KMPDUG ;OAK/RAK - CM Tools Graph Utility ;2/17/04 09:57 ;;2.0;CAPACITY MANAGEMENT TOOLS;;Mar 22, 2002 ; EN(KMPUAR,KMPUTI,KMPUOPT,KMPUSTRT,KMPUTAR,KMPUXIT,KMPUMAX) ;entry point ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; KMPUAR.. Local or global array (passed by value) that contains graph ; information in the format: ; ; KMPUAR(...,0)=DataTitle^DataValue ; piece 1 - the title of the data ; piece 2 - the actual value of the data ; ; KMPUTI.. graph titles in 4 up-arrow pieces ; piece 1 - title of the graph ; piece 2 - second title of graph (if any) ; piece 3 - x axis title ; piece 4 - y axis title ; ; KMPUOPT. (optional) A string of one or more letters representing ; desired options. ; "A" - angle titles (only for vertical graph) ; "D" - double space ; "G" - print grid across graph ; "S" - display entries with MAX>9999 in scientific notation ; "V" - display 'vertical' graph ; ; KMPUSTRT (optional). Number to start graph. ; if KMPUSTRT=0 first hash mark of graph will equal 0 ; ; KMPUTAR. (optional) Text array. Local or global array that ; contains text to be displayed with the graph. ; ; Example: KMPUTAR="UTIL($J," ; KMPUTAR="^ASK(999999,23,10," ; KMPUTAR="^TMP($J,""TEXT""," ; ; KMPUXIT. (optional) Exit without 'continue' text. This allows the ; programmer to use their own display for continuing ; 0 - do not exit - display 'continue' text ; 1 - exit ; ; KMPUMAX. (optional) Maximum scale - if not defined, the maximum value ; is determined from the data passed. If KMPUMAX is defined, ; scale will be adjusted accordingly. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; I '$D(KMPUAR) W !!?7," array data...",!! D CONT Q S KMPUSTRT=+$G(KMPUSTRT),KMPUOPT=$$UP^XLFSTR($G(KMPUOPT)) S KMPUXIT=+$G(KMPUXIT),KMPUMAX=+$G(KMPUMAX) K:$G(KMPUTAR)="" KMPUTAR I '$D(@KMPUAR) D Q .W *7,!!?7," information to graph...",!! .D CONT S DTIME=$S($D(DTIME):DTIME,1:600) ; N BAR,BOTTOM,DATA,DEC,DEC1,DIV,DIVT,DNUM,DX,DY,END,GWIDTH,I,I1,LABEL,MAX N MIN,NUM,OFFSET,SCALE,STEP,TEXT,TITLE,X,XCOORD,XTITLE,YNUM,YTITLE,Z N IOBLC,IOBRC,IOBT,IOG1,IOG0,IOHL,IOLT,IOMT,IORT,IOTLC,IOTRC,IOTT,IOVL N IOINHI,IOINLOW,IORVOFF,IORVON,IOUOFF,IOUON ; D INIT^KMPDUG1 I KMPUOPT["D",(KMPUOPT'["V"),(YNUM>8) D Q .W *7,!!?7,"...too many data elements to double space on a terminal" .W !?7," for a Horizontal Graph..." .W !!! D CONT I KMPUOPT["D",(KMPUOPT["V"),(YNUM>34) D Q .W *7,!!?7,"...too many data elements to double space on a terminal" .W !?7," for a Vertical Graph..." .W !!! D CONT ; if not a terminal do printer routine I $E(IOST)'="C" Q ;D EN^KMPUGP Q I $G(IOG1)']""!($G(IOG0)']"") D Q .W *7,!!?7,"...unable to place terminal in graphics mode...",!! .D CONT I 'MAX D Q .W *7,!!?7,"...unable to determine any data to graph or data all zeros...",!! .D CONT ; if 'vertical' graph I KMPUOPT["V" D EN^KMPDUGV Q ; draw graph - display titles - display data D DRAW^KMPDUG1,TITLES^KMPDUG1,DATA ; if text to display. I $D(KMPUTAR) D WP^KMPDU11(KMPUTAR,(BOTTOM+5),24) Q D:'KMPUXIT CONT Q ; CONT ;-- hold screen S DX=(IOM-23\2),DY=(IOSL-1) X IOXY R "Press to continue",X:DTIME Q ; DATA ;-- display data in graph. W IOG0 S DY=$S(KMPUOPT["D":1,1:2),BAR=0,I="" F S I=$O(@KMPUAR@(I)) Q:I="" I $D(@KMPUAR@(I,0)) S DATA=@KMPUAR@(I,0) D .S XCOORD=$P(DATA,U,2),END=(XCOORD-KMPUSTRT-STEP) .S DX=16,DY=DY+$S(KMPUOPT["D":2,1:1) .; if no data quit .Q:$P(@KMPUAR@(I,0),U,2)']"" .F I1=0:STEP:END X IOXY W @BAR(BAR),! S DX=DX+1 Q:DX=68 .; print value in parenthesis .S DX=69 X IOXY W "<",$J((XCOORD/DIV),$L($FN((MAX/DIV),"",DEC)),DEC),">" .S BAR=$S(BAR=1:0,1:1) Q