1 | FirstRelease WVEHR VER VOE1.0
2 | Cache 31-Jan-2008 23:07:04 ZWR
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9 | ^YTX(1,1,4,0)="In the Mental Health Package, all free text entries longer than"
10 | ^YTX(1,1,5,0)="70 characters are entered and printed using the File Manager"
11 | ^YTX(1,1,6,0)="Word Processing features. Page length and margins for Histories"
12 | ^YTX(1,1,7,0)="and Progress Notes are set to approximate the standard VA Forms."
13 | ^YTX(1,1,8,0)="All other format options as described below are available for"
14 | ^YTX(1,1,9,0)="History of Present Illness, Progress notes and Text. The Text"
15 | ^YTX(1,1,10,0)="option on the General menu has default parameters for margins"
16 | ^YTX(1,1,11,0)="and page numbering, but these parameters can be changed as"
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23 | ^YTX(1,1,18,0)="""DEFAULT PARAMETERS? Y// "" prompt in the (P)RINT option."
24 | ^YTX(1,1,19,0)="Additional information is available in the File Manager Manuals."
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26 | ^YTX(1,1,21,0)="Format can be controlled with the following file manager commands:"
27 | ^YTX(1,1,22,0)=" "
28 | ^YTX(1,1,23,0)="|RIGHT-JUSTIFY| Causes following text to be padded with"
29 | ^YTX(1,1,24,0)=" spaces between words, so right margin is"
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32 | ^YTX(1,1,27,0)="|DOUBLE-SPACE| Causes following text to be printed with"
33 | ^YTX(1,1,28,0)=" blank lines inserted every other line."
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35 | ^YTX(1,1,30,0)="|SINGLE-SPACE| 'Turns off' double-spacing for following"
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38 | ^YTX(1,1,33,0)="|TOP| Causes a page break to occur at this point."
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40 | ^YTX(1,1,35,0)="|PAGEFEED(argument)| Causes page breaks to occur in following"
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44 | ^YTX(1,1,39,0)="|PAGESTART(argument)| Causes text on the following pages to begin"
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53 | ^YTX(1,1,48,0)="|INDENT(augument)| Causes following text to be indented"
54 | ^YTX(1,1,49,0)=" 'argument' number of spaces from left"
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63 | ^YTX(1,1,58,0)=" cause indentation to 'argument2', and so on."
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66 | ^YTX(1,1,61,0)=" from the left margin. If any SETTAB argument"
67 | ^YTX(1,1,62,0)=" is negative, any text following the corres-"
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71 | ^YTX(1,1,66,0)=" SETTAB argument."
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73 | ^YTX(1,1,68,0)="|TAB(n)| Overrides any ""SETTAB"" specification and"
74 | ^YTX(1,1,69,0)=" causes tabbing to the 'n'th column over from"
75 | ^YTX(1,1,70,0)=" the left margin (or right-justifies on the"
76 | ^YTX(1,1,71,0)=" 'n'th column if 'n' is negative)."
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82 | ^YTX(1,1,77,0)=" the left margin position and the right"
83 | ^YTX(1,1,78,0)=" margin position, plus 1). Note that, in"
84 | ^YTX(1,1,79,0)=" the absence of a ""WIDTH"" specification,"
85 | ^YTX(1,1,80,0)=" the output column width is determined"
86 | ^YTX(1,1,81,0)=" by the user (or defaulted by the system)"
87 | ^YTX(1,1,82,0)=" at ""Print"" time."
88 | ^YTX(2,0)="PHY"
89 | ^YTX(2,1,0)="^^459^459^2881116^^"
90 | ^YTX(2,1,1,0)="|12 |8 S YSBLN="" "",Z=^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,0),YSDOT=9999999-DA,U=""^"""
91 | ^YTX(2,1,2,0)="|8 S Y=YSYDT D ENDD^YSUTL|1 Y|11 1"
92 | ^YTX(2,1,3,0)="| Name|1 YSNM| SSN|1 YSSSN| Age|1 YSAGE|1 YSBLN|1 $P(""FE"",""/"",YSSEX[""F"")_""MALE""|17"
93 | ^YTX(2,1,4,0)="|17 | Height|1 $J($P(Z,U,2),3)| in. Weight|1 $J($P(Z,U,3),3)| lb. Temp.|1 $J($P(Z,U,4),5)| F."
94 | ^YTX(2,1,5,0)="|17 | Height|1 $J($P(Z,U,8),3)| cm. Weight|1 $J($P(Z,U,9),3)| kg. Temp.|1 $J($P(Z,U,11),5)| C."
95 | ^YTX(2,1,6,0)="|17 | Pulse|1 $P(Z,U,5)| B.P.|1 $P(Z,U,6)| Resps.|1 $P(Z,U,7)"
96 | ^YTX(2,1,7,0)="|11 1|14 0|8 S YSCLI=$P(Z,U,10,11)"
97 | ^YTX(2,1,8,0)="----------------------------- Summary -----------------------------"
98 | ^YTX(2,1,9,0)="|14 0|13 0^78|5 '$D(^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,.9)):END"
99 | ^YTX(2,1,10,0)="|8 S Z=^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,.9) F I=1:1:18 S @(""V""_I_""=$P(Z,U,I)"")"
100 | ^YTX(2,1,11,0)="|8 S YSOC=0 F I=1:1:18 S @(""YSOC=YSOC+(2=V""_I_"")!(4=V""_I_"")"")"
101 | ^YTX(2,1,12,0)="|8 S YSAC=0 F I=1:1:18 S @(""YSAC=YSAC+(3=V""_I_"")!(5=V""_I_"")"")"
102 | ^YTX(2,1,13,0)="|18 -| Omitted or Partially Omitted Examinations:"
103 | ^YTX(2,1,14,0)="|1 $S(V1'=2:"""",1:""HEAD."")"
104 | ^YTX(2,1,15,0)="|1 $S((V2'=2)&(V2'=4):"""",1:""EYES."")"
105 | ^YTX(2,1,16,0)="|1 $S((V3'=2)&(V3'=4):"""",1:""EARS."")"
106 | ^YTX(2,1,17,0)="|1 $S(V4'=2:"""",1:""NOSE."")"
