[613] | 1 | LA7VIN3 ;DALOI/JMC - Process Incoming UI Msgs, continued ; 01/14/99
| 2 | ;;5.2;AUTOMATED LAB INSTRUMENTS;**46,64**;Sep 27, 1994
| 3 | ;This routine is a continuation of LA7VIN1 and is only called from there.
| 4 | Q
| 5 | ;
| 6 | MSA ; Process MSA segment
| 7 | ; The incoming MSA is used to update the status of the message
| 8 | ; in the LA7 MESSAGE QUEUE (#62.49)
| 9 | ;
| 10 | ; and
| 11 | ;
| 12 | ; if acknowledging ORU message - the ORDERS PENDING (#69.6) file
| 13 | ; if acknowledging ORM message - the SHIPPING MANIFEST (#62.8) file
| 14 | ;
| 18 | ;
| 19 | ; Extract text message from MSA-3
| 20 | S LA7X=$$P^LA7VHLU(.LA7SEG,4,LA7FS)
| 22 | ;
| 23 | ; Extract error condition from MSA-6
| 24 | S LA7X=$$P^LA7VHLU(.LA7SEG,7,LA7FS)
| 25 | I LA7X'="" D
| 26 | . S LA7Y=""
| 27 | . I $P(LA7X,$E(LA7ECH),2)'="" S LA7Y=$$UNESC^LA7VHLU3($P(LA7X,$E(LA7ECH),2),LA7FS_LA7ECH)
| 28 | . I $P(LA7X,$E(LA7ECH))'="" D
| 29 | . . I LA7Y="" S LA7Y=$$UNESC^LA7VHLU3($P(LA7X,$E(LA7ECH)),LA7FS_LA7ECH) Q
| 30 | . . S LA7Y="["_$P(LA7X,$E(LA7ECH))_"] "_LA7Y
| 31 | . S LA7MSATM=$S(LA7MSATM'="":LA7MSATM_" ",1:"")_LA7Y
| 32 | I LA7MSAID="" Q
| 33 | ;
| 35 | ;
| 36 | S LA7ST=$$FIND1^DIC(64.061,"","MX","Results/data Received","","I $P(^(0),U,7)=""U""")
| 37 | ;
| 38 | ; Only look for messages id's that are outgoing messages, those that
| 39 | ; originated from this system. Other systems (incoming) messages can
| 40 | ; use a message id that is the same as a Vista message.
| 41 | ;
| 42 | N LA76249
| 43 | S LA76249=0
| 44 | F S LA76249=$O(^LAHM(62.49,"ID",LA7MSAID,LA76249)) Q:'LA76249 D
| 45 | . I $P($G(^LAHM(62.49,LA76249,0)),"^",2)'="O" Q
| 46 | . D UPDF
| 47 | ;
| 48 | Q
| 49 | ;
| 50 | UPDF ; Update respective files
| 51 | ;
| 53 | ;
| 54 | F I=63,100 S LA76249(I)=$G(^LAHM(62.49,LA76249,I))
| 55 | ;
| 56 | ; Update original message in #62.49
| 57 | S FDA(1,62.49,LA76249_",",2)="X"
| 58 | I LA7MSTAT'="AA",LA7MSTAT'="CA" D
| 59 | . S FDA(1,62.49,LA76249_",",2)="E"
| 60 | . S FDA(1,62.49,LA76249_",",160)=LA7MSTAT
| 61 | . I LA7MSATM'="" S FDA(1,62.49,LA76249_",",161)=LA7MSATM
| 62 | D FILE^DIE("","FDA(1)","LA7ERR(1)")
| 63 | ;
| 64 | ; Send alert that original message had error.
| 65 | I LA7MSTAT'="AA",LA7MSTAT'="CA" D
| 66 | . D CREATE^LA7LOG(48)
| 67 | ;
| 68 | ; Retrieve original message's type.
| 69 | S LA7MTYPE=$P(LA76249(100),"^",9)
| 70 | ;
| 71 | ; If original message was an ORM, then update collecting facility's shipping manifest.
| 72 | I LA7MTYPE="ORM" D Q
| 73 | . ; Need to code this section - JMC 1/12/00
| 74 | . ; Need to figure out the shipping manifest which is being acknowledged
| 75 | . Q
| 76 | ;
| 77 | I LA7MTYPE'="ORU" Q
| 78 | ; Rest of this deals with updating order/test status in LAB PENDING ORDER file
| 79 | ; at host lab when collection facility is acknowledging receipt of ORU message.
| 80 | ;
| 81 | I LA76249(63)="" Q
| 82 | S LA7SITE=$P(LA76249(63),U,2),LA7RUID=$P(LA76249(63),U,3)
| 83 | S LA7696=$O(^LRO(69.6,"RST",LA7SITE,LA7RUID,0))
| 84 | I LA7696="" Q
| 85 | ;
| 86 | ; Update order status in 69.6
| 87 | S FDA(2,69.6,LA7696_",",6)=LA7ST
| 88 | D FILE^DIE("","FDA(2)","LA7ERR(2)")
| 89 | ;
| 90 | S LA7ORT=$P(LA76249(63),U,4),LA76964=0
| 91 | I LA7ORT'="" S LA76964=$O(^LRO(69.6,LA7696,2,"B",LA7ORT,0))
| 92 | I 'LA76964 D
| 93 | . S LA7ORT=$P(LA76249(63),U,5)
| 94 | . I LA7ORT'="" S LA76964=$O(^LRO(69.6,LA7696,2,"C",LA7ORT,0))
| 95 | I LA76964<1 Q
| 96 | ;
| 97 | ; Update test status in 69.6
| 98 | S FDA(3,69.64,LA76964_","_LA7696_",",5)=LA7ST
| 99 | D FILE^DIE("","FDA(3)","LA7ERR(3)")
| 100 | ;
| 101 | Q