DBARO ; Routine Method for Standard Extraction of Routines ;9/23/06 14:10 N EXIT,ODIR,OFN,RTN I '$D(DTIME) N DTIME S DTIME=300 ; Routine Selector X ^%ZOSF("RSEL") ;Output in ^UTILITY($J,rtn) S RTN=$O(^UTILITY($J,9)),EXIT=0 ; D:$L(RTN) . F D IFILE Q:$L($G(IO)) . D:$L($G(IO))&('EXIT) . . U $P . . W !,"Enter a Comment for the Routine Set.",! . . R ">>",COM:DTIME,! . . I '$T!($E(ODIR)="^") S EXIT=1 Q . . ; . . U IO . . W COM,!,$$HTE^XLFDT($H),! . . D RGET . . U $P . .QUIT .QUIT QUIT ; ============== IFILE ; Prompt and accept the Directory and File Combination N X W !,"Enter a valid directory path and file name for the receiving file" W !," enter '?' for Help, or '^' to exit now." W !," such as: /tmp/ and OUTRTNS.RO",! R !,"Directory > ",ODIR:DTIME,! I ('$T)!($E(ODIR)="^") S EXIT=1 Q R !,"Output File > ",OFNM:DTIME,! I ('$T)!($E(OFNM)="^") S EXIT=1 Q D OPEN^%ZISH("",ODIR,OFNM,"W") U $P QUIT ; ============== RGET ; The file and the list of routines has been selected, ; now go load the File. N XCNP,DIF,TMP,X,I,L,S,V I '$D(IORM) N IORM S IORM=255 S S=$J("",12) ; RTN already has the first name. F D S RTN=$O(^UTILITY($J,RTN)) Q:RTN="" . K TMP S XCNP=0,DIF="TMP(",X=RTN X ^%ZOSF("LOAD") . U IO W RTN,! . F I=1:1:XCNP-1 W TMP(I,0),! . W ! . U $P W:(($X+10)>80) ! W $E(RTN_S,1,10) . Q U IO W !! F I=1:1:5 W "#########",! I IOT="HFS" D ^%ZISC QUIT ; ==============