PXRMPDRS ;SLC/PKR - Patient List Demographic Report data selection. ;03/22/2007 ;;2.0;CLINICAL REMINDERS;**4,6**;Feb 04, 2005;Build 123 ; ADDSEL(DATA,SUB) ;Let the user select the address information they want. N ADDLIST,LIST S ADDLIST("A",1)=" 1 - CURRENT ADDRESS",DATA(SUB,1,1)="STREET ADDRESS #1"_U_1 S DATA(SUB,1,2)="STREET ADDRESS #2"_U_1,DATA(SUB,1,3)="STREET ADDRESS #3"_U_1 S DATA(SUB,1,4)="CITY"_U_1,DATA(SUB,1,5)="STATE"_U_2,DATA(SUB,1,6)="ZIP"_U_1 S DATA(SUB,1,7)="COUNTY"_U_2 S ADDLIST("A",2)=" 2 - PHONE NUMBER",DATA(SUB,2,8)="PHONE NUMBER"_U_1 S ADDLIST("A")="Enter your selection(s)" S ADDLIST("?")="^D HELP^PXRMPDRS" W !!,"Select from the following address items:" S LIST=$$SEL^PXRMPDRS(.ADDLIST,2) I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) Q S DATA(SUB)=LIST S DATA(SUB,"LEN")=$L(LIST,",")-1 Q ; APPERR ; N ECODE I $D(ZTQUEUED) D Q . N NL,TIME . S TIME=$$NOW^XLFDT . S TIME=$$FMTE^XLFDT(TIME) . K ^TMP("PXRMXMZ",$J) . S ^TMP("PXRMXMZ",$J,1,0)="The Patient Demographic Report requested by "_$$GET1^DIQ(200,DBDUZ,.01)_" on " . S ^TMP("PXRMXMZ",$J,2,0)=TIME_" was supposed to include appointment data." . S ^TMP("PXRMXMZ",$J,3,0)="Appointment data could not be obtained from the Scheduling database due to the" . S ^TMP("PXRMXMZ",$J,4,0)="following error(s):" . S ECODE=0,NL=4 . F S ECODE=$O(^TMP($J,"SDAMA301",ECODE)) Q:ECODE="" D .. S NL=NL+1,^TMP("PXRMXMZ",$J,NL,0)=" "_^TMP($J,"SDAMA301",ECODE) . D SEND^PXRMMSG("Scheduling database error(s)",1) . S ZTSTOP=1 ; I '$D(ZTQUEUED) D Q . W @IOF . W !,"Appointment data could not be obtained from the Scheduling database due to the" . W !,"following error(s):" . S ECODE=0 . F S ECODE=$O(^TMP($J,"SDAMA301",ECODE)) Q:ECODE="" D .. W !," ",^TMP($J,"SDAMA301",ECODE) Q ; APPSEL(DATA,SUB) ;Let the user select the appointment information they want. ;The first subscript of APPDATA is the selection number and the ;the second subscript is the subscript where the data is returned ;in VAPA. The first piece of APPDATA is the name of the data and the ;second piece is the piece of VAPA this is displayed. N APPLIST,LIST,MAX S APPLIST("A",1)=" 1 - APPOINTMENT DATE",DATA(SUB,1,1)="APPOINTMENT DATE"_U_1 S APPLIST("A",2)=" 2 - CLINIC",DATA(SUB,2,2)="CLINIC"_U_2 S APPLIST("A")="Enter your selection(s)" S APPLIST("?")="^D HELP^PXRMPDRS" W !!,"Select from the following future appointment items:" S LIST=$$SEL^PXRMPDRS(.APPLIST,2) I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) Q S DATA(SUB)=LIST S DATA(SUB,"LEN")=$L(LIST,",")-1 I DATA(SUB,"LEN")=0 Q S DATA(SUB,"MAX")=$$ASKNUM^PXRMEUT("Maximum number of appointments to display",1,25) Q ; DATASEL(LISTIEN,DATA,SUB) ; Build a list of data that is availble for ;this patient list and let the user select what they want. N IND,DATALIST,DTYPE S DTYPE="",IND=0 F S DTYPE=$O(^PXRMXP(810.5,LISTIEN,35,"B",DTYPE)) Q:DTYPE="" D . S IND=IND+1,DATALIST("A",IND)=" "_IND_" - "_DTYPE . S DATA(SUB,IND,IND)=DTYPE ;If there is no data quit. I IND=0 S DATA(SUB,"LEN")=0 Q S DATALIST("A")="Enter your selections(s)" S DATALIST("?")