[613] | 1 | MDRPCU ; HOIFO/DP - Object RPC Utilities ; [05-23-2003 10:16]
| 2 | ;;1.0;CLINICAL PROCEDURES;**4**;Apr 01, 2004;Build 3
| 3 | ; Integration Agreements:
| 4 | ; IA# 10039 [Supported] Ward Location File #42
| 5 | ; IA# 10035 [Supported] Access to DPT global
| 6 | ; IA# 10040 [Supported] Access to SC global
| 7 | ; IA# 1246 [Supported] Call to DGPMDDCF
| 8 | ; IA# 3266 [Subscription] $$DOB call to DPTLK1
| 9 | ; IA# 3267 [Subscription] Call to $$SSN of DPTLK1
| 10 | ; IA# 2692 [Subscription] Calls to ORQPTQ1
| 11 | ; IA# 3869 [Subscription] SDAMA202 calls
| 12 | ;
| 13 | BADRPC(RPC,RTN,OPTION) ; [Procedure] When and RPC gets lost
| 14 | ; Input parameters
| 15 | ; 1. RPC [Literal/Required] No description
| 16 | ; 2. RTN [Literal/Required] No description
| 17 | ; 3. OPTION [Literal/Required] No description
| 18 | ;
| 19 | S @RESULTS@(0)="-1^Error calling RPC: "_RPC_" at "_OPTION_U_RTN
| 20 | Q
| 21 | ;
| 22 | DUPS(MDD,MDIEN,MDX) ; [Function] Return boolean if dups exist
| 23 | N MDGBL
| 24 | S MDGBL=$$GET1^DID(+MDD,"","","GLOBAL NAME")
| 26 | S Y=$O(@(MDGBL_"""UC"",MDX,"""")")) Q:Y&(Y'=MDIEN) 1
| 27 | S Y=$O(@(MDGBL_"""UC"",MDX,"""")"),-1) Q:Y&(Y'=MDIEN) 1
| 28 | Q 0
| 29 | ;
| 30 | LOCK(RESULTS,DD,IENS) ; [Procedure] Lock a record
| 31 | L @("+"_$$ROOT^DILFD(DD,IENS)_(+IENS)_")"_":2")
| 32 | I $T S @RESULTS@(0)="1^Lock acquired"
| 33 | E S @RESULTS@(0)="-1^Lock *NOT* acquired"
| 34 | Q
| 35 | ;
| 36 | UNLOCK(RESULTS,DD,IENS) ; [Procedure] Unlock a record
| 37 | L @("-"_$$ROOT^DILFD(DD,IENS)_(+IENS)_")")
| 38 | S @RESULTS@(0)="1^Lock released"
| 39 | Q
| 40 | ;
| 41 | CLINICPT ; [Procedure] Return patients by clinic/appt dt
| 42 | N MD,MDRET
| 43 | S MDDT=P2\1,MDEND=MDDT+.24
| 44 | D GETPLIST^SDAMA202(P1,"1;4;","R",MDDT,MDEND,.MDRET,"")
| 45 | I MDRET<0 S @RESULTS@(0)="0^No patients for this clinic/appt date." Q
| 46 | F MD=0:0 S MD=$O(^TMP($J,"SDAMA202","GETPLIST",MD)) Q:'MD D
| 47 | .; Naked ref from above
| 48 | .S Y=+$G(^(MD,4)) Q:'Y S @RESULTS@(Y)=$$GUIPT(Y)
| 49 | I '$D(@RESULTS) S @RESULTS@(0)="0^No patients for this clinic/appointment date."
