1 | LA7SBCR3 ;DALISC/JMC - Shipping Barcode Reader Utility ; 7 Feb 1997
2 | ;;5.2;LAB MESSAGING;**27**;Sep 27, 1994
3 | Q
4 | ;
5 | TEST(LA7,LA7PROM,LA7BAR) ; Setup test/specimen info.
6 | ; Input:
7 | ; LA7=array to return values
8 | ; LA7PROM=prompt to display to user
9 | ; LA7BAR=0/1 using barcode reader
10 | ;
11 | ; Returns array LA7()
12 | ;
13 | ; If successful ERROR=0
14 | ; NLT=National Laboratory Test code
15 | ; SPECIMEN=HL7 specimen code
16 | ; UID=Sender's Unique Identifier
17 | ;
18 | ; unsuccessful ERROR=>0
19 | ;
20 | N LA7X,X,Y
21 | ; Initialize array.
22 | F Y="ERROR","NLT","SPECIMEN","UID" S LA7(Y)=""
23 | S LA7PROM=$G(LA7PROM,"Test")
24 | I LA7BAR D
25 | . S Y=$$RD^LA7SBCR(LA7PROM)
26 | . I Y<1 S LA7("ERROR")="1^User timeout/abort" Q
28 | . S LA7=$P(Y,"STX^",2),LA7=$P(LA7,"^ETX",1)
29 | . I LA7="" S LA7("ERROR")="2^Incorrect barcode format" Q
30 | . S $P(LA7("UID"),"^",3)=$P(LA7,"^",1)
31 | . S $P(LA7("NLT"),"^",3)=$P(LA7,"^",2)
32 | . S $P(LA7("SPECIMEN"),"^",3)=$P(LA7,"^",3)
33 | . S LA7("ERROR")=0
34 | Q