[613] | 1 | GMRA2PRE ;HIRMFO/FPT-Pre-init for GMRA*4*2 ;7/24/96 08:43
| 2 | ;;4.0;Adverse Reaction Tracking;**2**;Mar 29, 1996
| 3 | ;
| 4 | ; This pre-init for patch #2 does the following:
| 5 | ; 1) deletes the Soundex cross-reference on File 120.82 Field #.01,
| 6 | ; 2) fixes bad data in File 120.86
| 7 | ;
| 8 | D DEL01,ERR
| 9 | Q
| 10 | ;
| 11 | DEL01 ; Delete ^DD(120.8,.01 and ^GMRD(120.8,"SOUND")
| 12 | ; This field will be restored in the installation process without
| 13 | ; the soundex cross-reference
| 14 | S DA=.01,DA(1)=120.82,DIK="^DD(120.82," D ^DIK
| 15 | K ^GMRD(120.82,"SOUND"),DA,DIK
| 16 | Q
| 17 | ERR ; Delete patient assessment entry in file 120.86 if second piece is 1
| 18 | ; and there are no active entries (i.e., not entered-in-error) in
| 19 | ; file 120.8 for the patient.
| 20 | ; In File 120.86, fix missing .01 value, delete erroneous 5th piece and
| 21 | ; fix 2nd piece.
| 22 | S GMRALOOP=0
| 24 | .S GMRANODE=$G(^GMR(120.86,GMRALOOP,0)) ;get zero node
| 25 | .S GMRAPRA=$P(GMRANODE,U,2) ;pt reaction assessment
| 26 | .I $P(GMRANODE,U,5)]"" S $P(^GMR(120.86,GMRALOOP,0),U,5)="" ;clean out 5th piece
| 27 | .I $P(GMRANODE,U,1)="" S $P(^GMR(120.86,GMRALOOP,0),U,1)=GMRALOOP,DA=GMRALOOP,DIK="^GMR(120.86,",DIK(1)=".01" D EN^DIK K DIK(1) ;put in missing name pointer
| 28 | .I GMRAPRA=1 I $$NKASCR^GMRANKA(GMRALOOP) S DA=GMRALOOP,DIK="^GMR(120.86," D ^DIK W:$E(IOST)="C" "." Q ;delete 120.86 entries if assessment=1, but nka
| 29 | .I GMRAPRA'=0,GMRAPRA'=1 D ;look for garbage in pt reaction assessment
| 30 | ..S GMRANKA=$$NKASCR^GMRANKA(GMRALOOP) ;pt has reactions (0) or nka (1)
| 31 | ..I GMRANKA=1 S DA=GMRALOOP,DIK="^GMR(120.86," D ^DIK W:$E(IOST)="C" "." Q ;delete 120.86 entry if nka
| 32 | ..I GMRANKA=0 S $P(^GMR(120.86,GMRALOOP,0),U,2)=1 ;set pt assessment=1
| 33 | ..Q
| 34 | .Q
| 36 | Q