| 50 | E S @RESULTS@(0)=$D(@RESULTS)
| 51 | Q
| 52 | ;
| 53 | CLINICS ; [Procedure]
| 54 | F X=0:0 S X=$O(^SC(X)) Q:'X D:$P(^(X,0),U,3)="C"
| 55 | .Q:+$G(^SC(X,"OOS"))
| 56 | .S Y=$G(^SC(X,"I"))
| 57 | .I Y Q:DT>+Y&($P(Y,U,2)=""!(DT<$P(Y,U,2)))
| 58 | .S @RESULTS@($O(@RESULTS@(""),-1)+1)="44;"_X_U_$P(^SC(X,0),U)
| 59 | S @RESULTS@(0)=+$O(@RESULTS@(""),-1)
| 60 | Q
| 61 | ;
| 62 | COPY ; [Procedure] Make a copy of an item (Top level data only)
| 63 | K ^TMP("MDCOPY",$J)
| 64 | D GETS^DIQ(P1,P2_",","*","NI",$NA(^TMP("MDCOPY",$J)))
| 65 | S MDFDA(P1,"+1,",.01)=$E("Copy of "_$$GET1^DIQ(P1,P2,.01),1,30)
| 66 | F X=.01:0 S X=$O(^TMP("MDCOPY",$J,P1,P2_",",X)) Q:'X D
| 67 | .S MDFDA(P1,"+1,",X)=$G(^TMP("MDCOPY",$J,P1,P2_",",X,"I"))
| 68 | K ^TMP("MDCOPY",$J)
| 70 | I $G(MDIEN(1))<1 D ERROR(RESULTS) Q
| 71 | S @RESULTS@(0)=P1_";"_MDIEN(1)_"^"_$$GET1^DIQ(P1,MDIEN(1)_",",.01)
| 72 | Q
| 73 | ;
| 74 | DELITEM ; [Procedure] Determines if a file entry can be deleted and deletes it
| 75 | I P1="702.01" D ; Procedure File
| 76 | .I $D(^MDD(702,"ACP",P2)) S @RESULTS@(1)="CP TRANSACTION"
| 77 | I P1="702.09" D ; Instrument File
| 78 | .I $D(^MDS(702.01,"AINST",P2)) S @RESULTS@(1)="CP DEFINITION"
| 79 | .I $D(^MDS(702,"AINST",P2)) S @RESULTS@(2)="CP TRANSACTION"
| 80 | .I $D(^MDS(703.1,"AINST",P2)) S @RESULTS@(3)="CP RESULTS"
| 81 | I $O(@RESULTS@("")) S @RESULTS@(0)="-1^Unable to delete."
| 82 | E S @RESULTS@(0)="1^OK"
| 83 | Q
| 84 | ;
| 85 | ERROR(TARGET,SOURCE) ; [Procedure]
| 86 | ; Input parameters
| 87 | ; 1. TARGET [Literal/Required] No description
| 88 | ; 2. SOURCE [Literal/Required] No description
| 89 | ;
| 90 | N X,Y
| 92 | I '$D(SOURCE) S @TARGET@(0)="-1^No error message available" Q
| 93 | S @TARGET@(0)="-1^Error Encountered"
| 94 | S @TARGET@(1)="The following Error(s) occurred on the server."
| 95 | S @TARGET@(2)=" "
| 96 | F X=0:0 S X=$O(SOURCE("DIERR",X)) Q:'X D
| 97 | .S Y=$O(@TARGET@(X),-1)+1
| 98 | .S @TARGET@(Y)="Error #: "_SOURCE("DIERR",X)_" "_$G(SOURCE("DIERR",X,"TEXT",1),"***")
| 99 | .D:$D(SOURCE("DIERR",X,"PARAM"))
| 100 | ..S @TARGET@(Y+1)=" ",@TARGET@(Y+2)="Parameters:"
| 101 | ..S Z=0 F S Z=$O(SOURCE("DIERR",X,"PARAM",Z)) Q:Z="" D
| 102 | ...S @TARGET@($O(@TARGET@(""),-1)+1)="Par: "_Z_" = "_SOURCE("DIERR",X,"PARAM",Z)
| 103 | Q
| 104 | ;
| 105 | GETRSLT ; [Procedure] Get result report entries
| 106 | ; P1=PATIENT, P2=CPDefinition
| 107 | ; Load valid instruments into MDINST()
| 108 | F X=0:0 S X=$O(^MDS(702.01,+$G(P2),.1,"B",X)) Q:'X S MDINST(X)=""
| 109 | ; Loop on the DFN index in 703.1
| 110 | F X=0:0 S X=$O(^MDD(703.1,"ADFN",P1,X)) Q:'X D
| 111 | .; Make sure it isn't pending CPGateway action
| 112 | .Q:$P($G(^MDD(703.1,X,0)),U,9)="P"
| 113 | .; Make sure it is for a valid instrument
| 114 | .Q:'$D(MDINST(+$P($G(^MDD(703.1,X,0)),U,4)))
| 115 | .F Y=0:0 S Y=$O(^MDD(703.1,X,.1,Y)) Q:'Y D
| 116 | ..S Z="703.11;"_Y_","_X_",^"_$P(^MDD(703.1,X,0),U,1,4)_"^^^^"
