[613] | 1 | PXRMP4EC ; SLC/PKR - PXRM*2.0*4 environment check. ;03/15/2005
| 2 | ;;2.0;CLINICAL REMINDERS;**4**;Feb 04, 2005;Build 21
| 3 | ;
| 4 | ;===============================================================
| 5 | ENVCHK ;Perform an environment check. Look for any reminders still using
| 6 | ;old-style MRD. Do not install if any are found.
| 7 | N NL,TEXT
| 8 | D FOMRD(.NL)
| 9 | I NL>2 S XPDABORT=1
| 10 | I $G(XPDABORT) D
| 11 | . S TEXT(1)="Patch PXRM*2*4 cannot be installed because some reminders are still using"
| 12 | . S TEXT(2)="the old-style MRD. A message is being sent to the reminders mailgroup that"
| 13 | . S TEXT(3)="lists the reminders still using the old-style MRD. Please replace the old-style"
| 14 | . S TEXT(4)="MRD with a function finding."
| 15 | . D EN^DDIOL(.TEXT)
| 16 | E D
| 17 | . S TEXTI(1)="Environment check passed, ok to install patch PXRM*2*4"
| 18 | . D EN^DDIOL(.TEXT)
| 19 | Q
| 20 | ;
| 21 | ;===============================================================
| 22 | FOMRD(NL) ;Flag all definitions using the old-style MRD.
| 24 | K ^TMP("PXRMXMZ",$J)
| 25 | S XMSUB="Old-style MRD obsolete"
| 26 | S ^TMP("PXRMXMZ",$J,1,0)="The following reminder definitions use the old-style MRD function;"
| 27 | S ^TMP("PXRMXMZ",$J,2,0)="please change them to use a function finding."
| 28 | S NL=2
| 29 | S IEN=0
| 30 | F S IEN=+$O(^PXD(811.9,IEN)) Q:IEN=0 D
| 31 | . S CPCL=$G(^PXD(811.9,IEN,30))
| 32 | . I CPCL'["MRD" Q
| 33 | . S NAME=$P(^PXD(811.9,IEN,0),U,1)
| 34 | . S NL=NL+1
| 35 | . S ^TMP("PXRMXMZ",$J,NL,0)=" "
| 36 | . S NL=NL+1
| 37 | . S ^TMP("PXRMXMZ",$J,NL,0)="Reminder: "_NAME_", ien - "_IEN
| 38 | . S NL=NL+1
| 39 | . S ^TMP("PXRMXMZ",$J,NL,0)="Custom cohort logic: "_CPCL
| 40 | I NL=2 K ^TMP("PXRMXMZ",$J) Q
| 42 | Q
| 43 | ;