| 2 | ;;2.7;AMIE;**79**;Apr 10, 1995
| 3 | ;
| 4 | ;
| 5 | TXT ;
| 6 | ;; 12. BREAST: Comment on any masses palpated in breast parenchyma
| 7 | ;; including axillary tail. Comment on any skin abnormalities.
| 8 | ;; Comment on any discharge from nipples.
| 9 | ;;
| 10 | ;;
| 11 | ;; 13. CARDIOVASCULAR: Record pulse, heart sounds, abnormalities
| 12 | ;; (i.e., arrhythmias, murmurs, etc.), and status of peripheral
| 13 | ;; vessels. Note edema. Describe varicose veins including
| 14 | ;; location, size, extent, ulcers, scars, and competency of deep
| 15 | ;; circulation. Examine for evidence of residuals of frostbite
| 16 | ;; when indicated. See cold injuries examination worksheet.
| 17 | ;; (NOTE: Cardiovascular signs and symptoms should be graded
| 18 | ;; using NYHA scale.)
| 19 | ;;
| 20 | ;;
| 21 | ;; 14. ABDOMEN: Inspection, auscultation, palpation, percussion. If
| 22 | ;; abnormal, describe (i.e., abdominal enlargement, masses,
| 23 | ;; tenderness, etc.).
| 24 | ;;
| 25 | ;;
| 26 | ;; 15. GENITAL/RECTAL (MALE): Inspection and palpation of penis,
| 27 | ;; testicles, epididymis, and spermatic cord. (If hernia,
| 28 | ;; describe type, location, size, whether complete, reducible,
| 29 | ;; recurrent, supported by truss or belt, and whether or not
| 30 | ;; operable). Inspection of anus for fissures, hemorrhoids,
| 31 | ;; ulcerations, etc., and digital exam of rectal walls, and
| 32 | ;; prostate.
| 33 | ;;
| 34 | ;;
| 35 | ;; 16. GENITAL/RECTAL (FEMALE): Pelvic exam should include inspection
| 36 | ;; of introitus, vagina, and cervix, palpation of labia, vagina,
| 37 | ;; cervix, uterus, adnexa, and ovaries. Inspection of anus for
| 38 | ;; fissures, hemorrhoids, ulcerations, etc., and digital exam of
| 39 | ;; rectal walls. Any severe abnormalities may be referred to a
| 40 | ;; specialist.
| 41 | ;;
| 42 | ;;
| 43 | ;; 17. MUSCULOSKELETAL: For joint or muscle defects, describe location,
| 44 | ;; swelling, atrophy, tenderness, active and passive motion in
| 45 | ;; degrees using a goniometer, angle of fixation, fracture,
| 46 | ;; fibrous or bony residual, and mechanical aids used by veteran.
| 47 | ;; Provide an assessment of the effect on range of motion and
| 48 | ;; joint function of pain, weakness, fatigue, or incoordination
| 49 | ;; following repetitive use or during flare-ups. (See the
| 50 | ;; appropriate worksheet for more detail.) If foot problems
| 51 | ;; exist, perform above exam and also include objective evidence
| 52 | ;; of pain at rest and on manipulation, rigidity, spasm,
| 53 | ;; circulatory disturbance, swelling, callus, loss of strength,
| 54 | ;; mobility of ankles and feet, and whether acquired or congenital.
| 55 | ;;
| 56 | ;;
| 57 | ;; 18. ENDOCRINE: Describe disease of thyroid, pituitary, adrenals,
| 58 | ;; gonads, other body systems affected, etc.
| 59 | ;;
| 60 | ;;
| 61 | ;; 19. NEUROLOGICAL: Cerebrum - orientation and memory. Cerebellum -
| 62 | ;; gait, stance, coordination. Spinal Cord - deep tendon reflexes,
| 63 | ;; pain, touch, temperature, vibration, position. Cranial
| 64 | ;; nerves - I-XII. If abnormalities are found, describe region
| 65 | ;; of CNS affected.
| 66 | ;;
| 67 | ;;
| 68 | ;; 20. PSYCHIATRIC: Describe behavior, comprehension, coherence of
| 69 | ;; response, emotional reaction, signs of tension and response to
| 70 | ;; social and occupational capacity. State whether the veteran
| 71 | ;; is capable of managing his or her benefit payments in his or
| 72 | ;; her own best interest without restriction. (A physical
| 73 | ;; disability which prevents the veteran from attending to
| 74 | ;; financial matters in person is not a proper basis for a finding
| 75 | ;; of incompetency unless the veteran is, by reason of that
| 76 | ;; disability, incapable of directing someone else in handling
| 77 | ;; the individual's financial affairs.)
| 78 | ;;
| 79 | ;;
| 80 | ;;D. Diagnostic And Clinical Tests:
| 81 | ;;
| 82 | ;; 1. As indicated - e.g., parasite studies, X-rays of joints, etc.
| 83 | ;; 2. Include results of all diagnostic and clinical tests conducted
| 84 | ;; in the examination report.
| 85 | ;;
| 86 | ;;
| 87 | ;;E. Diagnosis:
| 88 | ;;
| 89 | ;;1. Complete, review and comment on all laboratory and diagnostic tests.
| 90 | ;;
| 91 | ;;2. Provide diagnoses.
| 92 | ;;
| 93 | ;;3. Where some evidence indicates the disability may not have been
| 94 | ;; incurred in service, please provide an opinion as to whether
| 95 | ;; the disease or injury was at least as likely as not incurred
| 96 | ;; in service. Please base your opinion on sound medical reasoning
| 97 | ;; and complete consideration of all the evidence of record.
| 98 | ;; Please discuss your reasoning and the evidence you considered in
| 99 | ;; formulating your opinion.
| 100 | ;;
| 101 | ;;
| 102 | ;;Signature: Date:
| 103 | ;;
| 104 | ;;___________________________________________________________
| 105 | ;;END