107 | ^YTX(2,1,18,0)="|1 $S(V5'=2:"""",1:""MOUTH."")"
108 | ^YTX(2,1,19,0)="|1 $S(V6'=2:"""",1:""NECK."")"
109 | ^YTX(2,1,20,0)="|1 $S(V7'=2:"""",1:""CHEST AND BREASTS."")"
110 | ^YTX(2,1,21,0)="|1 $S(V8'=2:"""",1:""LUNGS."")"
111 | ^YTX(2,1,22,0)="|1 $S(V9'=2:"""",1:""HEART."")"
112 | ^YTX(2,1,23,0)="|1 $S(V10'=2:"""",1:""ABDOMEN."")"
113 | ^YTX(2,1,24,0)="|1 $S((V11'=2)&(V11'=4):"""",1:""GENITALIA."")"
114 | ^YTX(2,1,25,0)="|1 $S(V12'=2:"""",1:""PELVIC."")"
115 | ^YTX(2,1,26,0)="|1 $S(V13'=2:"""",1:""RECTUM."")"
116 | ^YTX(2,1,27,0)="|1 $S(V14'=2:"""",1:""BACK."")"
117 | ^YTX(2,1,28,0)="|1 $S(V15'=2:"""",1:""EXTREMITIES."")"
118 | ^YTX(2,1,29,0)="|1 $S(V16'=2:"""",1:""NEUROLOGICAL."")"
119 | ^YTX(2,1,30,0)="|1 $S(V17'=2:"""",1:""SKIN."")"
120 | ^YTX(2,1,31,0)="|1 $S(V18'=2:"""",1:""LYMPH NODES."")"
121 | ^YTX(2,1,32,0)="|1 $S(YSOC:"""",1:""None."")"
122 | ^YTX(2,1,33,0)="|14 2|18 -"
123 | ^YTX(2,1,34,0)="Abnormal Findings:"
124 | ^YTX(2,1,35,0)=" "
125 | ^YTX(2,1,36,0)="|17 |5 V1'=3:1"
126 | ^YTX(2,1,37,0)=" "
127 | ^YTX(2,1,38,0)="|17 | HEAD: |2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,1)^9"
128 | ^YTX(2,1,39,0)="|0"
129 | ^YTX(2,1,40,0)=" "
130 | ^YTX(2,1,41,0)="|5 V2'=3&(V2'=5):1"
131 | ^YTX(2,1,42,0)="|17 | EYES: |2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,2)^9"
132 | ^YTX(2,1,43,0)="|0"
133 | ^YTX(2,1,44,0)=" "
134 | ^YTX(2,1,45,0)="|5 V3'=3&(V3'=5):1"
135 | ^YTX(2,1,46,0)="|17 | EARS: |2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,3)^9"
136 | ^YTX(2,1,47,0)="|0"
137 | ^YTX(2,1,48,0)="|5 V4'=3:1"
138 | ^YTX(2,1,49,0)="|17 | NOSE: |2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,4)^9"
139 | ^YTX(2,1,50,0)="|0"
140 | ^YTX(2,1,51,0)="|5 V5'=3:1"
141 | ^YTX(2,1,52,0)="|17 | MOUTH: |2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,5)^9"
142 | ^YTX(2,1,53,0)="|0"
143 | ^YTX(2,1,54,0)="|5 V6'=3:1"
144 | ^YTX(2,1,55,0)="|17 | NECK: |2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,6)^9"
145 | ^YTX(2,1,56,0)="|0"
146 | ^YTX(2,1,57,0)="|5 V7'=3:1"
147 | ^YTX(2,1,58,0)="|17 | CHEST AND BREASTS: |2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,7)^9"
148 | ^YTX(2,1,59,0)="|0"
149 | ^YTX(2,1,60,0)="|5 V8'=3:1"
150 | ^YTX(2,1,61,0)="|17 | LUNGS: |2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,8)^9"
151 | ^YTX(2,1,62,0)="|0"
152 | ^YTX(2,1,63,0)="|5 V9'=3:1"
153 | ^YTX(2,1,64,0)="|17 | HEART: |2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,9)^9"
154 | ^YTX(2,1,65,0)="|0"
155 | ^YTX(2,1,66,0)="|5 V10'=3:1"
156 | ^YTX(2,1,67,0)="|17 | ABDOMEN: |2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,10)^9"
157 | ^YTX(2,1,68,0)="|0"
158 | ^YTX(2,1,69,0)=" "
159 | ^YTX(2,1,70,0)="|5 V11'=3&(V11'=5):1"
160 | ^YTX(2,1,71,0)="|17 | GENITALIA: |2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,11)^9"
161 | ^YTX(2,1,72,0)="|0"
162 | ^YTX(2,1,73,0)="|5 V12'=3:1"
163 | ^YTX(2,1,74,0)="|17 | PELVIC EXAM: |2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,12)^9"
164 | ^YTX(2,1,75,0)="|0"
165 | ^YTX(2,1,76,0)="|5 V13'=3:1"
166 | ^YTX(2,1,77,0)="|17 | RECTUM: |2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,13)^9"
167 | ^YTX(2,1,78,0)="|0"
168 | ^YTX(2,1,79,0)="|5 V14'=3:1"
169 | ^YTX(2,1,80,0)="|17 | BACK: |2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,14)^9"
170 | ^YTX(2,1,81,0)="|0"
171 | ^YTX(2,1,82,0)="|5 V15'=3:1"
172 | ^YTX(2,1,83,0)="|17 | EXTREMITIES: |2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,15)^9"
173 | ^YTX(2,1,84,0)="|0"
174 | ^YTX(2,1,85,0)="|5 V16'=3:1"
175 | ^YTX(2,1,86,0)="|17 | NEUROLOGICAL: |2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,16)^9"
176 | ^YTX(2,1,87,0)="|0"
177 | ^YTX(2,1,88,0)="|5 V17'=3:1"
178 | ^YTX(2,1,89,0)="|17 | SKIN: |2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,17)^9"
179 | ^YTX(2,1,90,0)="|0"
180 | ^YTX(2,1,91,0)="|5 V18'=3:1"
181 | ^YTX(2,1,92,0)="|17 | LYMPH NODES: |2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,18)^9"
182 | ^YTX(2,1,93,0)="|0"
183 | ^YTX(2,1,94,0)="|5 YSAC'=0:1"
184 | ^YTX(2,1,95,0)="None"
185 | ^YTX(2,1,96,0)="|0"
186 | ^YTX(2,1,97,0)="|17 |14 0|18 -"
187 | ^YTX(2,1,98,0)="|18 -| ------------------------------------------------------------------"
188 | ^YTX(2,1,99,0)="|17 |11 1|10 25^Physical Examination|17 |13 5^78"
189 | ^YTX(2,1,100,0)="|14 2|18 -| General Appearance -|1 $S($D(^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,.8)):$P(^(.8),U,1),1:"""")"
190 | ^YTX(2,1,101,0)="|5 '$D(ASQ):1"
191 | ^YTX(2,1,102,0)="|19"
192 | ^YTX(2,1,103,0)="|0"
193 | ^YTX(2,1,104,0)=" "
194 | ^YTX(2,1,105,0)="|18 -"
195 | ^YTX(2,1,106,0)="Head -"
196 | ^YTX(2,1,107,0)="|5 V1'=1:1"
197 | ^YTX(2,1,108,0)="Normal shape and size, no tenderness, deformity, trauma, or other abnormalities."
