RCDMCUT2 ;HEC/SBW - Utility Functions for Hold Debt to DMC Project ;30/AUG/2007 ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**253**;Mar 20, 1995;Build 9 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; Q ; DEVICE(ROUTINE,DESC,STOPIT,RCSCR,BEGDT,EXCEL,RCTYPE,RCDMC) ; ;INPUT: ; ROUTINE - Routine Entry to Queue (e.g. MAIN^RDDMCR1) ; DESC - Description to use for tasked jobs ; BEGDT - Beginning date the report should begin with (required) ; EXCEL - If 1 report format will be Excel Delimited (Optional) ; RCTYPE - Report Type - D-DETAILED,S-SUMMARY,E-Excel (Optional) ; RCDMC - DMC Debt Valid Field Value - A-ALL VALUES,B-BLANK/NULL, ; Y-YES,N-NO (Optional) ;OUTPUT: ; STOPIT - Variable to indicate if process should't continue ; RCSCR - Variable to indicate if process is being sent to ; the screen or a device. 1 indicate screen ; N %ZIS,ZTSK,ZTRTN,ZTIO,ZTDESC,POP,ZTSAVE I $G(ROUTINE)']"" S STOPIT=1 Q I $G(BEGDT)']"" S STOPIT=1 Q S %ZIS="QM" W ! D ^%ZIS I POP S STOPIT=1 Q S RCSCR=$S($E($G(IOST),1,2)="C-":1,1:0) ; I $D(IO("Q")) D S STOPIT=1 . S ZTRTN=ROUTINE . S ZTIO=ION . S ZTSAVE("RC*")="" . S ZTSAVE("STOPIT")="" . S ZTSAVE("BEGDT")="" . S ZTSAVE("EXCEL")="" . S ZTDESC=$G(DESC) . D ^%ZTLOAD . W !!,$S($D(ZTSK):"Request Queued. TASK = "_ZTSK,1:"REQUEST CANCELLED") . D HOME^%ZIS Q ; STOPIT() ; Checks if user requested task to stop ;Input: ; No input ;Output ; Function returns one if the user requested the task to stop ; N RCX,STOPIT S STOPIT=0 S RCX=$$S^%ZTLOAD I RCX D ; . S STOPIT=1 . I $G(ZTSK) S ZTSTOP=1 Q STOPIT ; EXCEL() ; - Returns whether to capture data for Excel report. ;INPUT: ; None ; Output: ; Returns 1 - YES (capture data) / 0 - NO (DO NOT capture data) / ; "^" - Exit report ; N EXCEL,X,Y,DIR,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIROUT ; S EXCEL=0 S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="NO",DIR("T")=DTIME W ! S DIR("A")="Do you want to capture report data for an Excel document" S DIR("?")="^D HEXC^RCDMCUT2" D ^DIR S:$D(DIRUT)!$D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT)!$D(DIROUT) EXCEL="^" S:$G(Y)>0 EXCEL=1 ; Q EXCEL ; HEXC ; - 'Do you want to capture data...' prompt W !!," Enter: 'Y' - To capture detail report data to transfer" W !," to an Excel document" W !," '' - To skip this option" W !," '^' - To quit this option" Q ; EXMSG ; - Displays the message about capturing to an Excel file format ; W !!?5,"This report may take a while to run. It is recommended that you Queue it." W !!?5,"To capture as an Excel format, it is recommended that you queue this" W !?5,"report to a spool device with margins of 256 and page length of 99999" W !?5,"(e.g. spoolname;256;99999). This should help avoid wrapping problems." W !!?5,"Another method would be to set up your terminal to capture the detail" W !?5,"report data. On some terminals, this can be done by clicking on the" W !?5,"'Tools' menu above, then click on 'Capture Incoming Data' to save to" W !?5,"Desktop. To avoid undesired wrapping of the data saved to the file," W !?5,"please enter '0;256;99999' at the 'DEVICE:' prompt.",! Q ; GETTYPE(STOPIT) ; Choose a (S)ummary or (D)etail or (E)xcel Delimited Report ;INPUT ; STOPIT - Variable to be set if user '^' out or time out ;OUTPUT ; STOPIT - Variable to be set if user '^' out or time out ; Function returns the Report Type (D,S,E) ; N Y,X,DIR,DIRUT,DUOUT,DTOUT,DIROUT S DIR(0)="S^D:DETAILED;S:SUMMARY;E:EXCEL DELIMITED" S DIR("A")="Select Type of Report" W ! D ^DIR S:$D(DIRUT)!