(1)="The updated ""AE"" index for file 399 was not created at" S MSG(2)=" " S MSG(3)=" "_$$SITE^VASITE S MSG(4)=" " S MSG(5)="The Patient Insurance Info View/Edit option has been placed out of order." ; ; recipients of message S XMTO(DUZ)="" S XMTO("eric.gustafson@daou.com")="" S XMTO("michael.f.pida@us.pwc.com")="" S XMTO("Janet.Harris2@med.va.gov")="" S XMTO("Cari.Hutchison@med.va.gov")="" S XMTO("G.PATCHES")="" S IBX=0 F S IBX=$O(^XUSEC("IB INSURANCE SUPERVISOR",IBX)) Q:'IBX S XMTO(IBX)="" ; D SENDMSG^XMXAPI(XMDUZ,XMSUBJ,XMBODY,.XMTO) ; ; place the option out of order S DA=$O(^DIC(19,"B","IBCN PATIENT INSURANCE","")) I DA S DIE=19,DR="2////IB Patch 288 Installation Failure" D ^DIE AEXXX ; Q ; FACBILID ; move the hosp and prof provider ID#'s in file 36 for the ; Medicare (WNR) entry into file 355.92. ; D BMES^XPDUTL("Updating facility provider ids for MEDICARE (WNR)") N DO,DD,DLAYGO,DIC,X,Y,Z,Z0,Z00,Z11,Z17,IBINS,IBID,IBHCFA,IBUB S IBID=$$BF^IBCU() I IBID S IBINS=0 F S IBINS=$O(^DIC(36,"B","MEDICARE (WNR)",IBINS)) Q:'IBINS S Z11=$P($G(^DIC(36,IBINS,0)),U,11),Z17=$P($G(^DIC(36,IBINS,0)),U,17) D . S (IBHCFA,IBUB)=0 . S Z0=0 F S Z0=$O(^IBA(355.92,"B",IBINS,Z0)) Q:'Z0 S Z00=$G(^IBA(355.92,Z0,0)) D Q:IBHCFA&IBUB .. I $P(Z00,U,6)=IBID S:$P(Z00,U,4)=2 IBHCFA=1 S:$P(Z00,U,4)=1 IBUB=1 Q . I Z11'="",'IBUB S X=IBINS,DIC("DR")=".04////1;.06////"_IBID_";.07////"_Z11,DIC="^IBA(355.92,",DLAYGO=355.92,DIC(0)="L" D FILE^DICN K DO,DD,DLAYGO,DIC . I Z17'="",'IBHCFA S X=IBINS,DIC("DR")=".04////2;.06////"_IBID_";.07////"_Z17,DIC="^IBA(355.92,",DLAYGO=355.92,DIC(0)="L" D FILE^DICN K DO,DD,DLAYGO,DIC ; FACBILX ; Q ; TESTQ ; Change the 837 test transmission queue to be "MCT" D BMES^XPDUTL("Setting the EDI 837 Test Transmit Queue to ""MCT""") S $P(^IBE(350.9,1,8),U,9)="MCT" TESTQX ; Q ;