198 | ^YTX(2,1,109,0)="|0"
199 | ^YTX(2,1,110,0)="|5 V1'=2:1"
200 | ^YTX(2,1,111,0)="Exam omitted."
201 | ^YTX(2,1,112,0)="|0"
202 | ^YTX(2,1,113,0)="|5 V1'=3:1"
203 | ^YTX(2,1,114,0)="Examined for shape, size, tenderness, deformity, trauma, and other abnormalities."
204 | ^YTX(2,1,115,0)="|17 | NORMAL EXCEPT FOR"
205 | ^YTX(2,1,116,0)="|2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,1)^9 :1"
206 | ^YTX(2,1,117,0)="|0 "
207 | ^YTX(2,1,118,0)="|18 -"
208 | ^YTX(2,1,119,0)="Eyes -"
209 | ^YTX(2,1,120,0)="|5 V2'=1:1"
210 | ^YTX(2,1,121,0)="Conjunctivae, corneae, and sclerae normal. No icterus. External ocular movements"
211 | ^YTX(2,1,122,0)="normal. Pupils equal, regular, and react normally to light and accommodation."
212 | ^YTX(2,1,123,0)="Fundi normal including discs and vessels. No hemorrhages or exudates."
213 | ^YTX(2,1,124,0)="|0"
214 | ^YTX(2,1,125,0)="|5 V2'=2:1"
215 | ^YTX(2,1,126,0)="Exam omitted."
216 | ^YTX(2,1,127,0)="|0"
217 | ^YTX(2,1,128,0)="|5 V2<3:9|8 S Z="""""
218 | ^YTX(2,1,129,0)="Examined for conjunctivitis, corneal scars, icterus"
219 | ^YTX(2,1,130,0)="|8 S Z="""" I $D(^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,2)) S Z=^(2)|5 $P(Z,U,1)=2:1"
220 | ^YTX(2,1,131,0)=", extraocular movements"
221 | ^YTX(2,1,132,0)="|0"
222 | ^YTX(2,1,133,0)="|5 $P(Z,U,2)=2:1"
223 | ^YTX(2,1,134,0)=", pupillary size"
224 | ^YTX(2,1,135,0)="|0"
225 | ^YTX(2,1,136,0)="|5 $P(Z,U,3)=2:1"
226 | ^YTX(2,1,137,0)=", and response to light and accommodation"
227 | ^YTX(2,1,138,0)=" "
228 | ^YTX(2,1,139,0)="|0"
229 | ^YTX(2,1,140,0)="|5 $P(Z,U,4)=2:1"
230 | ^YTX(2,1,141,0)="Fundi were visualized."
231 | ^YTX(2,1,142,0)="|0"
232 | ^YTX(2,1,143,0)="|5 V2<4:4|17 "
233 | ^YTX(2,1,144,0)="Omitted examinations-"
234 | ^YTX(2,1,145,0)="|5 $P(Z,U,1)=1:1|17 "
235 | ^YTX(2,1,146,0)="Extraocular movements."
236 | ^YTX(2,1,147,0)="|0"
237 | ^YTX(2,1,148,0)="|5 $P(Z,U,2)=1:1|17 "
238 | ^YTX(2,1,149,0)="Pupillary size."
239 | ^YTX(2,1,150,0)="|0"
240 | ^YTX(2,1,151,0)="|5 $P(Z,U,3)=1:1|17 "
241 | ^YTX(2,1,152,0)="Response to light and accommodation."
242 | ^YTX(2,1,153,0)="|0"
243 | ^YTX(2,1,154,0)="|5 $P(Z,U,4)=1:1"
244 | ^YTX(2,1,155,0)="Fundi visualizsion."
245 | ^YTX(2,1,156,0)="|0"
246 | ^YTX(2,1,157,0)="|5 V2=4:1"
247 | ^YTX(2,1,158,0)="|17 | NORMAL EXCEPT FOR"
248 | ^YTX(2,1,159,0)="|2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,2)^9 :2"
249 | ^YTX(2,1,160,0)="|0 "
250 | ^YTX(2,1,161,0)="|18 -"
251 | ^YTX(2,1,162,0)="Ears -"
252 | ^YTX(2,1,163,0)="|5 V3'=1:1"
253 | ^YTX(2,1,164,0)="External meatus normal. Drums visualized and normal without scars,"
254 | ^YTX(2,1,165,0)="inflammation, or perforations. Hearing grossly normal."
255 | ^YTX(2,1,166,0)="|0"
256 | ^YTX(2,1,167,0)="|5 V3'=2:1"
257 | ^YTX(2,1,168,0)="Exam omitted."
258 | ^YTX(2,1,169,0)="|0"
259 | ^YTX(2,1,170,0)="|5 V3<3:8|8 S Z="""""
260 | ^YTX(2,1,171,0)="|8 S Z="""" I $D(^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,3)) S Z=^(3)|5 $P(Z,U,1)=2:1"
261 | ^YTX(2,1,172,0)="Examined for gross hearing."
