RCDMCR3A ;HEC/SBW - DMC Rated Disability Eligibility Change Report ; 22/OCT/2007 ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**253**;Mar 20, 1995;Build 9 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; ;This routine is being implemented for the Hold Debt to DMC Project. ;It will do the following: ; Report option in AR to assist users in focusing on reviewing the ; legitimacy of bills for veterans who are neither SC 50% to 100% ; nor in receipt of a VA Pension benefits (Veterans not included on ; the "DMC Debt Validity Report"). The report will contain ; information on veterans who have bills for episodes of care ; within the previous 365 days (or older selected date) and who ; have a new Rated Disability during a user selected time period. ; MAIN ; Initial Interactive Processing N STOPIT,EXCEL,RCSCR,GETBEGDT,RDDATE,RCBEGDT,RCENDDT W !!,"*** Print the Rated Disability Eligibility Change Report ***" ; S STOPIT=0 ; quit flag ;Prompt user for Date Range for Rated Disability Eligibility Changes S RDDATE=$$DATE^RCDMCUT2(" Enter the Date Range for Rated Disability Changes.") ;Quit is user up arrowed or timed out Q:RDDATE'>0 S RCBEGDT=$P(RDDATE,U,2),RCENDDT=$P(RDDATE,U,3) ; ;Prompt user for Date from which to include bills for episodes of care ;on report S GETBEGDT=$$GETBEGDT^RCDMCUT2("Report To Include Bills For Episodes of Care Beginning With User Selected Date."," Entered Date Must be "_$$FMTE^XLFDT($$FMADD^XLFDT(DT,-365,0,0,0),"1D")_" or older!") ;Quit if user up arrowed or timed out Q:+GETBEGDT'>0 S BEGDT=$P(GETBEGDT,U,2) ; ; Prompt user if report will be Excel Delimited format: S EXCEL=$$EXCEL^RCDMCUT2 ;Quit is user up arrowed or timed out Q:EXCEL="^" D:EXCEL>0 EXMSG^RCDMCUT2 D:EXCEL'>0 . W !!,"This report may take a while to process. It is recommended that" . W !,"you Queue this report to a device that is 132 characters wide." ; D DEVICE^RCDMCUT2("RUN^RCDMCR3A","DMC Rated Disability Eligibility Change Report Process",.STOPIT,.RCSCR,BEGDT,EXCEL) Q:STOPIT>0!($D(ZTQUEUED)) D RUN^RCDMCR3A I STOPIT'=2 D PAUSE2^RCDMCUT2 Q ; QUERPT ; Initial Taskman Scheduled Queued processing N STOPIT,EXCEL,RCSCR,BEGDT,RCDAY,RCBEGDT,RCENDDT S STOPIT=0,EXCEL="",RCSCR="" ; ;Get the "NUMBER OF DAYS FOR DMC REPORTS" site parameter in the AR Site ;Parameter (#342) file. S BEGDT=$$GETRDAY^RCMSITE ;If parameter value not greater than 364 day set default to 365 days S:BEGDT'>364 BEGDT=365 ;Set report begin date to past date using Number of Days for DMC reports S BEGDT=$$FMADD^XLFDT(DT,0-BEGDT,0,0,0) ; ;Get the # OF DAYS FOR RD ELIG CHG RPT" site parameter in the AR Site ;Parameter (#342) file. S