SROPOST2 ;B'HAM ISC/MAM - POST INIT TO CONVERT OPERATION TIMES ; 18 JAN 1990 3:40 PM ;;3.0; Surgery ;**12**;24 Jun 93 I 'SRVER Q B W !!,"Re-indexing 'B' cross references in site configureable files...." F SRFILE=131.01,131.9,132,132.05,132.4,133.4,133.6,133.7,135,135.1,135.2,135.3,135.4,138 K ^SRO(SRFILE,"B"),DIK S DIK="^SRO("_SRFILE_",",DIK(1)=".01^B" D ENALL^DIK K DIK K SRFILE I $O(^SRO(131.25,0)) Q W !!,"Version 3.0 of the Surgery software will estimate the average length",!,"of time for a procedure (using CPT code) based on Surgical Specialty ",!,"instead of the individual surgeon. The data in the Surgeon's Operation Times" W !,"file will be converted and stored in the Operation Times file.",!! AGAIN K ^TMP("SR",$J) S X1=DT,X2=-12 D C^%DTC S SRSTOP=X S SRTN=0 F S SRTN=$O(^SRF(SRTN)) Q:'SRTN I $D(^SRF(SRTN,0)) S SRSDATE=$E($P($G(^SRF(SRTN,0)),"^",9),1,7) I SRSDATE,SRSDATE