262 | ^YTX(2,1,173,0)="|0"
263 | ^YTX(2,1,174,0)="|5 $P(Z,U,2)=2:1"
264 | ^YTX(2,1,175,0)="The external meatus were visualized."
265 | ^YTX(2,1,176,0)="|0"
266 | ^YTX(2,1,177,0)="|5 $P(Z,U,3)=2:1"
267 | ^YTX(2,1,178,0)="The drums were visualized."
268 | ^YTX(2,1,179,0)="|0"
269 | ^YTX(2,1,180,0)="|5 V3<4:4"
270 | ^YTX(2,1,181,0)="|17 | OMITTED EXAMINATIONS-"
271 | ^YTX(2,1,182,0)="|0"
272 | ^YTX(2,1,183,0)="|5 $P(Z,U,1)=1:1|17 "
273 | ^YTX(2,1,184,0)="Hearing."
274 | ^YTX(2,1,185,0)="|0"
275 | ^YTX(2,1,186,0)="|5 $P(Z,U,2)=1:1|17 "
276 | ^YTX(2,1,187,0)="External meatus."
277 | ^YTX(2,1,188,0)="|0"
278 | ^YTX(2,1,189,0)="|5 $P(Z,U,3)=1:1|17 "
279 | ^YTX(2,1,190,0)="Drums."
280 | ^YTX(2,1,191,0)="|0"
281 | ^YTX(2,1,192,0)="|5 V3=4:1"
282 | ^YTX(2,1,193,0)="|17 | NORMAL EXCEPT FOR"
283 | ^YTX(2,1,194,0)="|2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,3)^9 :3"
284 | ^YTX(2,1,195,0)="|0 "
285 | ^YTX(2,1,196,0)="|18 -"
286 | ^YTX(2,1,197,0)="Nose -"
287 | ^YTX(2,1,198,0)="|5 V4'=1:1"
288 | ^YTX(2,1,199,0)="Normal mucosa and airways, no septal deviation."
289 | ^YTX(2,1,200,0)="|0"
290 | ^YTX(2,1,201,0)="|5 V4'=2:1"
291 | ^YTX(2,1,202,0)="Exam omitted."
292 | ^YTX(2,1,203,0)="|0"
293 | ^YTX(2,1,204,0)="|5 V4'=3:1"
294 | ^YTX(2,1,205,0)="Examined for inflammation, obstructions and septal deviation."
295 | ^YTX(2,1,206,0)="|17 | NORMAL EXCEPT FOR"
296 | ^YTX(2,1,207,0)="|2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,4)^9 :4"
297 | ^YTX(2,1,208,0)="|0 "
298 | ^YTX(2,1,209,0)="|18 -"
299 | ^YTX(2,1,210,0)="Mouth -"
300 | ^YTX(2,1,211,0)="|5 V5'=1:1"
301 | ^YTX(2,1,212,0)="Normal lips, breath, teeth, gums, tonsils, pharynx, and tongue."
302 | ^YTX(2,1,213,0)="|0"
303 | ^YTX(2,1,214,0)="|5 V5'=2:1"
304 | ^YTX(2,1,215,0)="Exam omitted."
305 | ^YTX(2,1,216,0)="|0"
306 | ^YTX(2,1,217,0)="|5 V5'=3:1"
307 | ^YTX(2,1,218,0)="This included the breath, lips, teeth, gums, tongue, tonsils, and pharynx."
308 | ^YTX(2,1,219,0)="|17 | NORMAL EXCEPT FOR"
309 | ^YTX(2,1,220,0)="|2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,5)^9 :5"
310 | ^YTX(2,1,221,0)="|0 "
311 | ^YTX(2,1,222,0)="|18 -"
312 | ^YTX(2,1,223,0)="Neck -"
313 | ^YTX(2,1,224,0)="|5 V6'=1:1"
314 | ^YTX(2,1,225,0)="Normal motion of neck, trachea in midline, thyroid normal size, no bruit,"
315 | ^YTX(2,1,226,0)="no masses or other abnormalities."
316 | ^YTX(2,1,227,0)="|0"
317 | ^YTX(2,1,228,0)="|5 V6'=2:1"
318 | ^YTX(2,1,229,0)="Exam omitted."
319 | ^YTX(2,1,230,0)="|0"
320 | ^YTX(2,1,231,0)="|5 V6'=3:1"
321 | ^YTX(2,1,232,0)="Examined for motion, tracheal position, carotid bruit, masses and thyroid."
322 | ^YTX(2,1,233,0)="|17 | NORMAL EXCEPT FOR"
323 | ^YTX(2,1,234,0)="|2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,6)^9 :6"
324 | ^YTX(2,1,235,0)="|0 "
325 | ^YTX(2,1,236,0)="|18 -"
326 | ^YTX(2,1,237,0)="Chest and breasts -"
327 | ^YTX(2,1,238,0)="|5 V7'=1:1"
328 | ^YTX(2,1,239,0)="Chest normal shape and symmetrical. No masses, tenderness, or other"
329 | ^YTX(2,1,240,0)="abnormalities of breasts or nipples."
330 | ^YTX(2,1,241,0)="|0"
331 | ^YTX(2,1,242,0)="|5 V7'=2:1"
332 | ^YTX(2,1,243,0)="Exam omitted."
333 | ^YTX(2,1,244,0)="|0"
334 | ^YTX(2,1,245,0)="|5 V7'=3:1"
335 | ^YTX(2,1,246,0)="The chest was examined for shape and symmetry. The breasts were"
336 | ^YTX(2,1,247,0)="examined for masses, tenderness, and discharge."
337 | ^YTX(2,1,248,0)="|17 | NORMAL EXCEPT FOR"
338 | ^YTX(2,1,249,0)="|2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,7)^9 :7"
339 | ^YTX(2,1,250,0)="|0 "
340 | ^YTX(2,1,251,0)="|18 -"
341 | ^YTX(2,1,252,0)="Lungs -"
342 | ^YTX(2,1,253,0)="|5 V8'=1:1"
343 | ^YTX(2,1,254,0)="Normal to inspection, palpation, and auscultation."
344 | ^YTX(2,1,255,0)="|0"
345 | ^YTX(2,1,256,0)="|5 V8'=2:1"
346 | ^YTX(2,1,257,0)="Exam omitted."