RCDAY=$$GETRDDAY^RCMSITE ;If parameter value not greater than zero default to 31 days S:RCDAY'>0 RCDAY=31 ;Set RD Beginning Date with RDDAY a negative value S RCBEGDT=$$FMADD^XLFDT(DT,0-RCDAY,0,0,0) ;Set RD End Date till tomorrow to get all data for today S RCENDDT=$$FMADD^XLFDT(DT,+1,0,0,0) ; D RUN^RCDMCR3A Q ; RUN ;Get data and Print it out ;If queued ensure you delete it from the TASKS file I $D(ZTQUEUED) S ZTREQ="@" N RCPAGE ;If not passed date, default to get data 365 old I $G(BEGDT)'>0 S BEGDT=$$FMADD^XLFDT(DT,-365,0,0,0) K ^TMP($J,"RCDMCR3") S RCPAGE=0 ; Collect the data in ^TMP D COLLECT^RCDMCR3B(.STOPIT,BEGDT,RCBEGDT,RCENDDT) Q:$G(STOPIT)>0 U IO ; Print Report using data in ^TMP D REPORT I 'RCSCR W !,@IOF D ^%ZISC K ^TMP($J,"RCDMCR3") K EXCEL,RCSCR,TESTDATE Q ; REPORT ;Print report N RUNDATE,FULLHDR,STATUS,NAME,SSN,CHGDT,RDNAME,RDSEXTRE,BILLNO N NAMEPRT,CHGDTPRT,RDPRT ; S RUNDATE=$$FMTE^XLFDT($$NOW^XLFDT,"9MP") ;Print header with field headers S FULLHDR=1 D HDR I +$D(^TMP($J,"RCDMCR3"))'>0 W !,"No data meets the criteria." Q S NAME="" F S NAME=$O(^TMP($J,"RCDMCR3","DETAIL",NAME)) Q:NAME']"" D Q:STOPIT . S SSN="" . F S SSN=$O(^TMP($J,"RCDMCR3","DETAIL",NAME,SSN)) Q:SSN']"" D Q:STOPIT . . ;NAMEPRT - Use to only print Name & SSN once for multiple Vet RDs . . S NAMEPRT=1 . . S CHGDT=0 . . F S CHGDT=$O(^TMP($J,"RCDMCR3","DETAIL",NAME,SSN,CHGDT)) Q:CHGDT'>0 D Q:STOPIT . . . ;CHGDTPRT - Use to only print RD Change Date once for multiple . . . ; RD Change Dates . . . S CHGDTPRT=1 . . . S RDNAME="" . . . F S RDNAME=$O(^TMP($J,"RCDMCR3","DETAIL",NAME,SSN,CHGDT,RDNAME)) Q:RDNAME']"" D Q:STOPIT . . . . S RDSEXTRE="" . . . . F S RDSEXTRE=$O(^TMP($J,"RCDMCR3","DETAIL",NAME,SSN,CHGDT,RDNAME,RDSEXTRE)) Q:RDSEXTRE']"" D Q:STOPIT . . . . . ;CHGDTPRT - Use to only print RD Name once for multiple RD Names . . . . . S RDPRT=1 . . . . . S BILLNO="" . . . . . F S BILLNO=$O(^TMP($J,"RCDMCR3","DETAIL",NAME,SSN,CHGDT,RDNAME,RDSEXTRE,BILLNO)) Q:BILLNO']"" D Q:STOPIT . . . . . . N NODE,CNUM,CLOC,RDLEXTRE,RDORGDT,RXDT,OPTDT,DISCHDT . . . . . . N STATUS . . . . . . S NODE=$G(^TMP($J,"RCDMCR3","DETAIL",NAME,SSN,CHGDT,RDNAME,RDSEXTRE,BILLNO)) . . . . . . S CNUM=$P(NODE,U,1),CLOC=$P(NODE,U,2) . . . . . . S RDLEXTRE=$P(NODE,U,3) . . . . . . S RDORGDT=$P(NODE,U,4) . . . . . . S RXDT=$P(NODE,U,5),OPTDT=$P(NODE,U,6) . . . . . . S DISCHDT=$P(NODE,U,7) . . . . . . S STATUS=$P(NODE,U,8) . . . . . . I EXCEL'>0 D WRLINE Q . . . . . . I EXCEL>0 D WRLINE2 Q ;Don't print summary if user ^ out Q:STOPIT ;Don't print field headers S FULLHDR=0 ;Ensure Summary data all fits on same page D CHKP(9) Q:STOPIT W !!,"SUMMARY" D