VEPEDOM ;RED/DAOU ; 5/13/05 11:51am ;;1.0;Reset Kernel System Parameters;;;Build 1 ; DIC N NUM,SEL,ANS S (SEL,NUM)=0 W !!,"First I will print out existing entries for you to select from",! F S NUM=$O(^DIC(4.2,NUM)) Q:NUM<1 W !,NUM,?5,$P(^DIC(4.2,NUM,0),"^") SEL R !,"Please select a number from above: ",SEL:DTIME Q:SEL="" I '$D(^DIC(4.2,SEL)) W !,"Incorrect selection, try again",# G DIC W !!!,"You have selected '",$P(^DIC(4.2,SEL,0),"^"),"' is this correct? " R ANS:DTIME I ANS'="Y"&(ANS'="y") W !,"Quitting" Q W !!,"Okay, changing Kernel System Parameters to: ",$P(^DIC(4.2,SEL,0),"^") W !,"completed" ;Q N IEN,DATA S IEN=0,IEN=$O(^XTV(8989.3,IEN)) Q:IEN="" S DATA=^XTV(8989.3,IEN,0),$P(DATA,"^")=SEL W !,DATA ;K ^XTV(8989.3,"B") ;S ^XTV(8989.3,"B",SEL)="" ;S $P(^XTV(8989.3,IEN,0),"^")=SEL Q