347 | ^YTX(2,1,258,0)="|0"
348 | ^YTX(2,1,259,0)="|5 V8'=3:1"
349 | ^YTX(2,1,260,0)="Examined by inspection, palpation, and auscultation."
350 | ^YTX(2,1,261,0)="|17 | NORMAL EXCEPT FOR"
351 | ^YTX(2,1,262,0)="|2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,8)^9 :8"
352 | ^YTX(2,1,263,0)="|0 "
353 | ^YTX(2,1,264,0)="|18 -"
354 | ^YTX(2,1,265,0)="Heart -"
355 | ^YTX(2,1,266,0)="|5 V9'=1:1"
356 | ^YTX(2,1,267,0)="Normal to inspection, palpation, and auscultation."
357 | ^YTX(2,1,268,0)="Sinus rhythm, S1 and S2 normal, no murmurs, gallops, clicks or rubs."
358 | ^YTX(2,1,269,0)="|0"
359 | ^YTX(2,1,270,0)="|5 V9'=2:1"
360 | ^YTX(2,1,271,0)="Exam omitted."
361 | ^YTX(2,1,272,0)="|0"
362 | ^YTX(2,1,273,0)="|5 V9'=3:1"
363 | ^YTX(2,1,274,0)="Examined by inspection, palpaton, and auscultation for abnormalities"
364 | ^YTX(2,1,275,0)="in rhythm and sounds."
365 | ^YTX(2,1,276,0)="|17 | NORMAL EXCEPT FOR"
366 | ^YTX(2,1,277,0)="|2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,9)^9 :9"
367 | ^YTX(2,1,278,0)="|0 "
368 | ^YTX(2,1,279,0)="|18 -"
369 | ^YTX(2,1,280,0)="Abdomen -"
370 | ^YTX(2,1,281,0)="|5 V10'=1:1"
371 | ^YTX(2,1,282,0)="No tenderness. Spleen and"
372 | ^YTX(2,1,283,0)="liver not enlarged. No palpable masses. Bowel sounds normal."
373 | ^YTX(2,1,284,0)="|0"
374 | ^YTX(2,1,285,0)="|5 V10'=2:1"
375 | ^YTX(2,1,286,0)="Exam omitted."
376 | ^YTX(2,1,287,0)="|0"
377 | ^YTX(2,1,288,0)="|5 V10'=3:1"
378 | ^YTX(2,1,289,0)="Examined for tenderness, scars, masses, organomegaly, bowel sounds,"
379 | ^YTX(2,1,290,0)="hernias, and bruits."
380 | ^YTX(2,1,291,0)="|17 | NORMAL EXCEPT FOR"
381 | ^YTX(2,1,292,0)="|2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,10)^9"
382 | ^YTX(2,1,293,0)="|0 "
383 | ^YTX(2,1,294,0)=" "
384 | ^YTX(2,1,295,0)="|5 YSSEX[""F"":FEMALE|18 -"
385 | ^YTX(2,1,296,0)="Genitalia -"
386 | ^YTX(2,1,297,0)="|5 V11'=1:1"
387 | ^YTX(2,1,298,0)="Testes, epididymi, and penis normal. No masses, lesions."
388 | ^YTX(2,1,299,0)="| No hernias. |5 1:FEMALE"
389 | ^YTX(2,1,300,0)="|0"
390 | ^YTX(2,1,301,0)="|5 V11'=2:1"
391 | ^YTX(2,1,302,0)="| EXAM OMITTED. |5 1:FEMALE"
392 | ^YTX(2,1,303,0)="|0"
393 | ^YTX(2,1,304,0)="|5 V11<3:11|8 S Z="""" I $D(^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,11)) S Z=^(11)"
394 | ^YTX(2,1,305,0)="Examined"
395 | ^YTX(2,1,306,0)="|0"
396 | ^YTX(2,1,307,0)="|5 $P(Z,U,1)=2:1"
397 | ^YTX(2,1,308,0)="testes,"
398 | ^YTX(2,1,309,0)="|0"
399 | ^YTX(2,1,310,0)="|5 $P(Z,U,2)=2:1"
400 | ^YTX(2,1,311,0)="epididymi,"
401 | ^YTX(2,1,312,0)="|0"
402 | ^YTX(2,1,313,0)="|5 $P(Z,U,3)=2:1"
403 | ^YTX(2,1,314,0)="penis,"
404 | ^YTX(2,1,315,0)="|0"
405 | ^YTX(2,1,316,0)="|5 $P(Z,U,4)=2:1"
406 | ^YTX(2,1,317,0)="prostate"
407 | ^YTX(2,1,318,0)="|0"
408 | ^YTX(2,1,319,0)="|0 "
409 | ^YTX(2,1,320,0)="|5 V11<4:5"
410 | ^YTX(2,1,321,0)="omitted examinations-"
411 | ^YTX(2,1,322,0)="|0"
412 | ^YTX(2,1,323,0)="|5 $P(Z,U,1)=1:1"
413 | ^YTX(2,1,324,0)="testes."
414 | ^YTX(2,1,325,0)="|0"
415 | ^YTX(2,1,326,0)="|5 $P(Z,U,2)=1:1"
416 | ^YTX(2,1,327,0)="Epididymi."
417 | ^YTX(2,1,328,0)="|0"
418 | ^YTX(2,1,329,0)="|5 $P(Z,U,3)=1:1"
419 | ^YTX(2,1,330,0)="Penis."
420 | ^YTX(2,1,331,0)="|0"
421 | ^YTX(2,1,332,0)="|5 $P(Z,U,4)=1:1"
422 | ^YTX(2,1,333,0)="Prostate."
423 | ^YTX(2,1,334,0)="|0"
424 | ^YTX(2,1,335,0)="|5 V11=4:1"
425 | ^YTX(2,1,336,0)="|17 | NORMAL EXCEPT FOR"
426 | ^YTX(2,1,337,0)="|2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,11)^9 :11"
427 | ^YTX(2,1,338,0)="|0 "
428 | ^YTX(2,1,339,0)="|0 FEMALE"
429 | ^YTX(2,1,340,0)="|5 YSSEX[""M"":REST|18 -"
430 | ^YTX(2,1,341,0)="Pelvic exam -"
431 | ^YTX(2,1,342,0)="|5 V12'=1:1"
432 | ^YTX(2,1,343,0)="Normal introitus, vagina, cervix, uterus and adnexa."
