LA7UID ;DALIO/JRR - BUILD HL7 DOWNLOAD TO UI ;May 20, 2008 ;;5.2;AUTOMATED LAB INSTRUMENTS;**17,57,66**;Sep 27, 1994;Build 30 ; Q ; EN ; This line tag is called from ^LADOWN when downloading ; a load work list to the Auto Instrument. LADOWN1 should ; have already built ^TMP($J with all of the atomic and ; cosmic tests, ^TMP("LA7",$J holds all of the Instrument defined ; tests from 62.4. ; LRLL= IEN in 68.2 Load Worklist file, from field in 62.4 ; LRINST= IEN IN 62.4 Auto Inst file ; LRAUTO= zero node of 62.4 entry ; N LA7MODE S LA7INST=LRINST I '$G(LA7ADL) D BLDINST^LA7ADL1(LA7INST,LRLL) S LA76248=$P($G(^LAB(62.4,+$G(LRINST),0)),"^",8) I 'LA76248 D Q . S XQAMSG="MESSAGE CONFIGURATION not defined in AUTO INSTRUMENT file for "_$P(LRAUTO,"^") . D ERROR,EXIT . I '$D(ZTQUEUED) D ; . . W $C(7),!!,"You must have a MESSAGE CONFIGURATION defined in field 8 of" . . W !,"the AUTO INSTRUMENT file before downloading to this instrument!" . ; ; I '$P(^LAHM(62.48,LA76248,0),"^",3) D Q . S XQAMSG="STATUS field in the LA7 MESSAGE PARAMETER file not turned on for "_$P(LRAUTO,"^") . D ERROR,EXIT . I '$D(ZTQUEUED) D ; . . W $C(7),!!,"The STATUS field in the LA7 MESSAGE PARAMETER file must be " . . W !,"turned on before downloading to this instrument!" . ; ; S LA7MODE=$P(^LAHM(62.48,LA76248,0),"^",4) ; ; Call the routine specified in the PROCESS DOWNLOAD field in file 62.48 ; Download for one whole load list is done X $G(^LAHM(62.48,LA76248,2)) ; EXIT I '$G(LA7ADL) K ^TMP("LA7",$J),LA76248 Q ; ; ERROR ; Send warning of error in Auto Instrument file configuration. S XQA("G.LAB MESSAGING")="" D SETUP^XQALERT K XQA,XQAMSG Q