1 | ECXUTL6 ;ALB/JRC - Utilities for DSS Extracts ; 11/2/06 8:30am
2 | ;;3.0;DSS EXTRACTS;**92**;Dec 22, 1997;Build 30
3 | ;
4 | NUTKEY(P,D) ;Generate n&fs feeder key
5 | ;Required variables
6 | ; p - diet type production diet, standing orders, supplemental
7 | ; feedings, or tube feedings.
8 | ; d - diet ien from files 116.2, 116.3, 118, or 118.2
9 | ;Check input
10 | I $G(P)=""!'$G(D) Q ""
11 | ;Init variables
14 | S PRO=$O(^ECX(728.45,"B",P,PRO))
15 | S CODE=D_$S(P="PD":";FH(116.2,",P="SO":";FH(116.3,",P="SF":";FH(118,",P="TF":";FH(118.2,",1:"")
16 | S DIET=0,DIET=$O(^ECX(728.45,+PRO,1,"B",CODE,DIET))
17 | S IENS=""_DIET_","_PRO_","_""
18 | Q $$GET1^DIQ(728.451,IENS,1)
19 | ;
20 | NUTLOC(P,D,FPD,FDD,FPF,DLT,DFL) ;Define nutrition fields
21 | ;Required variables
22 | ; p - patient status, inpatient or outpatient
23 | ;
24 | ; d - diet type production diet, standing orders, supplemental
25 | ; feedings, or tube feedings.
26 | ; Output: food production division, food delivery division, food
27 | ; production facility, food delivery type, delivery feeder
28 | ; location
29 | ;Init variables
32 | S OPLOC=""
33 | ;Check input
34 | I $G(P)=""!($G(D)="")!'($G(FHDFN)) Q ""
35 | ;Get food production facility for inpatient, use 115.1.13 (dietetic
36 | ;ward) field which points 119.6 (nutrition location), field 3 (tray
37 | ;service point) or field 4 (cafeteria service point), which points to
38 | ;119.72 (production facility) field 2.
39 | I P="INP" D
40 | .S WARD=$P($G(^FHPT(FHDFN,"A",ECXADM,0)),U,8)
41 | .S TRSVP=$$GET1^DIQ(119.6,WARD,3,"I")
42 | .;Get divisions
43 | .D GETDIV
44 | .Q
45 | ;
46 | ;Get food production facility for outpatient recurring meal, use
47 | ;115.16.2 (outpatient location) which points to file 119.6 (nutrition
48 | ;location) field 3 (tray service point) or field 4 (cafeteria service
49 | ;point), which points to 119.72 (production facility) field 2.
50 | I P["OP",D["RM" D
51 | .S OPLOC=""_$P(NODE,U,3)_","_"",TRSVP=$$GET1^DIQ(119.6,OPLOC,3,"I")
52 | .D GETDIV
53 | .Q
54 | ;
55 | ;Get food production facility for outpatient tube feeding, use
56 | ;115.16.2 (outpatient location) then use 119.6 nutrition location
57 | ;which points to 119.72 field 2.
58 | I P["OP",D["TF" D
59 | .S OPLOC=""_$P(^TMP($J,"FH",DATE,FHDFN,NUMBER,"RM"),U,3)_","_""
60 | .S TRSVP=$$GET1^DIQ(119.6,OPLOC,3,"I")
61 | .;Get delivery division
62 | .D GETDIV
63 | .Q
64 | ;
65 | ;Get food production facility for special meals, use 115.17.2
66 | ;location field 2 which is a pointer to 119.6 (nutrition location)
67 | ;which points to 119.72 via field 2 (tray service point) which points
68 | ;to file 119.71 (production facility) field 2.
69 | I P["OP",D["SM" D
70 | .S OPLOC=""_$P(NODE,U,3)_","_""
71 | .S TRSVP=$$GET1^DIQ(119.6,OPLOC,3,"I")
72 | .;Get delivery division
73 | .D GETDIV
74 | .Q
75 | ;
76 | ;Get food production facility for outpatient guest meals, use
77 | ;115.18.4 (outpatient location) then use 119.6 nutrition location
78 | ;which points to 119.72 (production facility) field 2.
79 | I P["OP",D["GM" D
80 | .S OPLOC=""_$P(NODE,U,5)_","_"",TRSVP=$$GET1^DIQ(119.6,OPLOC,3,"I")
81 | .S ECXFPF=$$GET1^DIQ(119.72,""_TRSVP_","_"",2,"I")
82 | .;Get delivery division
83 | .D GETDIV
84 | .Q
85 | ;
86 | ;Get delivery location type for patients; with inpatients the type of
87 | ;service needs to be pulled from the admission node, with outpatients
88 | ;the type of service needs to be pulled from different nodes and use
89 | ;field 101 of Nutrition Location file (#119.6). Delivery location
90 | ;types only set for the following meals:
91 | ; Inpatient with a production diet
92 | ; Outpatient with a recurring meal
93 | ; Outpatient with a special meal
94 | ; Outpatient with a guest meal
95 | ; all other meals are null
96 | I P="INP",D="PD" D
97 | .S ECXDLT=$P($G(NODE),U,8)
98 | I P="OP",((D="RM")!(D="SM")) D
99 | .S ECXDLT=$E($$GET1^DIQ(119.6,""_$P(NODE,U,3)_","_"",101,"E"),1)
100 | I P="OP",D="GM" D
101 | .S ECXDLT=$E($$GET1^DIQ(119.6,""_$P(NODE,U,5)_","_"",101,"E"),1)
102 | ;
103 | ;Delivery feeder location
105 | .S ECXDFL=$E($$GET1^DIQ(119.72,ECXDFL,2,"E"),1,10)
106 | I (ECXDLT["T")!(ECXDLT["D") D
107 | .S MASWARD=$O(^FH(119.6,$S(WARD:+WARD,+OPLOC:+OPLOC,1:""),"W","B",0))
108 | .S ECXDFL=$$GET1^DIQ(42,+MASWARD,44,"I")
109 | Q 1
110 | ;
111 | GETDIV ;Get divisions and food production facility
112 | ;Init variables
113 | N IEN,SIEN
115 | S IEN=$$GET1^DIQ(119.72,+TRSVP,2,"I")
116 | Q:'IEN
117 | ;Get delivery division
118 | S SIEN=""_+TRSVP_";FH(119.72,"
119 | S ECXFDD=$O(^ECX(728.46,"B",SIEN,ECXFDD))
120 | S ECXFDD=""_$$GET1^DIQ(728.46,ECXFDD,1,"I")_","_""
121 | S ECXFDD=$$GET1^DIQ(4,ECXFDD,99,"E")
122 | ;Get production division and food production facility
123 | S IEN=""_IEN_";FH(119.71,"
124 | S ECXFPF=$O(^ECX(728.46,"B",IEN,ECXFPF))
125 | S ECXFPD=""_$$GET1^DIQ(728.46,ECXFPF,1,"I")_","_""
126 | S ECXFPD=$$GET1^DIQ(4,ECXFPD,99,"E")
127 | S ECXFPF=$E($$GET1^DIQ(728.46,ECXFPF,.01,"E"),1,10)
128 | Q