| 2 | ;;5.2;LAB MESSAGING;**17**;Feb 29, 1996
| 3 | QUIT
| 4 | ;;HL7 TABLE 0070 source of specimen, used for help and input xform
| 5 | ;;in field .08 of file 61 and field .08 of file 62
| 6 | TBL70 ;;
| 7 | ;;Enter the two to four character code from the left column:
| 8 | ;;
| 9 | ;;ABS^Abcess
| 10 | ;;AMN^Amniotic fluid
| 11 | ;;ASP^Aspirate
| 12 | ;;BPH^Basophils
| 13 | ;;ABLD^Blood arterial
| 14 | ;;BBL^Blood bag
| 15 | ;;BON^Bone
| 16 | ;;BRTH^Breath
| 17 | ;;BRO^Bronchial
| 18 | ;;BRN^Burn
| 19 | ;;CALC^Calculus
| 20 | ;;CDM^Cardiac muscle
| 21 | ;;CNL^Cannula
| 22 | ;;CTP^Catheter tip
| 23 | ;;CSF^Cerebral spinal fluid
| 24 | ;;CVM^Cervical mucus
| 25 | ;;CVX^Cervix
| 26 | ;;COL^Colostrum
| 27 | ;;CBLD^Cord blood
| 28 | ;;CNJT^Conjunctiva
| 29 | ;;CUR^Curettageputum
| 30 | ;;CYST^Cyst
| 31 | ;;DRN^Drain
| 32 | ;;EAR^Ear
| 33 | ;;ELT^Electrode
| 34 | ;;ENDC^Endocardium
| 35 | ;;ENDM^Endometrium
| 36 | ;;EOS^Eosinophils
| 37 | ;;RBC^Erythrocytes
| 38 | ;;FIB^Fibrolasts
| 39 | ;;FLT^Filter
| 40 | ;;FIST^Fistula
| 41 | ;;FLU^Body fluid, unsp
| 42 | ;;GAST^Gastric fluid
| 43 | ;;GEN^Genital
| 44 | ;;GENC^Genital, cervix
| 45 | ;;GENL^Genital lochia
| 46 | ;;GENV^Genital vaginal
| 47 | ;;HAR^Hair
| 48 | ;;IT^Intubation tube
| 49 | ;;LAM^Lamella
| 50 | ;;WBC^Leucocytes
| 51 | ;;LN^Line
| 52 | ;;LNA^Line arterial
| 53 | ;;LNV^Line venous
| 54 | ;;LYM^Lymphocytes
| 55 | ;;MAC^Macrophages
| 56 | ;;MAR^Marrow
| 57 | ;;MEC^Meconium
| 58 | ;;MBLD^Menstrual blood
| 59 | ;;MLK^Milk
| 60 | ;;MILK^Breast Milk
| 61 | ;;NAIL^Nail
| 62 | ;;NOS^Nose (nasal passage)
| 63 | ;;ORH^Other
| 64 | ;;PRT^Peritoneal fluid ascites
| 65 | ;;PER^Peritoneum
| 66 | ;;PLC^Placenta
| 67 | ;;PLAS^Plasma
| 68 | ;;PLB^Plasma bag
| 69 | ;;PLR^Pleural fluid (thoracentesis fld)
| 70 | ;;PMN^Polymorphonuclear neutrophils
| 71 | ;;PUS^Pus
| 72 | ;;SAL^Saliva
| 73 | ;;SEM^Seminal fluid
| 74 | ;;SER^Serum
| 75 | ;;SKN^Skin
| 76 | ;;SKM^Skeletal muscle
| 77 | ;;SPRM^Spermatozoa
| 78 | ;;SPT^Sputum
| 79 | ;;SPTC^Sputum coughed
| 80 | ;;SPTT^Sputum tracheal aspirate
| 81 | ;;STON^Stone
| 82 | ;;STL^Stool = Fecal
| 83 | ;;SWT^Sweat
| 84 | ;;SNV^Synovial fluid = Joint fluid
| 85 | ;;TEAR^Tears
| 86 | ;;THRT^Throat
| 87 | ;;THRB^Thrombocyte (platelet)
| 88 | ;;TISS^Tissue
| 89 | ;;TISB^Tissue bone marrow
| 90 | ;;TISG^Tissue gall bladder
| 91 | ;;TISL^Tissue lung
| 92 | ;;TISP^Tissue peritoneum
| 93 | ;;TISU^Tissue ulcer
| 94 | ;;TISC^Tissue curettage
| 95 | ;;TISPL^Tissue placenta
| 96 | ;;ULC^Ulcer
| 97 | ;;UMB^Umbilical blood
| 98 | ;;UR^Urine
| 99 | ;;URTH^Urethra
| 100 | ;;URC^Urine clean catch
| 101 | ;;URT^Urine catheter
| 102 | ;;VOM^Vomitus
| 103 | ;;BLD^Whole blood
| 104 | ;;BDY^Whole body
| 105 | ;;WICK^Wick
| 106 | ;;WND^Wound
| 107 | ;;WNDA^Wound abcess
| 108 | ;;WNDE^Wound exudate
| 109 | ;;WNDD^Wound drainage
| 110 | ;;
| 111 | QUIT
| 112 | SHOW N LA7,LA71
| 113 | D HOME^%ZIS
| 114 | W @IOF
| 115 | F LA7=1:1 S LA71=$P($T(TBL70+LA7),";;",2) Q:LA71="" D Q:LA71=-1
| 116 | . K DIRUT
| 117 | . I (IOSL-$Y)<3 K DIR S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIR W @IOF
| 118 | . I $D(DIRUT) S LA71=-1 QUIT ;>>>
| 119 | . W !,$P(LA71,"^"),?10,$P(LA71,"^",2)
| 120 | QUIT
| 121 | XFORM(X) ;Input transform for field .08 file 61, and field .08 file 62
| 122 | ;X is the value entered by the user, this subroutine checks to make
| 123 | ;sure that the value matches a valid code. This function evaluates
| 124 | ;to true if X is okay, false if X is not valid.
| 125 | N LA7,LA71
| 126 | F LA7=1:1 S LA71=$P($T(TBL70+LA7),";;",2) Q:LA71="" D
| 127 | . S LA71=$P(LA71,"^") ;get the 2 to 4 char abbreviation
| 128 | . Q:LA71=""
| 129 | . S LA71(LA71)=""
| 130 | QUIT $D(LA71(X))