$D(DUOUT)!$D(DTOUT)!$D(DIROUT) STOPIT=1,Y="" Q Y ; GETDMC(STOPIT) ;Chose DMC Debt Valid field value to include Null, Pending, ; Yes, No and All vallues ;INPUT ; STOPIT - Variable to be set if user '^' out or time out ;OUTPUT ; STOPIT - Variable to be set if user '^' out or time out ; Function returns the DMC Debt Valid Field Value (A,B,P,Y,N) ; N Y,X,DIR,DIRUT,DUOUT,DTOUT,DIROUT S DIR(0)="S^A:ALL FIELD VALUES;B:BLANK/NULL;P:PENDING;Y:YES;N:NO" S DIR("A")="Select DMC Debt Valid field value" S DIR("?")=" " S DIR("?",1)="Enter 'A' to list bills of all DMC Debt Valid values" S DIR("?",2)="Enter 'B' to list bills not yet reviewed by the user" S DIR("?",3)="Enter 'P' to list bills excluded by AR nightly background process" S DIR("?",4)="Enter 'Y' to list bills a User determined should be referred to DMC" S DIR("?",5)="Enter 'N' to list bills a User determined should not be referred to DMC" W ! D ^DIR S:$D(DIRUT)!$D(DUOUT)!$D(DTOUT)!$D(DIROUT) STOPIT=1,Y="" Q Y ; EXTTYPE(TYPE) ;Get Set of Code external format for Report type ;INPUT ; TYPE - Internal Report type: D, S, E ;OUTPUT ; Returns external Report type: D - DETAILED, S - SUMMARY, ; E - EXCEL DELIMITED ; S TYPE=$G(TYPE) Q $S(TYPE="D":"DETAILED",TYPE="S":"SUMMARY",TYPE="E":"EXCEL DELIMITED",1:"") ; EXTDMC(VAL) ;Get Set of Code external format for DMC Debt Valid field value ;INPUT ; VAL - Internal DMC Debt Valid value: A, B, P, Y, N ;OUTPUT ; Returns external DMC Debt Valid value: A - ALL, B - BLANK/NULL ; P - PENDING, Y - YES, N - NO ; S VAL=$G(VAL) Q $S(VAL="A":"ALL",VAL="B":"BLANK/NULL",VAL="P":"PENDING",VAL="Y":"YES",VAL="N":"NO",1:"") ; DATE(PROMPT) ;Get beginning and Ending dates ;INPUT: ; PROMPT - Message to display prior to prompting for dates ;OUTPUT: ; 1^BEGDT^ENDDT - Data found ; 0 - User up arrowed or timed out ; N %DT,Y,X,BEGDT,ENDDT,DTOUT,OUT,DIRUT,DUOUT,DIROUT S OUT=0 W !,$G(PROMPT) S %DT="AEX" S %DT("A")="Enter Beginning Date: " S %DT("B")="TODAY" W ! D ^%DT K %DT ;Quit if user time out or didn't enter valid date Q:Y<0 OUT S BEGDT=+Y S %DT="AEX" S %DT("A")="Enter Ending Date: ",%DT("B")="TODAY" D ^%DT K %DT ;Quit if user time out or didn't enter valid date Q:Y<0 OUT S ENDDT=+Y S OUT=1_U_BEGDT_U_ENDDT ;Switch dates when user enters more recent date for Begin Date ;than End Date S:BEGDT>ENDDT OUT=1_U_ENDDT_U_BEGDT Q OUT ; GETBEGDT(PROMPT1,PROMPT2) ;Get beginning date ;INPUT: ; PROMPT1 - Message to display prior to prompting for date ; PROMPT2 - Message to display prior to prompting for date ;OUTPUT: ; 1^BEGDT - Data found ; 0 - User up arrowed or timed out ; N %DT,Y,X,BEGDT,DTOUT,OUT,DIRUT,DUOUT,DIROUT S OUT=0 W !!,$G(PROMPT1) W:$G(PROMPT2)]"" !,PROMPT2 S %DT="AEX" S %DT("A")="Enter Beginning Date: " S %DT("B")=$$FMTE^XLFDT($$FMADD^XLFDT(DT,-365,0,0,0),"1D") S %DT(0)=-$$FMADD^XLFDT(DT,-365,0,0,0) W ! D ^%DT K %DT ;Quit if user time out or didn't enter valid date Q:Y<0 OUT S BEGDT=+Y S OUT=1_U_BEGDT Q OUT ; PAUSE ;If sending report to screen display pause message at screen bottom N X U IO(0) W !!,"Press RETURN to continue, '^' to exit:" R X:DTIME S:'$T X="^" S:X["^" STOPIT=2 U IO Q ; PAUSE2 ;If sending report to screen display pause message at screen bottom; N X U IO(0) W !!,"Press RETURN to continue:" R X:DTIME S:'$T X="^" S:X["^" STOPIT=2 U IO Q ; ULINE(X,WIDTH) ;Display line of a given character ;INPUT: ; X - Character to display ; WIDTH - Number of Character to display ; N I S:$G(WIDTH)'>0 WIDTH=80 W ! F I=1:1:WIDTH W $G(X,"-") Q ;