="^D HELP^PXRMPDRS" W !!,"Select from the following patient data:" S LIST=$$SEL^PXRMPDRS(.DATALIST,IND) I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) Q S DATA(SUB)=LIST S DATA(SUB,"LEN")=$L(LIST,",")-1 Q ; DEMSEL(DATA,SUB) ;Let the user select the demographic information they want. ;The first subscript of DATA is the selection number and the ;the second subscript is the subscript where the data is returned ;in VADM. The first piece of DEMDATA is the name of the data and the ;second piece is the piece of VADM this is displayed. N DEMLIST,DTOUT,DUOUT,IND,ITEM,JND,KND,LIST,TEMP S DEMLIST("A",1)=" 1 - SSN",DATA(SUB,1,2)="SSN"_U_2 S DEMLIST("A",2)=" 2 - DATE OF BIRTH",DATA(SUB,2,3)="DOB"_U_2 S DEMLIST("A",3)=" 3 - AGE",DATA(SUB,3,4)="AGE"_U_1 S DEMLIST("A",4)=" 4 - SEX",DATA(SUB,4,5)="SEX"_U_2 S DEMLIST("A",5)=" 5 - DATE OF DEATH",DATA(SUB,5,6)="DOD"_U_2 S DEMLIST("A",6)=" 6 - REMARKS",DATA(SUB,6,7)="REMARKS"_U_1 S DEMLIST("A",7)=" 7 - HISTORIC RACE",DATA(SUB,7,8)="HISTORIC RACE"_U_2 S DEMLIST("A",8)=" 8 - RELIGION",DATA(SUB,8,9)="RELIGION"_U_2 S DEMLIST("A",9)=" 9 - MARITAL STATUS",DATA(SUB,9,10)="MARTIAL STATUS"_U_2 S DEMLIST("A",10)="10 - ETHNICITY",DATA(SUB,10,11)="ETHNICITY"_U_2 S DEMLIST("A",11)="11 - RACE",DATA(SUB,11,12)="RACE"_U_2 S DEMLIST("A")="Enter your selection(s)" S DEMLIST("?")="^D HELP^PXRMPDRS" DSEL W !!,"Select from the following demographic items:" S LIST=$$SEL^PXRMPDRS(.DEMLIST,11) I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) Q S DATA(SUB)=LIST S DATA(SUB,"LEN")=$L(LIST,",")-1 F IND=1:1:DATA(SUB,"LEN") D . S JND=$P(LIST,",",IND) . S KND=$O(DATA(SUB,JND,"")) . S TEMP=$P(DATA(SUB,JND,KND),U,1) . I TEMP="SSN" D .. N FULLSSN .. D SSN^PXRMXSD(.FULLSSN) .. S DATA(SUB,"FULLSSN")=$S($G(FULLSSN)="Y":1,1:0) . I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) S IND=DATA(SUB,"LEN")+1 Q . I TEMP="ETHNICITY" S $P(DATA(SUB,10,11),U,3)=$$ASKNUM^PXRMEUT("Maximum number of ethnicity entries to display",1,10) . I TEMP="RACE" S $P(DATA(SUB,11,12),U,3)=$$ASKNUM^PXRMEUT("Maximum number of race entries to display",1,10) I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) K DTOUT,DUOUT G DSEL Q ; ELIGSEL(DATA,SUB) ;Let the user select the eligibility data they want. ;The first subscript of ELIGDATA is the selection number and the ;the second subscript is the subscript where the data is returned ;in VAEL. The first piece of ELIGDATA is the name of the data and the ;second piece is the piece of VAEL this is displayed. N ELIGLIST,ITEM,LIST S