433 | ^YTX(2,1,344,0)="|0"
434 | ^YTX(2,1,345,0)="|5 V12'=2:1"
435 | ^YTX(2,1,346,0)="Exam omitted."
436 | ^YTX(2,1,347,0)="|0"
437 | ^YTX(2,1,348,0)="|5 V12<3:3"
438 | ^YTX(2,1,349,0)="|5 V12>3:1"
439 | ^YTX(2,1,350,0)="A vaginal examination was done."
440 | ^YTX(2,1,351,0)="|0"
441 | ^YTX(2,1,352,0)="The uterus and adnexa were palpated."
442 | ^YTX(2,1,353,0)="|0"
443 | ^YTX(2,1,354,0)="|5 V12<3:1"
444 | ^YTX(2,1,355,0)="|17 | NORMAL EXCEPT FOR"
445 | ^YTX(2,1,356,0)="|2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,12)^9 :12"
446 | ^YTX(2,1,357,0)="|0 REST"
447 | ^YTX(2,1,358,0)="|18 -"
448 | ^YTX(2,1,359,0)="Rectum -"
449 | ^YTX(2,1,360,0)="|5 YSSEX'[""M"":4"
450 | ^YTX(2,1,361,0)="|5 V13'=1:1"
451 | ^YTX(2,1,362,0)="No fissures, hemorrhoids, or masses. Prostate normal size and consistency."
452 | ^YTX(2,1,363,0)="Stool for occult blood negative."
453 | ^YTX(2,1,364,0)="|0"
454 | ^YTX(2,1,365,0)="|5 V13'=2:1"
455 | ^YTX(2,1,366,0)="Exam omitted."
456 | ^YTX(2,1,367,0)="|0"
457 | ^YTX(2,1,368,0)="|5 V13'=3:1"
458 | ^YTX(2,1,369,0)="Examined for fissures, hemorrhoids, occult blood, and masses. Prostate examined."
459 | ^YTX(2,1,370,0)="|17 | NORMAL EXCEPT FOR"
460 | ^YTX(2,1,371,0)="|2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,13)^9 :13"
461 | ^YTX(2,1,372,0)="|0"
462 | ^YTX(2,1,373,0)="|5 1:4"
463 | ^YTX(2,1,374,0)="|0"
464 | ^YTX(2,1,375,0)="|5 V13'=1:1"
465 | ^YTX(2,1,376,0)="No fissures, hemorrhoids, or masses."
466 | ^YTX(2,1,377,0)="|0"
467 | ^YTX(2,1,378,0)="|5 V13'=2:1"
468 | ^YTX(2,1,379,0)="Exam omitted."
469 | ^YTX(2,1,380,0)="|0"
470 | ^YTX(2,1,381,0)="|5 V13'=3:1"
471 | ^YTX(2,1,382,0)="Examined for fissures, hemorrhoids, and masses."
472 | ^YTX(2,1,383,0)="|17 | NORMAL EXCEPT FOR"
473 | ^YTX(2,1,384,0)="|2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,13)^9 :13"
474 | ^YTX(2,1,385,0)="|0 "
475 | ^YTX(2,1,386,0)="|18 -"
476 | ^YTX(2,1,387,0)="Back -"
477 | ^YTX(2,1,388,0)="|5 V14'=1:1"
478 | ^YTX(2,1,389,0)="Normal curvature and mobility. No pain or tenderness."
479 | ^YTX(2,1,390,0)="No costovertebral angle tenderness."
480 | ^YTX(2,1,391,0)="|0"
481 | ^YTX(2,1,392,0)="|5 V14'=2:1"
482 | ^YTX(2,1,393,0)="Exam omitted."
483 | ^YTX(2,1,394,0)="|0"
484 | ^YTX(2,1,395,0)="|5 V14'=3:1"
485 | ^YTX(2,1,396,0)="Examined for curvature, mobility, pain, and costovertebral tenderness."
486 | ^YTX(2,1,397,0)="|17 | NORMAL EXCEPT FOR"
487 | ^YTX(2,1,398,0)="|2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,14)^9 :14"
488 | ^YTX(2,1,399,0)="|0 "
489 | ^YTX(2,1,400,0)="|18 -"
490 | ^YTX(2,1,401,0)="Extremities -"
491 | ^YTX(2,1,402,0)="|5 V15'=1:1"
492 | ^YTX(2,1,403,0)="Normal joints, radial and pedal pulsations. No edema, varicosities,"
493 | ^YTX(2,1,404,0)="cyanosis, deformity or trauma."
494 | ^YTX(2,1,405,0)="|0"
495 | ^YTX(2,1,406,0)="|5 V15'=2:1"
496 | ^YTX(2,1,407,0)="Exam omitted."
497 | ^YTX(2,1,408,0)="|0"
498 | ^YTX(2,1,409,0)="|5 V15'=3:1"
499 | ^YTX(2,1,410,0)="The joints and the radial and pedal pulsations were examined. The"
500 | ^YTX(2,1,411,0)="extremities were inspected for edema, varicosities, cyanosis, and lesion"
501 | ^YTX(2,1,412,0)="|17 | NORMAL EXCEPT FOR"
502 | ^YTX(2,1,413,0)="|2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,15)^9 :15"
503 | ^YTX(2,1,414,0)="|0 "
504 | ^YTX(2,1,415,0)="|18 -"
505 | ^YTX(2,1,416,0)="Neurological -"
506 | ^YTX(2,1,417,0)="|5 V16'=1:1"
507 | ^YTX(2,1,418,0)="Cranial nerves, muscle strength, sensation, deep tendon reflexes,"
508 | ^YTX(2,1,419,0)="coordination, gait & station, position, and vibratory sense normal."
509 | ^YTX(2,1,420,0)="|0"
510 | ^YTX(2,1,421,0)="|5 V16'=2:1"
511 | ^YTX(2,1,422,0)="Exam omitted."
