[613] | 1 | PXRMFFH ; SLC/PKR - Routines for function finding help. ;12/23/2004
| 2 | ;;2.0;CLINICAL REMINDERS;;Feb 04, 2005
| 3 | ;
| 4 | ;======================================================
| 5 | FSXHELP ;Function finding function string executable help.
| 7 | S DONE=0
| 8 | F IND=1:1 Q:DONE D
| 9 | . S TEXT=$P($T(TEXT+IND),";",3)
| 10 | . I TEXT="**End Text**" S DONE=1 Q
| 11 | . W !,TEXT
| 12 | LOOP ;
| 13 | K TEXT
| 14 | S FUN=$$SELECT("^PXRMD(802.4)")
| 15 | I FUN=0 Q
| 16 | D GFTEXT(1,FUN,.TEXT)
| 18 | Q
| 19 | ;
| 20 | ;======================================================
| 21 | GFTEXT(START,FUN,TEXT) ;Load descriptions of available function finding
| 22 | ;functions into the TEXT array starting at line START.
| 24 | S NL=START
| 25 | S IEN=$O(^PXRMD(802.4,"B",FUN,""))
| 26 | S PNAME=$P(^PXRMD(802.4,IEN,0),U,4)
| 27 | S NL=NL+1,TEXT(NL)=" "
| 28 | S NL=NL+1,TEXT(NL)="Function: "_FUN
| 29 | S NL=NL+1,TEXT(NL)="Print Name: "_PNAME
| 30 | ;Load the description
| 31 | S NL=NL+1,TEXT(NL)="Description:"
| 32 | S NDL=+$P($G(^PXRMD(802.4,IEN,1,0)),U,4)
| 33 | F IND=1:1:NDL D
| 34 | . S NL=NL+1,TEXT(NL)=^PXRMD(802.4,IEN,1,IND,0)
| 35 | Q
| 36 | ;
| 37 | ;======================================================
| 38 | SELECT(GBL) ;
| 40 | S DIR("A")="For help on the functions select from the available function types"
| 41 | S DIR(0)="SO^"
| 42 | S CNT=1
| 43 | S FUN="" F S FUN=$O(@GBL@("B",FUN)) Q:FUN="" D
| 44 | . I CNT=1 S DIR(0)=DIR(0)_CNT_":"_FUN
| 45 | . I CNT>1 S DIR(0)=DIR(0)_";"_CNT_":"_FUN
| 46 | . S CNT=CNT+1
| 47 | D ^DIR
| 48 | I Y=""!(Y["^") Q +Y
| 49 | Q Y(0)
| 50 | ;
| 51 | ;======================================================
| 52 | TEXT ;Function finding help text.
| 53 | ;;The general form for a function finding is:
| 54 | ;; FUN1(arg1,arg2,...argN) oper1 FUN2(arg1,arg2,...,argN) ...
| 55 | ;; where FUN1 stands for function 1, FUN2 function 2, and so on.
| 56 | ;; arg1,arg2,...,argN are the regular findings whose data are arguments
| 57 | ;; to the function and oper1 stands for a Mumps operator.
| 58 | ;; The operators can be any of the following Mumps operators:
| 59 | ;; +,-,>,<,=,&,!, and '.
| 60 | ;;
| 61 | ;;When a function finding is evaluated the result will be treated as a logical
| 62 | ;;true or false, where 0 is false and non-zero is true.
| 63 | ;;
| 64 | ;;An example of a function finding is: MRD(1,2)>MRD(5,6,7)
| 65 | ;;This function finding will be true if the most recent date
| 66 | ;;of regular findings 1 and 2 is greater than the most recent
| 67 | ;;date of regular findings 5, 6, and 7.
| 68 | ;;
| 69 | ;;**End Text**
| 70 | Q
| 71 | ;