ULINE^RCDMCUT2("=",48) W !,"Total Number of unique veterans: ",$J($FN($G(^TMP($J,"RCDMCR3","SUM-VET")),",P"),13) W !,"Total Number of Rated Disabilities: ",$J($FN($G(^TMP($J,"RCDMCR3","SUM-RD")),",P"),13) W !,"Total Number of Bills: ",$J($FN($G(^TMP($J,"RCDMCR3","SUM-BILL")),",P"),13) ; Q ; WRLINE ; Write the data formated report line D CHKP() Q:STOPIT ;If Multiple Bills for Vet only print Name & SSN for 1st record on page W ! I NAMEPRT>0 D . W $E(NAME,1,14) . W ?15,SSN . W ?21,CNUM . W ?32,CLOC . S NAMEPRT=0 I CHGDTPRT>0 D . W ?38,$$STRIP^XLFSTR($$FMTE^XLFDT(CHGDT,"8D")," ") . S CHGDTPRT=0 I RDPRT>0 D . W ?46,$E(RDNAME,1,29) . W ?77,RDSEXTRE . W ?81,$$STRIP^XLFSTR($$FMTE^XLFDT(RDORGDT,"8D")," ") . S RDPRT=0 W ?89,BILLNO W ?101,$$STRIP^XLFSTR($$FMTE^XLFDT(RXDT,"8D")," ") W ?109,$$STRIP^XLFSTR($$FMTE^XLFDT(OPTDT,"8D")," ") W ?118,$$STRIP^XLFSTR($$FMTE^XLFDT(DISCHDT,"8D")," ") W ?126,$E(STATUS,1,6) Q ; WRLINE2 ; Write the Excel report line W ! W NAME_U W SSN_U W CNUM_U W CLOC_U W $$FMTE^XLFDT(CHGDT,"9D")_U W RDNAME_U W RDLEXTRE_U W $$FMTE^XLFDT(RDORGDT,"9D")_U W BILLNO_U W $$FMTE^XLFDT(RXDT,"9D")_U W $$FMTE^XLFDT(OPTDT,"9D")_U W $$FMTE^XLFDT(DISCHDT,"9D")_U W STATUS_U Q ; CHKP(FOOTER) ;Check for End of Page ;INPUT: ; FOOTER - Footer value. Optional. Default to 4 if nothing passed I $G(FOOTER)'>0 S FOOTER=4 I $Y>(IOSL-FOOTER) D:RCSCR PAUSE^RCDMCUT2 Q:STOPIT D HDR Q ; HDR ;Print Report Header ;NAMEPRT - Use to print Name & SSN once for multiple Vets RDs per page ;CHGDTPRT - Use to print RD Change Date once for multiple RDs per page ;RDPRT - Use to print RD Name once for multiple RD names per page S NAMEPRT=1,CHGDTPRT=1,RDPRT=1 S RCPAGE=RCPAGE+1 W @IOF,"Rated Disability Eligibility Change Report -- Run Date: ",RUNDATE W " -- Episode of Care Data from ",$$FMTE^XLFDT(BEGDT,"9D") W ?122,"Page: "_RCPAGE W !?5,"RD Change Dates from ",$$FMTE^XLFDT(RCBEGDT,"9D")," to ",$$FMTE^XLFDT(RCENDDT,"9D") ;Quit if printing summary data. Don't need field headers I FULLHDR'>0 D ULINE^RCDMCUT2("=",$G(IOM)) Q ;Print to screen or printer I EXCEL'>0 D . W !?21,"Claim",?32,"Claim",?38,"RD Chg",?74,"Extre-",?81,"RD Orig",?89,"BILL",?101,"RX Fill",?109,"Outpat",?118,"Dischar" . W !,"Veteran Name",?15,"SSN",?21,"Number",?32,"Loc.",?38,"Date",?46,"RD Name",?75,"mity",?81,"Date",?89,"Number",?101,"Date",?109,"Visit Dt",?118,"Date",?126,"Status" . D ULINE^RCDMCUT2("=",$G(IOM)) ;Export to Delimited Excel format I EXCEL>0 D . W !,"Veteran Name",U,"SSN",U,"Claim #",U,"Claim Loc",U,"RD Chg Date",U,"RD Name",U,"Extremity",U,"RD Orig Eff Date",U,"Bill #",U,"RX Fill",U,"Oupat Visit Date",U,"Discharge Date",U,"Status" Q ;