| 117 | ..S $P(Z,U,6)=$P(^MDD(703.1,X,.1,Y,0),U,2)
| 118 | ..S @RESULTS@(+$O(@RESULTS@(""),-1)+1)=Z
| 119 | S @RESULTS@(0)=+$O(@RESULTS@(""),-1)
| 120 | Q
| 121 | ;
| 122 | GUIPT(X) ; [Procedure]
| 123 | ; Input parameters
| 124 | ; 1. X [Literal/Required] No description
| 125 | ;
| 126 | S Y="2;"_X_U_$P(^DPT(X,0),U,1,3)
| 127 | S $P(Y,U,5)=$P(^DPT(X,0),U,9)
| 128 | S $P(Y,U,10)=$$DOB^DPTLK1(X)
| 129 | S $P(Y,U,11)=$$SSN^DPTLK1(X)
| 130 | Q Y
| 131 | ;
| 132 | RPC(RESULTS,OPTION,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6) ; [Procedure] Main RPC call
| 133 | ; RPC: [MD UTILITIES]
| 134 | ;
| 135 | ; Input parameters
| 136 | ; 1. RESULTS [Literal/Required] No description
| 137 | ; 2. OPTION [Literal/Required] No description
| 138 | ; 3. P1 [Literal/Required] No description
| 139 | ; 4. P2 [Literal/Required] No description
| 140 | ; 5. P3 [Literal/Required] No description
| 141 | ; 6. P4 [Literal/Required] No description
| 142 | ; 7. P5 [Literal/Required] No description
| 143 | ; 8. P6 [Literal/Required] No description
| 144 | ;
| 145 | ; Variables:
| 146 | ; MDDT: [Private] Scratch
| 147 | ; MDEND: [Private] Scratch
| 148 | ; MDFDA: [Private] Fileman FDA variable
| 149 | ; MDGBL: [Private] Scratch
| 150 | ; MDIEN: [Private] Return array from UPDATE~DIE
| 151 | ; MDPT: [Private] Scratch
| 152 | ; Z: [Private] Scratch
| 153 | ;
| 154 | ; New private variables
| 157 | D CLEAN^DILF
| 160 | D @OPTION S:'$D(@RESULTS) @RESULTS@(0)="-1^No return"
| 161 | D CLEAN^DILF
| 162 | Q
| 163 | ;
| 164 | TEAMPTS ; [Procedure] Return patients on a team
| 166 | I '+$G(MDRET(1)) D Q
| 167 | .S @RESULTS@(0)="0^No patients assigned to this team."
| 168 | F X=0:0 S X=$O(MDRET(X)) Q:'X S @RESULTS@(X)=$$GUIPT(+MDRET(X))
| 169 | S @RESULTS@(0)=+$O(@RESULTS@(""),-1)
| 170 | Q
| 171 | ;
| 172 | TEAMS ; [Procedure] Return list of teams
| 174 | F X=0:0 S X=$O(MDRET(X)) Q:'X S @RESULTS@(X)="120.51;"_MDRET(X)
| 175 | S @RESULTS@(0)=+$O(@RESULTS@(X))
| 176 | Q
| 177 | ;
| 178 | UNIQUE ; [Procedure] Is value P2 unique in file P1
| 179 | S MDGBL=$$GET1^DID(+P1,"","","GLOBAL NAME")
| 180 | I MDGBL="" S @RESULTS@(0)="-1^Not a valid DDNumber"
| 181 | E S @RESULTS@(0)=($D(@(MDGBL_"P2,P3)"))=0)
| 182 | Q
| 183 | ;
| 184 | WARDPTS ; [Procedure] Return pts for a ward
| 185 | S P1=$P($G(^DIC(42,P1,0)),U)
| 186 | I '$D(^DPT("CN",P1)) D Q
| 187 | .S @RESULTS@(0)="0^No Patients on ward '"_P1_"'."
| 188 | F X=0:0 S X=$O(^DPT("CN",P1,X)) Q:'X D
| 189 | .S Y=$O(@RESULTS@(""),-1)+1
| 190 | .S @RESULTS@(Y)=$$GUIPT(X)
| 191 | S @RESULTS@(0)=+$O(@RESULTS@(""),-1)
| 192 | Q
| 193 | ;
| 194 | WARDS ; [Procedure] Return Active Set of Wards
| 195 | N D0,X,Y
| 196 | F D0=0:0 S D0=$O(^DIC(42,D0)) Q:'D0 D WIN^DGPMDDCF D:'X
| 197 | .S Y=$O(@RESULTS@(""),-1)+1
| 198 | .S @RESULTS@(Y)="42;"_D0_U_$P(^DIC(42,D0,0),U)
| 199 | S @RESULTS@(0)=+$O(@RESULTS@(""),-1)
| 200 | Q
| 201 | ;