[613] | 1 | RCAMADD ;WASH-ISC@ALTOONA,PA/RGY-Get debtor address ;10/8/96 5:15 PM
| 2 | V ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**34,190**;Mar 20, 1995
| 3 | ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified.
| 4 | ;
| 5 | ;Get AR Debtor Address
| 6 | ; Input:
| 7 | ; RCDB - Pointer to AR DEBTOR file #340
| 8 | ; RCCONF (optional) - Confidential Address required, if applicable. 1-yes, 0(default)-no.
| 9 | ; Returns Debtor Address:
| 10 | ; Str1^Str2^Str3^City^State^ZIP^Telephone^Forein Country Code
| 12 | N X
| 13 | S X="" G:$G(RCDB)="" Q
| 14 | I RCDB?1N.N S RCDB=$P($G(^RCD(340,RCDB,0)),"^")
| 15 | ; the confidential address has greatest priority for mailing
| 16 | I $G(RCCONF),RCDB["DPT(" S X=$$PAT(+RCDB,1) I X'="" G Q
| 17 | ; the AR DEBTOR address (if exists) has a greater priority the permanent address in PATIENT file.
| 18 | I RCDB["DPT(" S X=$$ARDEB(+$O(^RCD(340,"B",RCDB,0))) I ($P(X,U)'=""),($P(X,U,4)'=""),($P(X,U,5)'=""),(($P(X,U,6)'="")!($P(X,U,8)'="")) G Q
| 19 | I RCDB["DPT(" S X=$$PAT(+RCDB,0) G Q
| 20 | I RCDB["DIC(4" S X=$$INST(+RCDB) G Q
| 21 | I RCDB["PRC(440," S X=$$VEN(+RCDB) G Q
| 22 | I RCDB["DIC(36," S X=$$INSUR(+RCDB) G Q
| 23 | I RCDB["VA(200," S X=$$PER(+RCDB)
| 24 | Q Q X
| 25 | PER(RCDB) ;Get person address
| 26 | N X,Y
| 27 | S X="" G:'$D(^VA(200,+$G(RCDB),0)) Q1
| 28 | S Y=$S($D(^VA(200,RCDB,.11)):^(.11),1:"") F I=1:1:6 S $P(X,"^",I)=$P(Y,"^",I)
| 29 | S:$D(^VA(200,RCDB,.13)) $P(X,"^",7)=$P(^(.13),"^")
| 30 | S $P(X,"^",5)=$P($G(^DIC(5,+$P(X,"^",5),0)),"^",2)
| 31 | Q1 Q X
| 32 | INST(RCDB) ;Get institution address
| 33 | N X,Y
| 34 | S X="" G:'$D(^DIC(4,+$G(RCDB),0)) Q2
| 35 | S $P(X,"^",5)=$P(^DIC(4,RCDB,0),"^",2),Y=$S($D(^DIC(4,RCDB,1)):^(1),1:""),$P(X,"^")=$P(Y,"^"),$P(X,"^",2)=$P(Y,"^",2),$P(X,"^",4)=$P(Y,"^",3),$P(X,"^",6)=$P(Y,"^",4)
| 36 | S $P(X,"^",5)=$P($G(^DIC(5,+$P(X,"^",5),0)),"^",2)
| 37 | Q2 Q X
| 38 | ;
| 39 | PAT(RCDB,RCCONF) ;Get patient address as "Str1^Str2^Str3^City^State^ZIP^Telephone" from ^DPT
| 40 | ; if RCCONF=0 (default), then return patients permanent address
| 41 | ; if RCCONF=1, then return confidential address, or NULL
| 43 | I '$D(^DPT(+$G(RCDB),0)) S RCX="" G Q3
| 44 | S RCCONF=+$G(RCCONF) ; confidential address flag
| 46 | S RCX=""
| 47 | ;
| 48 | I 'RCCONF D
| 49 | . F RCY=1,2,3,4 S $P(RCX,"^",RCY)=VAPA(RCY)
| 50 | . S $P(RCX,"^",5)=$P($G(^DIC(5,+$P(VAPA(5),"^"),0)),"^",2)
| 51 | . S $P(RCX,"^",6)=$P($G(VAPA(11)),"^")
| 52 | ;
| 53 | ; is the confidential address available? Return NULL if not.
| 54 | I RCCONF S RCX="" G:'$G(VAPA(12)) Q3 G:($P($G(VAPA(22,3)),U,3)'="Y") Q3 D
| 55 | . F RCY=1,2,3,4 S $P(RCX,"^",RCY)=VAPA(RCY+12)
| 56 | . S $P(RCX,"^",5)=$P($G(^DIC(5,+$P(VAPA(17),"^"),0)),"^",2)
| 57 | . S $P(RCX,"^",6)=$P($G(VAPA(18)),"^")
| 58 | S $P(RCX,"^",7)=VAPA(8) ; Telephone
| 59 | Q3 Q RCX
| 60 | VEN(RCDB) ;Get vendor address
| 61 | NEW X,Y,I
| 62 | S X="" G:'$D(^PRC(440,+$G(RCDB),0)) Q4
| 63 | S Y=$S($D(^PRC(440,RCDB,.11)):^(.11),1:"") F I=1:1:7 S $P(X,"^",I)=$P(Y,"^",I)
| 64 | S $P(X,"^",5)=$P($G(^DIC(5,+$P(X,"^",5),0)),"^",2)
| 65 | Q4 Q X
| 66 | INSUR(RCDB) ;Get insurance company address
| 67 | NEW X,Y,I
| 68 | S X="" G:'$D(^DIC(36,+$G(RCDB),0)) Q5
| 69 | S Y=$S($D(^DIC(36,RCDB,.11)):^(.11),1:"") F I=1:1:6 S $P(X,"^",I)=$P(Y,"^",I)
| 70 | S:$D(^DIC(36,RCDB,.13)) $P(X,"^",7)=$P(^(.13),"^",2)
| 71 | S $P(X,"^",5)=$P($G(^DIC(5,+$P(X,"^",5),0)),"^",2)
| 72 | Q5 Q X
| 73 | ARDEB(RCDB) ;Get address from AR Debtor file (340)
| 74 | NEW X,Y
| 75 | S X="" G:'$D(^RCD(340,+$G(RCDB),0)) Q6 S X=$P($G(^RCD(340,RCDB,1)),"^",1,8)
| 76 | S $P(X,"^",5)=$P($G(^DIC(5,+$P(X,"^",5),0)),"^",2)
| 77 | Q6 Q X