PSXBPSUT ;BIR/MFR - BPS (ECME) Utilities ;13 Mar 2002 10:31 AM ;;2.0;CMOP;**48,63**;11 Apr 97;Build 8 ;Reference to ^PS(52.5, supported by DBIA #1978 ; XMIT(REC) ; Checks if the prescription will be transmitted to CMOP or not ; Input: REC - Pointer to SUSPENSE file (#52.5) ; Output: XMIT - 0 - NO / 1 - YES N VADM,DFN,RX,PSXOK I '$D(^PS(52.5,REC,0)) Q 0 I $P(^PS(52.5,REC,0),"^",7)="" Q 0 S RX=$P($G(^PS(52.5,REC,0)),"^",1) I RX="" Q 0 S DFN=$$GET1^DIQ(52,RX,2,"I") D DEM^VADPT I $G(VADM(6))'="" Q 0 I ($P(^PS(52.5,REC,0),"^",3)'=DFN) Q 0 S PSXOK=0 D CHKDATA^PSXMISC1 I PSXOK Q 0 Q 1 ; EXCEL() ; - Returns whether to capture data for Excel report. ; Output: EXCEL = 1 - YES (capture data) / 0 - NO (DO NOT capture data) ; N EXCEL,DIR,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIROUT,Y ; S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="NO",DIR("T")=DTIME W ! S DIR("A")="Do you want to capture report data for an Excel document" S DIR("?")="^D HEXC^PSXBPSUT" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT)!$D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT)!$D(DIROUT) Q "^" K DIROUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT S EXCEL=0 I Y S EXCEL=1 ; ;Display Excel display message I EXCEL=1 D EXMSG ; Q EXCEL ; HEXC ; - 'Do you want to capture data...' prompt W !!," Enter: 'Y' - To capture detail report data to transfer" W !," to an Excel document" W !," '' - To skip this option" W !," '^' - To quit this option" Q ; ;Display the message about capturing to an Excel file format ; EXMSG ; W !!?5,"Before continuing, please set up your terminal to capture the" W !?5,"detail report data. On some terminals, this can be done by" W !?5,"clicking on the 'Tools' menu above, then click on 'Capture" W !?5,"Incoming Data' to save to Desktop. This report may take a" W !?5,"while to run." W !!?5,"Note: To avoid undesired wrapping of the data saved to the" W !?5," file, please enter '0;256;999' at the 'DEVICE:' prompt.",! Q