ELIGLIST("A",1)=" 1 - PRIMARY ELGIBILITY CODE",DATA(SUB,1,1)="PRIMARY ELGIBILITY CODE"_U_2 S ELIGLIST("A",2)=" 2 - PERIOD OF SERVICE",DATA(SUB,2,2)="PERIOD OF SERVICE"_U_2 S ELIGLIST("A",3)=" 3 - % SERVICE CONNECTED",DATA(SUB,3,3)="% SERVICE CONNECTED"_U_2 S ELIGLIST("A",4)=" 4 - VETERAN",DATA(SUB,4,4)="VETERAN"_U_1 S ELIGLIST("A",5)=" 5 - TYPE",DATA(SUB,5,6)="TYPE"_U_2 S ELIGLIST("A",6)=" 6 - ELIGIBILITY STATUS",DATA(SUB,6,8)="ELIGIBILITY STATUS"_U_2 S ELIGLIST("A",7)=" 7 - CURRENT MEANS TEST",DATA(SUB,7,9)="CURRENT MEANS TEST"_U_2 S ELIGLIST("A")="Enter your selection(s)" S ELIGLIST("?")="^D HELP^PXRMPDRS" W !!,"Select from the following eligibility items:" S LIST=$$SEL^PXRMPDRS(.ELIGLIST,7) I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) Q S DATA(SUB)=LIST S DATA(SUB,"LEN")=$L(LIST,",")-1 Q ; HELP ; -- help code. W !!,"You can choose any combination of numbers i.e., 1-4 or 1,3-5" W !!,"See the Clinical Reminders Managers manual for detailed explanations of each" W !,"of the selection items." Q ; INPSEL(DATA,SUB) ;Let the user select the inpatient information they want. ;The first subscript of INPDATA is the selection number and the ;the second subscript is the subscript where the data is returned ;in VAIN. The first piece of INPDATA is the name of the data and the ;second piece is the piece of VAIN this is displayed. N INPLIST,ITEM,LIST S INPLIST("A",1)=" 1 - WARD LOCATION",DATA(SUB,1,4)="WARD"_U_2 S INPLIST("A",2)=" 2 - ROOM-BED",DATA(SUB,2,5)="ROOM-BED"_U_1 S INPLIST("A",3)=" 3 - ADMISSION DATE/TIME",DATA(SUB,3,7)="ADMISSION DATE/TIME"_U_2 S INPLIST("A",4)=" 4 - ATTENDING PHYSICIAN",DATA(SUB,4,11)="ATTENDING"_U_2 S INPLIST("A")="Enter your selection(s)" S INPLIST("?")="^D HELP^PXRMPDRS" W !!,"Select from the following inpatient items:" S LIST=$$SEL^PXRMPDRS(.INPLIST,5) I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) Q S DATA(SUB)=LIST S DATA(SUB,"LEN")=$L(LIST,",")-1 Q ; REMSEL(PLIEN,DATA,SUB) ;If the list was generated from a reminder report ;let the user select the reminder data they want. I '$P(^PXRMXP(810.5,PLIEN,0),U,9) S DATA(SUB,"LEN")=0 Q N IEN,IND,REMLIST,RNAME S (IEN,IND)=0 F S IEN=$O(^PXRMXP(810.5,PLIEN,45,"B",IEN)) Q:IEN="" D . S RNAME=$P(^PXD(811.9,IEN,0),U,3) . I RNAME="" S RNAME=$P(^PXD(811.9,IEN,0),U,1) . S IND=IND+1 . S DATA(SUB,"RNAME",IND)=RNAME . S DATA(SUB,"IEN",IND)=IEN . S REMLIST("A",IND)=" "_IND_" - "_RNAME S REMLIST("A")="Enter your selection(s)" S REMLIST("?")="^D HELP^PXRMPDRS" W !!,"Include due status information for the following reminder(s):" S LIST=$$SEL^PXRMPDRS(.REMLIST,IND) I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) Q S DATA(SUB)=LIST S DATA(SUB,"LEN")=$L(LIST,",")-1 Q ; SEL(SELLIST,LEN) ;Select global list N DIR,X,Y M DIR=SELLIST S DIR(0)="LO^1:"_LEN D ^DIR Q Y ;