[613] | 1 | IBDFU9 ;ALB/CJM - ENCOUNTER FORM - post-selection action for package interface file, screen for data qualifiers;OCT 18,1993
| 3 | ;
| 4 | ASK ;post-slection action for package interface
| 5 | Q:'$D(VALMEVL) ; only ask if in listman
| 6 | Q:DIC["358.6"
| 8 | S DA=+Y
| 9 | I $G(DA),$D(^IBE(357.6,DA,1)) D
| 10 | .S TYPE=$P($G(^IBE(357.6,DA,0)),"^",6)
| 11 | .;
| 12 | .; -- see if we can find a marker and quit if in fileman
| 13 | .;
| 14 | .; -- in the case of reports, the post-selection action is not executed
| 15 | .; until after the report is created in the setup, so it's not useful
| 16 | .Q:TYPE=4
| 17 | .;
| 18 | .S TYPE=$S(TYPE=1:"type of data",TYPE=2:"type of data",TYPE=3:"type of data",TYPE=4:"report",1:"package interface")
| 19 | .S LINE=0 W ! F S LINE=$O(^IBE(357.6,DA,1,LINE)) Q:'LINE W !,$G(^IBE(357.6,DA,1,LINE,0))
| 20 | .W !!,"Are you sure this is the right "_TYPE_"?: "
| 21 | .R ANS:DTIME
| 22 | .I '$T S Y=-1 Q
| 23 | .I ANS["?" W !!,"Enter Y for YES if the data is correct.",!,"Enter N for NO if the data is not correct." D
| 24 | ..W !!,"Are you sure this is the right "_TYPE_"?: "
| 25 | ..R ANS:DTIME
| 26 | .I (ANS["^")!(ANS["?")!(ANS="")!("Yy"'[$E(ANS,1)) S Y=-1
| 27 | Q
| 28 | ;
| 29 | DQGOOD(PI,QLFR) ;screen for data modifiers
| 30 | ;
| 31 | N NODE
| 32 | Q:'$G(PI) 0
| 33 | Q:'$G(QLFR) 0
| 34 | S NODE=$G(^IBE(357.6,PI,0))
| 35 | ;
| 36 | ;for selection interfaces, the list of data qualifiers is kept with the input interface
| 37 | I $P(NODE,"^",6)=3 S PI=$P(NODE,"^",13)
| 38 | Q:'PI 0
| 39 | Q $D(^IBE(357.6,PI,13,"B",QLFR_";IBD(357.98,"))
| 40 | ;
| 41 | DTGOOD(PI,TYPE) ;screen for datatypes
| 42 | ;
| 43 | N NODE
| 44 | Q:'$G(PI) 0
| 45 | Q:'$G(TYPE) 0
| 46 | S NODE=$G(^IBE(357.6,PI,0))
| 47 | ;
| 48 | ;for selection interfaces, the list of data qualifiers is kept with the input interface
| 49 | I $P(NODE,"^",6)=3 S PI=$P(NODE,"^",13)
| 50 | Q:'PI 0
| 51 | Q $D(^IBE(357.6,PI,13,"B",TYPE_";IBE(359.1,"))