| 1 | OOPSWCSE ;WIOFO/LLH-Workers' Comp Sign for Employee ;01/20/01
| 2 | ;;2.0;ASISTS;;Jun 03, 2002
| 3 | ;
| 4 | EN1(CALLER) ; Entry point for routine
| 5 | ; Input: CALLER = "S" for Safety Officer
| 6 | ; "H" for Employee Health
| 7 | ; "W" for Workers' Comp
| 8 | ;
| 10 | Q:DUZ<1
| 11 | Q:$G(^VA(200,DUZ,1))=""
| 12 | S IEN=0
| 13 | S DIC="^OOPS(2260,"
| 14 | S DIC("S")="I $$SCR^OOPSWCSE(Y)"_",'$$GET1^DIQ(2260,Y,51,""I"")"
| 15 | S DIC(0)="AEMNZ",DIC("A")=" Select Case: "
| 16 | D ^DIC
| 17 | I (Y<1)!$D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) Q
| 18 | S IEN=$P(Y,U)
| 19 | S FORM=$$GET1^DIQ(2260,IEN,52,"I")
| 20 | S FORM=$S(FORM=1:"CA1",FORM=2:"CA2",1:"")
| 21 | I $G(FORM)="" Q
| 22 | D ^OOPSDIS
| 23 | S PRM1=$S(CALLER="S":"Safety Officer",CALLER="H":"Employee Health",1:0)
| 24 | S PRM2=PRM1_" approves the WCP signing for the Employee: "
| 25 | S SIGN=""
| 26 | I CALLER="W" G WCPS4E
| 28 | . W !,PRM2
| 30 | . Q:+SIGN=0 ; form not signed
| 31 | . I CALLER="S" S $P(^OOPS(2260,IEN,"WCSE"),U,1,3)=SIGN
| 32 | . I CALLER="H" S $P(^OOPS(2260,IEN,"WCSE"),U,4,6)=SIGN
| 33 | G EXIT
| 34 | WCPS4E ; allow WCP to sign for employee if all approvals given
| 36 | S SIGN=0,VALID=0,VIEW=1
| 37 | S SOS=$$GET1^DIQ(2260,IEN,76,"I")
| 38 | S EHS=$$GET1^DIQ(2260,IEN,79,"I")
| 39 | S CONT=$S(DUZ=SOS:"S",DUZ=EHS:"H",1:"")
| 40 | I (CONT="S")!(CONT="H") D
| 41 | . W !,"You have approved as "_$S(CONT="S":"Safety Officer",CONT="H":"Emp Health Rep",1:"")
| 42 | . W " and cannot sign as Employee."
| 43 | . W !,"Three different individuals must be involved."
| 44 | . S VIEW=0
| 45 | I '$G(SOS) S VIEW=0 W !,"Safety Officer has not approved WCP signing for employee."
| 46 | I '$G(EHS) S VIEW=0 W !,"Employee Health has not approved WCP signing for employee."
| 47 | I VIEW D
| 48 | . ; Allow clearing WCP signature, employee may be able to sign
| 49 | . I $$GET1^DIQ(2260,IEN,119,"I") D CLRES^OOPSUTL1(IEN,"E",FORM)
| 51 | . I 'VALID Q
| 53 | . Q:+SIGN=0
| 54 | . D EMP^OOPSVAL1
| 55 | EXIT ;
| 56 | K DTOUT,DUOUT,SUP ; left over from OOPSDIS
| 57 | Q
| 58 | VALID() ; make sure same person is not signing for both safety and EH and if
| 59 | ; signed from menu option being called not needed again - so quit
| 61 | S VALID=1,ERR=0
| 62 | S SOAPP=$P($G(^OOPS(2260,IEN,"WCSE")),U)
| 63 | S EHAPP=$P($G(^OOPS(2260,IEN,"WCSE")),U,4)
| 64 | S CONT=$S(DUZ=SOAPP:"S",DUZ=EHAPP:"H",1:"")
| 65 | I CALLER="S" D
| 66 | . I CONT="S" S ERR=1
| 67 | . I $G(EHAPP)=DUZ S ERR=2
| 68 | . I $G(SOAPP)&($G(CONT)="") S ERR=3
| 69 | I CALLER="H" D
| 70 | . I CONT="H" S ERR=1
| 71 | . I $G(SOAPP)=DUZ S ERR=2
| 72 | . I $G(EHAPP)&($G(CONT)="") S ERR=3
| 73 | I ERR=1 D
| 74 | . W !,"You have signed as "_PRM1_" if you continue, your ES will be removed"
| 75 | . N DIR,FLD,Y
| 76 | . W !
| 77 | . S DIR("A")="Continue",DIR(0)="SBM^Y:Yes;N:No"
| 78 | . D ^DIR
| 79 | . I Y="Y" D
| 80 | .. S FLD=$S(CALLER="S":"1,3",CALLER="H":"4,6",1:"")
| 81 | .. F I=$P(FLD,","):1:$P(FLD,",",2) S $P(^OOPS(2260,IEN,"WCSE"),U,I)=""
| 82 | . I Y'="Y" S VALID=0
| 83 | I ERR=2 D
| 84 | . W !,"You have already signed as "
| 85 | . W $S(CALLER="S":"Employee Health",CALLER="H":"Safety Officer",1:0)
| 86 | . W ".",!,"Both signatures cannot be made by the same person."
| 87 | . S VALID=0
| 88 | I ERR=3 D
| 89 | . W !,PRM1_" has already signed, re-signing is not required."
| 90 | . S VALID=0
| 91 | Q VALID
| 92 | SCR(IEN) ; Screen to allow access to claims that have not been
| 93 | ; signed by the Employee
| 94 | ; Input: IEN = Internal record number of claim
| 96 | S VIEW=1
| 97 | S FORM=$$GET1^DIQ(2260,IEN,52,"I")
| 98 | I '$$ISEMP^OOPSUTL4(IEN) S VIEW=0 ; not emp, can't sign
| 99 | S ESTAT=$$EDSTA^OOPSUTL1(IEN,"E") ; employee signed?
| 100 | I CALLER'="W",$P(ESTAT,U,FORM) S VIEW=0 ; employee signed
| 101 | I CALLER="W" D ; from WC menu
| 102 | . S FLD=$S(FORM=1:119,FORM=2:221,1:"")
| 103 | . I 'FLD S VIEW=0 Q
| 104 | . S EES=$$GET1^DIQ(2260,IEN,FLD,"I")
| 105 | . I 'EES Q ; not signed by emp
| 106 | . I EES'=DUZ S VIEW=0 Q ; signer = user
| 107 | . I $P($$EDSTA^OOPSUTL1(IEN,"S"),U,FORM) S VIEW=0 ; Super Signed
| 108 | Q VIEW