| 2 | ;;2.7;AMIE;;Apr 10, 1995
| 3 | ;
| 4 | EN W ?2,"b. Describe the following:",!!?6,"1. General appearance and mental status -",!!!?6,"2. Head and neck -",!!!?6,"3. Eyes -",!!!?6,"4. Ears -",!!!?6,"5. Nose -",!!!?6,"6. Mouth -",!!!?6,"7. Throat -",!!!?6,"8. Teeth -",!!!
| 5 | W ?6,"9. Chest -",!!!?5,"10. Lungs -",! D HD2^DVBCAOCK W ?5,"11. Cardiovascular -",!!!?5,"12. Abdomen -",!!!?5,"13. Hernia -",!!!?5,"14. Genitalia -",!!!?5,"15. Rectum -",!!!?5,"16. Prostate -",!!!?5,"17. Back -",!!!
| 6 | W ?5,"18. Extremeties -",!!!?5,"19. Neurological -",!!!?5,"20. Skin -",!!!?5,"21. Lymphatics -",!!!!,"H. Indicate whether or not there is evidence of neoplasia in",!?4,"the veteran:",!!!
| 7 | W "I. Indicate whether or not there is evidence of neoplasia in",!?4,"the veteran's family and specify the family member and type",!?4,"of neoplasia, if known:",! D HD2^DVBCAOCK
| 8 | W "J. Indicate if there is evidence of infertility, spontaneous",!?4,"abortions or teratogenesis in the veteran or the veteran's spouse",!?4,"or immediate family (and describe, if present):",!!!!!
| 9 | W "K. Indicate if the veteran's spouse or children were in Vietnam",!?4,"(and if so, give details):",!!!!!,"L. Diagnostic/clinical test results (indicate the results of",!?4,"the following, if performed):",!!
| 10 | W ?6,"a. Complete blood count, including differential -",!!!?6,"b. Chest X-Ray (if no chest X-Ray within six months) -",!!!?6,"c. Liver function profile -",!!!?6,"d. Renal function profile -",!!!?6,"e. Sperm count -",!!!
| 11 | W ?6,"f. Referral to a dermatologist -",! D HD2^DVBCAOCK W "M. Diagnosis:",!!!!!!!!!!,"N. The veteran has been informed of the results of this examination,",!?4,"including X-Ray, blood chemistry, urinalysis, and CBC tests and the",!
| 12 | W ?4,"following abnormalities were discussed (if none, write",!?4,"'NONE'):",!! S $P(XLN,"_",75)="_" W XLN,!!,XLN,!!,"Signature of veteran: ",$E(XLN,1,35)," Date: ",$E(XLN,1,11),!
| 13 | W !,"Examiner's signature: ",$E(XLN,1,35)," Date: ",$E(XLN,1,11),!!!
| 14 | W ?9,"Reviewed by: ",$E(XLN,1,35)," Date: ",$E(XLN,1,11),!?9,"Environmental Health Physician",! K XLN,LN,LN1,LN2,LNS
| 15 | Q