512 | ^YTX(2,1,423,0)="|0"
513 | ^YTX(2,1,424,0)="|5 V16'=3:1"
514 | ^YTX(2,1,425,0)="Cranial nerves, muscle strength, sensation, deep tendon reflexes, coordination,"
515 | ^YTX(2,1,426,0)="gait & station, position, and vibratory sense were all examined."
516 | ^YTX(2,1,427,0)="|17 | NORMAL EXCEPT FOR"
517 | ^YTX(2,1,428,0)="|2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,16)^9 :16"
518 | ^YTX(2,1,429,0)="|0 "
519 | ^YTX(2,1,430,0)="|18 -"
520 | ^YTX(2,1,431,0)="Skin -"
521 | ^YTX(2,1,432,0)="|5 V17'=1:1"
522 | ^YTX(2,1,433,0)="Normal color and texture."
523 | ^YTX(2,1,434,0)="|0"
524 | ^YTX(2,1,435,0)="|5 V17'=2:1"
525 | ^YTX(2,1,436,0)="Exam omitted."
526 | ^YTX(2,1,437,0)="|0"
527 | ^YTX(2,1,438,0)="|5 V17'=3:1"
528 | ^YTX(2,1,439,0)="|17 | NORMAL EXCEPT FOR"
529 | ^YTX(2,1,440,0)="|2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,17)^9 :17"
530 | ^YTX(2,1,441,0)="|0 "
531 | ^YTX(2,1,442,0)="|18 -"
532 | ^YTX(2,1,443,0)="Lymph nodes -"
533 | ^YTX(2,1,444,0)="|5 V18'=1:1:1"
534 | ^YTX(2,1,445,0)="No enlargement or tenderness of cervical, axillary, or inguinal nodes."
535 | ^YTX(2,1,446,0)="|0 "
536 | ^YTX(2,1,447,0)="|5 V18'=2:1"
537 | ^YTX(2,1,448,0)="Exam omitted."
538 | ^YTX(2,1,449,0)="|0"
539 | ^YTX(2,1,450,0)="|5 V18'=3:1"
540 | ^YTX(2,1,451,0)="Cervical, axillary, and inguinal nodes examined for enlargement or tenderness."
541 | ^YTX(2,1,452,0)="| |17 | NORMAL EXCEPT FOR|2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,18)^9 :18"
542 | ^YTX(2,1,453,0)="|0"
543 | ^YTX(2,1,454,0)="|18 -"
544 | ^YTX(2,1,455,0)="|8 S YSIM=0 S:$D(^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",YSIDT,20,1,0)) YSIM=1"
545 | ^YTX(2,1,456,0)="|5 YSIM'=1:1"
546 | ^YTX(2,1,457,0)="|18 -| Initial Impression:|11 1"
547 | ^YTX(2,1,458,0)="|0"
548 | ^YTX(2,1,459,0)="|19"
549 | ^YTX(3,0)="PHY SHORT"
550 | ^YTX(3,1,0)="104^^99^99^2861027^"
551 | ^YTX(3,1,1,0)="|12 |8 S YSBLN="" "",Z=^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,0),YSDOT=9999999-DA,U=""^"""
552 | ^YTX(3,1,2,0)="|8 S Y=YSYDT D ENDD^YSUTL|1 Y|11 1"
553 | ^YTX(3,1,3,0)="| Name|1 YSNM| SSN|1 YSSSN| Age|1 YSAGE|1 YSBLN|1 $P(""FE"",""/"",YSSEX[""F"")_""MALE""|17"
554 | ^YTX(3,1,4,0)="|17 | Height|1 $J($P(Z,U,2),3)| in. Weight|1 $J($P(Z,U,3),3)| lb. Temp.|1 $J($P(Z,U,4),5)| F."
555 | ^YTX(3,1,5,0)="|17 | Height|1 $J($P(Z,U,8),3)| cm. Weight|1 $J($P(Z,U,9),3)| kg. Temp.|1 $J($P(Z,U,11),5)| C."
556 | ^YTX(3,1,6,0)="|17 | Pulse|1 $P(Z,U,5)| B.P.|1 $P(Z,U,6)| Resps.|1 $P(Z,U,7)"
557 | ^YTX(3,1,7,0)="|11 1|14 0|8 S YSCLI=$P(Z,U,10,11)"
558 | ^YTX(3,1,8,0)="----------------------------- Summary -----------------------------"
559 | ^YTX(3,1,9,0)="|14 0|13 0^78|5 '$D(^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,.9)):END"
560 | ^YTX(3,1,10,0)="|8 S Z=^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,.9) F I=1:1:18 S @(""V""_I_""=$P(Z,U,I)"")"
561 | ^YTX(3,1,11,0)="|8 S YSOC=0 F I=1:1:18 S @(""YSOC=YSOC+(2=V""_I_"")!(4=V""_I_"")"")"
562 | ^YTX(3,1,12,0)="|8 S YSAC=0 F I=1:1:18 S @(""YSAC=YSAC+(3=V""_I_"")!(5=V""_I_"")"")"
563 | ^YTX(3,1,13,0)="|18 -| Omitted or Partially Omitted Examinations:"
564 | ^YTX(3,1,14,0)="|1 $S(V1'=2:"""",1:""HEAD."")"
565 | ^YTX(3,1,15,0)="|1 $S((V2'=2)&(V2'=4):"""",1:""EYES."")"
566 | ^YTX(3,1,16,0)="|1 $S((V3'=2)&(V3'=4):"""",1:""EARS."")"
567 | ^YTX(3,1,17,0)="|1 $S(V4'=2:"""",1:""NOSE."")"
568 | ^YTX(3,1,18,0)="|1 $S(V5'=2:"""",1:""MOUTH."")"
569 | ^YTX(3,1,19,0)="|1 $S(V6'=2:"""",1:""NECK."")"
570 | ^YTX(3,1,20,0)="|1 $S(V7'=2:"""",1:""CHEST AND BREASTS."")"
571 | ^YTX(3,1,21,0)="|1 $S(V8'=2:"""",1:""LUNGS."")"
572 | ^YTX(3,1,22,0)="|1 $S(V9'=2:"""",1:""HEART."")"
573 | ^YTX(3,1,23,0)="|1 $S(V10'=2:"""",1:""ABDOMEN."")"
