RCDPUDEP ;WISC/RFJ-deposit utilities ;29/MAY/2008 ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**114,173,257**;Mar 20, 1995;Build 3 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. Q ; ; ADDDEPT(DEPOSIT,DEPDATE) ; if the deposit is not entered, add it ; ; if deposit date is missing, do not add the deposit I 'DEPDATE Q 0 ; ; already in file, deposit number and deposit date match N DA,RCDPFLAG S DA=0 F S DA=$O(^RCY(344.1,"B",DEPOSIT,DA)) Q:'DA I $P($G(^RCY(344.1,DA,0)),"^",3)=DEPDATE S RCDPFLAG=1 Q I $G(RCDPFLAG) Q DA ; ; add it N %,%DT,D0,DA,DD,DI,DIC,DIE,DLAYGO,DO,DQ,DR,X,Y S DIC="^RCY(344.1,",DIC(0)="L",DLAYGO=344.1 ; .03 = deposit date .06 = opened by ; .07 = date/time opened .12 = status (set to 1:open) S DIC("DR")=".03////"_DEPDATE_";.06////"_DUZ_";.07///NOW;.12////1;" S X=DEPOSIT D FILE^DICN I Y>0 Q +Y Q 0 ; ; SELDEPT(ADDNEW) ; select a deposit ; if $g(addnew) allow adding a new deposit ; returns -1 for timeout or ^, 0 for no selection, or ien of deposit N %,%T,%Y,C,D0,DA,DIC,DIE,DLAYGO,DQ,DR,DTOUT,DUOUT,RCDEFLUP,X,Y S DIC="^RCY(344.1,",DIC(0)="QEAM",DIC("A")="Select DEPOSIT: " S DIC("W")="D DICW^RCDPUDEP" ; use special lookup on input S RCDEFLUP=1 I $G(ADDNEW) S DIC(0)="QEALM",DLAYGO=344.1,DIC("DR")=".03///TODAY;.06////"_DUZ_";.07///NOW;.12////1;" D ^DIC I Y<0,'$G(DUOUT),'$G(DTOUT) S Y=0 Q +Y ; ; DICW ; write identifier code for receipt lookup N DATA S DATA=$G(^RCY(344.1,Y,0)) I DATA="" Q ; opened by W ?13,"by: ",$E($P($G(^VA(200,+$P(DATA,"^",6),0)),"^"),1,15) ; date opened I '$P(DATA,"^",7) S $P(DATA,"^",7)="???????" W ?35," on: ",$E($P(DATA,"^",7),4,5),"/",$E($P(DATA,"^",7),6,7),"/",$E($P(DATA,"^",7),2,3) ; total dollars W ?50," amt: $",$J($P(DATA,"^",4),9,2) ; status W ?69," ",$P("N/A^OPEN^DEPOSITED^CONFIRMED^PROCESSED^VOID","^",+$P(DATA,"^",12)+1) Q ; ; LOOKUP ; special lookup on deposits, called from ^dd(344.1,.01,7.5) ; if rcdeflup flag not set, do not use special lookup I '$D(RCDEFLUP) Q ; 1:OPEN;3:CONFIRMED ; user entered O.? for lookup on open deposits I X["O."!(X["o.") S DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),U,12)=1" S X="?" Q ; user entered C.? for lookup on confirmed deposits I X["C."!(X["c.") S DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),U,12)=3" S X="?" Q ; deposit ticket # manually added is for electronic ticket only I $G(DIC(0))["L",$$AUTODEP(X) D EN^DDIOL(" ** Deposit #'s starting with "_$E(X,1,3)_" can only be used by automatic deposits",,"!") S X="" Q ; Do not allow for 7-, 8-, or 9-digit electronic ticket to be added. I $G(DIC(0))["L",'$D(^RCY(344.1,"B",X)),$L(X)>6,$L(X)<10 D EN^DDIOL(" ** Deposit # of "_$L(X)_" digits not allowed. "_$S($L(X)=9:"9 digits limited to automatic deposits.",1:""),,"!") S X="" Q K DIC("S") Q ; ; EDITDEP(DA,ASKDATE) ; edit the deposit ; if $g(askdate) ask only the deposit date N %,D,D0,DI,DIC,DIE,DQ,DR,J,X,Y S (DIC,DIE)="^RCY(344.1,",DR="" ; deposit date(.03), do not allow edit if closed or either lockbox I $$CHECKDEP^RCDPDPLU(DA) S DR=".03BANK DEPOSIT DATE//TODAY;" ; bank(.13) S DR=DR_".13//"_$P($G(^RC(342.1,+$O(^RC(342.1,"AC",9,0)),0)),"^")_";" ; bank trace(.05) S DR=DR_".05;" ; agency title(.17) S DR=DR_".17//"_$P($G(^RC(342.1,+$O(^RC(342.1,"AC",10,0)),0)),"^")_";" ; agency location code(.14), comments(1) S DR=DR_".14//"_$P(^RC(342,1,0),"^",7)_";1;" ; ; only ask deposit date I $G(ASKDATE) S DR=".03BANK DEPOSIT DATE//TODAY;" D ^DIE Q ; ; CONFIRM(DA) ; confirm the deposit N %DT,D,D0,DI,DIC,DIE,DQ,DR,X,Y S (DIC,DIE)="^RCY(344.1," S DR=".04///"_$$TOTAL(DA)_";.12////3;.1////"_DUZ_";.11///NOW;" D ^DIE Q ; ; TOTAL(RCDEPTDA) ; compute total dollars for all receipts on the deposit N RCRECTDA,RCTRANDA,TOTAL S RCRECTDA=0 F S RCRECTDA=$O(^RCY(344,"AD",RCDEPTDA,RCRECTDA)) Q:'RCRECTDA D . S RCTRANDA=0 . F S RCTRANDA=$O(^RCY(344,RCRECTDA,1,RCTRANDA)) Q:'RCTRANDA D . . S TOTAL=$G(TOTAL)+$P($G(^RCY(344,RCRECTDA,1,RCTRANDA,0)),"^",4) Q +$G(TOTAL) ; AUTODEP(X) ; Function returns 1 if the deposit ticket # in X is in the auto ; deposit number space 269xxx, 369xxx, 469xxx, 569xxx, or 669xxx ; and hasn't been previously entered via lockbox interface. ; N Y S Y=0 I $L(X)=6,$E(X,2,3)="69","23456"[$E(X),'$D(^RCY(344.1,"B",X)) S Y=1 Q Y ;