IBY368PO ;YMG/BP - Post-Installation for IB patch 368 ;12-Mar-2007 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**368**;12-MAR-2007;Build 21 ; EN ; N XPDIDTOT S XPDIDTOT=3 D NTFY ; 1. notify FSC that patch has been installed in production D TEXT ; 2. add new text entries to file 361.3 D AUTOFILE ; 3. clean up stale informational messages in file 361 ; EX ; Q ; NTFY ; notify FSC that patch has been installed succesfully N HEADER,BODY,MAILTO,SITE,TS D BMES^XPDUTL(" STEP 1 of "_XPDIDTOT) D MES^XPDUTL("-------------") D MES^XPDUTL("Sending notification to FSC ...") ; do not send notification if installed in test account I '$$PROD^XUPROD D MES^XPDUTL("N/A for test account installation."),UPDATE^XPDID(1) Q D DTNOLF^DICRW S SITE=$$SITE^VASITE() S HEADER="Patch IB*2.0*368 installed at VistA site "_$P(SITE,U,2) D NOW^%DTC S TS=$$HLDATE^HLFNC(%,"TS") S BODY(.1)="Patch installed successfully at "_$E(TS,5,6)_"/"_$E(TS,7,8)_"/"_$E(TS,1,4)_" "_$E(TS,9,10)_":"_$E(TS,11,12)_":"_$E(TS,13,19) S BODY(.2)="Station Number: "_$P(SITE,U,3) ; FSC destination address ; FSC address for integration testing S MAILTO="fsc.edi-team@va.gov" D MAIL(HEADER,.BODY,MAILTO) D MES^XPDUTL(" Done.") D UPDATE^XPDID(1) Q TEXT ; Add new text entries in file 361.3 - IB MESSAGE SCREEN TEXT N DATA,TXT,DO,DA,DIC,X,Y D BMES^XPDUTL(" STEP 2 of "_XPDIDTOT) D MES^XPDUTL("-------------") D MES^XPDUTL("Adding new entries into file 361.3 ....") S DATA("ACCEPT")=0 S DATA("ACK/RECEIPT")=0 S DATA("CLAIM ACKNOWLEDGED AND FORWARD")=0 S DATA("FINAL/PAYMENT")=0 S DATA("PAPER CLAIM MAILED VIA USPS")=0 S DATA("ACCEPT *WARNING*")=1 S TXT="" F S TXT=$O(DATA(TXT)) Q:TXT="" D .I $D(^IBE(361.3,"B",TXT)) Q ; already on file .S DIC="^IBE(361.3,",DIC(0)="F",X=TXT .S DIC("DR")=".02////"_DATA(TXT) .D FILE^DICN .Q TX ; D MES^XPDUTL(" Done.") D UPDATE^XPDID(2) Q ; AUTOFILE ; Check if informational status messages with no Final Review Action qualify for auto-file with no review. ; N IBDA,IBCNT,IB,Z,STOP,IBAUTO,TXT,NOREVU,IBREV D BMES^XPDUTL(" STEP 3 of "_XPDIDTOT) D MES^XPDUTL("-------------") D MES^XPDUTL("Now looking at all informational status messages on file to see if any of them") D MES^XPDUTL("can be auto-filed with no review needed. Each ""."" represents 1000 messages.") D MES^XPDUTL("") S IBDA=0,IBCNT=0 F S IBDA=$O(^IBM(361,"ASV","I",IBDA)) Q:'IBDA D .S IBCNT=IBCNT+1 W:(IBCNT#1000=0)&'$D(ZTQUEUED) "." .S IB=$G(^IBM(361,IBDA,0)) .I $P(IB,U,10)'="" Q ; final review action exists so quit out .; if this message was previously auto-filed with no review, then .; update the final review information and quit out .I $P(IB,U,9)=2,$P(IB,U,14)=1 D Q ..N DIE,DR,DA ..S DIE=361,DR=".1////F",DA=IBDA D ^DIE ..Q .; .; IBAUTO - flag indicating that the whole message can be auto-filed .; with no review needed .; NOREVU - flag indicating that one of the message lines had 'No .; Review Needed' text .; IBREV - flag indicating that one of the message lines had 'Review .; Always Needed' text (so the whole message needs review) .; .S (Z,STOP,IBAUTO)=0 F S Z=$O(^IBM(361,IBDA,1,Z)) Q:'Z D Q:STOP ..S TXT=$G(^IBM(361,IBDA,1,Z,0)) Q:TXT="" ; text line Z ..S NOREVU=$$CKREVU^IBCEM4(TXT,,,.IBREV) ..I IBREV S STOP=1,IBAUTO=0 Q ; 'review always needed' text found ..I NOREVU S IBAUTO=1 ; 'no review needed' text found ..Q .I IBAUTO D ..N DIE,DR,DA ..S DIE=361,DR=".09////2;.14////1;.1////F",DA=IBDA D ^DIE ..Q .Q D MES^XPDUTL(" Done.") D UPDATE^XPDID(3) D CLEAN^DILF Q ; MAIL(MTITLE,MLINES,MRECIP) ; send message N DIFROM,XMDUZ,XMSUB,XMTEXT,XMY,XMZ,XMMG S XMSUB=MTITLE,XMDUZ=.5,XMTEXT="MLINES(",XMY(""_MRECIP_"")="" D ^XMD Q