574 | ^YTX(3,1,24,0)="|1 $S((V11'=2)&(V11'=4):"""",1:""GENITALIA."")"
575 | ^YTX(3,1,25,0)="|1 $S(V12'=2:"""",1:""PELVIC."")"
576 | ^YTX(3,1,26,0)="|1 $S(V13'=2:"""",1:""RECTUM."")"
577 | ^YTX(3,1,27,0)="|1 $S(V14'=2:"""",1:""BACK."")"
578 | ^YTX(3,1,28,0)="|1 $S(V15'=2:"""",1:""EXTREMITIES."")"
579 | ^YTX(3,1,29,0)="|1 $S(V16'=2:"""",1:""NEUROLOGICAL."")"
580 | ^YTX(3,1,30,0)="|1 $S(V17'=2:"""",1:""SKIN."")"
581 | ^YTX(3,1,31,0)="|1 $S(V18'=2:"""",1:""LYMPH NODES."")"
582 | ^YTX(3,1,32,0)="|1 $S(YSOC:"""",1:""None."")"
583 | ^YTX(3,1,33,0)="|14 2|18 -"
584 | ^YTX(3,1,34,0)="Abnormal Findings:"
585 | ^YTX(3,1,35,0)=" "
586 | ^YTX(3,1,36,0)="|17 |5 V1'=3:1"
587 | ^YTX(3,1,37,0)=" "
588 | ^YTX(3,1,38,0)="|17 | HEAD: |2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,1)^9"
589 | ^YTX(3,1,39,0)="|0"
590 | ^YTX(3,1,40,0)=" "
591 | ^YTX(3,1,41,0)="|5 V2'=3&(V2'=5):1"
592 | ^YTX(3,1,42,0)="|17 | EYES: |2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,2)^9"
593 | ^YTX(3,1,43,0)="|0"
594 | ^YTX(3,1,44,0)=" "
595 | ^YTX(3,1,45,0)="|5 V3'=3&(V3'=5):1"
596 | ^YTX(3,1,46,0)="|17 | EARS: |2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,3)^9"
597 | ^YTX(3,1,47,0)="|0"
598 | ^YTX(3,1,48,0)="|5 V4'=3:1"
599 | ^YTX(3,1,49,0)="|17 | NOSE: |2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,4)^9"
600 | ^YTX(3,1,50,0)="|0"
601 | ^YTX(3,1,51,0)="|5 V5'=3:1"
602 | ^YTX(3,1,52,0)="|17 | MOUTH: |2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,5)^9"
603 | ^YTX(3,1,53,0)="|0"
604 | ^YTX(3,1,54,0)="|5 V6'=3:1"
605 | ^YTX(3,1,55,0)="|17 | NECK: |2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,6)^9"
606 | ^YTX(3,1,56,0)="|0"
607 | ^YTX(3,1,57,0)="|5 V7'=3:1"
608 | ^YTX(3,1,58,0)="|17 | CHEST AND BREASTS: |2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,7)^9"
609 | ^YTX(3,1,59,0)="|0"
610 | ^YTX(3,1,60,0)="|5 V8'=3:1"
611 | ^YTX(3,1,61,0)="|17 | LUNGS: |2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,8)^9"
612 | ^YTX(3,1,62,0)="|0"
613 | ^YTX(3,1,63,0)="|5 V9'=3:1"
614 | ^YTX(3,1,64,0)="|17 | HEART: |2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,9)^9"
615 | ^YTX(3,1,65,0)="|0"
616 | ^YTX(3,1,66,0)="|5 V10'=3:1"
617 | ^YTX(3,1,67,0)="|17 | ABDOMEN: |2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,10)^9"
618 | ^YTX(3,1,68,0)="|0"
619 | ^YTX(3,1,69,0)=" "
620 | ^YTX(3,1,70,0)="|5 V11'=3&(V11'=5):1"
621 | ^YTX(3,1,71,0)="|17 | GENITALIA: |2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,11)^9"
622 | ^YTX(3,1,72,0)="|0"
623 | ^YTX(3,1,73,0)="|5 V12'=3:1"
624 | ^YTX(3,1,74,0)="|17 | PELVIC EXAM: |2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,12)^9"
625 | ^YTX(3,1,75,0)="|0"
626 | ^YTX(3,1,76,0)="|5 V13'=3:1"
627 | ^YTX(3,1,77,0)="|17 | RECTUM: |2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,13)^9"
628 | ^YTX(3,1,78,0)="|0"
629 | ^YTX(3,1,79,0)="|5 V14'=3:1"
630 | ^YTX(3,1,80,0)="|17 | BACK: |2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,14)^9"
631 | ^YTX(3,1,81,0)="|0"
632 | ^YTX(3,1,82,0)="|5 V15'=3:1"
633 | ^YTX(3,1,83,0)="|17 | EXTREMITIES: |2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,15)^9"
634 | ^YTX(3,1,84,0)="|0"
635 | ^YTX(3,1,85,0)="|5 V16'=3:1"
636 | ^YTX(3,1,86,0)="|17 | NEUROLOGICAL: |2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,16)^9"
637 | ^YTX(3,1,87,0)="|0"
638 | ^YTX(3,1,88,0)="|5 V17'=3:1"
639 | ^YTX(3,1,89,0)="|17 | SKIN: |2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,17)^9"
640 | ^YTX(3,1,90,0)="|0"
641 | ^YTX(3,1,91,0)="|5 V18'=3:1"
642 | ^YTX(3,1,92,0)="|17 | LYMPH NODES: |2 ^MR(YSDFN,""PE"",DA,18)^9"
643 | ^YTX(3,1,93,0)="|0"
644 | ^YTX(3,1,94,0)="|5 YSAC'=0:1"
645 | ^YTX(3,1,95,0)="None"
646 | ^YTX(3,1,96,0)="|0"
647 | ^YTX(3,1,97,0)="|17 |14 0|18 -"
648 | ^YTX(3,1,98,0)="|18 -| ------------------------------------------------------------------"
649 | ^YTX(3,1,99,0)="|19"
650 | ^YTX("B","HELP",1)=""
651 | ^YTX("B","PHY",2)=""
652 | ^YTX("B","PHY SHORT",3)=""