[613] | 1 | ENTIUTL1 ;WOIFO/SAB - Engineering Utilities ;2/4/2008
| 2 | ;;7.0;ENGINEERING;**87**;Aug 17, 1993;Build 16
| 3 | ; this routine contains APIs that create or modify IT assignment data
| 4 | ;
| 5 | ASGN(ENDA,EN200) ; Assign Equipment Responsibility
| 6 | ; input
| 7 | ; ENDA = equipment ien (file 6914)
| 8 | ; EN200 = owner ien (file 200)
| 9 | ; returns value =
| 10 | ; 0 (already exists) or
| 11 | ; E (error) or
| 12 | ; internal entry number of the created record (positive integer)
| 14 | S ENRET=0
| 15 | ; only create if owner does not have an active assignment for the item
| 16 | I '$D(^ENG(6916.3,"AOA",EN200,ENDA)) D
| 17 | . S ENFDA(6916.3,"+1,",.01)=ENDA
| 18 | . S ENFDA(6916.3,"+1,",1)=EN200
| 19 | . S ENFDA(6916.3,"+1,",2)=$$NOW^XLFDT()
| 20 | . S ENFDA(6916.3,"+1,",3)=DUZ
| 22 | . S ENRET=$S($D(ENERR):"E",1:ENIEN(1))
| 23 | ;
| 24 | Q ENRET
| 25 | ;
| 26 | SIGN(ENDA) ; Sign Equipment Responsibility
| 27 | ; input
| 28 | ; ENDA = assignment ien (file 6916.3)
| 29 | ; returns value = 1 (signed) or 0 (not active) or E (error)
| 31 | S ENRET=0
| 32 | ; only sign if assignment is active
| 33 | I $P($G(^ENG(6916.3,ENDA,0)),U,8)="" D
| 34 | . S ENHRT=$O(^ENG(6916.2," "),-1) ; current hand receipt text ien
| 35 | . I 'ENHRT S ENRET="E" Q ; required
| 36 | . ;
| 37 | . ; if already signed or certified then retain that data in history
| 38 | . D SAVSIG
| 39 | . I $D(ENERR) S ENRET="E" Q ; error during DBS call
| 40 | . ;
| 41 | . ; build signature block string
| 42 | . S ENY=$G(^ENG(6916.3,ENDA,0))
| 44 | . S ENSTR=ENSTR_U_$P(ENY,U) ; equipment ien
| 45 | . S ENSTR=ENSTR_U_$P(ENY,U,2) ; owner ien
| 46 | . S ENSTR=ENSTR_U_ENHRT ; hand receipt text ien
| 47 | . S ENSTR=ENSTR_U_$$GET1^DIQ(6916.2,ENHRT,3) ; hand receipt checksum
| 48 | . S X=ENSTR,X1=ENDA,X2=1 D EN^XUSHSHP S ENSTRH=X ; hashed string
| 49 | . ;
| 50 | . ; set up FDA array for DBS call
| 51 | . S ENFDA(6916.3,ENDA_",",4)=$P(ENSTR,U,4) ; signed date/time
| 52 | . S ENFDA(6916.3,ENDA_",",5)=ENHRT ; hand receipt text
| 53 | . S ENFDA(6916.3,ENDA_",",5.9)="@" ; may be leftover from prior cert
| 54 | . S ENFDA(6916.3,ENDA_",",6)="@" ; may be leftover from prior cert
| 55 | . S ENFDA(6916.3,ENDA_",",9)=ENSTRH ; encrypted string
| 56 | . ;
| 57 | . D FILE^DIE("","ENFDA","ENERR")
| 58 | . S ENRET=$S($D(ENERR):"E",1:1)
| 59 | ;
| 60 | Q ENRET
| 61 | ;
| 62 | CERT(ENDA,ENDT) ; Certify Signature for Equipment Responsibility
| 63 | ; input
| 64 | ; ENDA = assignment ien (file 6916.3)
| 65 | ; ENDT = date of signature (FileMan internal date)
| 66 | ; returns value = 1 (created) or 0 (not active) or E (error)
| 68 | S ENRET=0
| 69 | ; only certify if assignment is active
| 70 | I $P($G(^ENG(6916.3,ENDA,0)),U,8)="" D
| 71 | . I $G(ENDT)'?7N S ENRET="E" Q ; required
| 72 | . ;
| 73 | . S ENHRT=$O(^ENG(6916.2," "),-1) ; current hand receipt text ien
| 74 | . I 'ENHRT S ENRET="E" Q ; required
| 75 | . ;
| 76 | . ; if already signed or certified then retain that data in history
| 77 | . D SAVSIG
| 78 | . I $D(ENERR) S ENRET="E" Q ; error during DBS call
| 79 | . ;
| 80 | . ; set data for a certification
| 81 | . S ENFDA(6916.3,ENDA_",",4)=ENDT
| 82 | . S ENFDA(6916.3,ENDA_",",5)=ENHRT
| 83 | . S ENFDA(6916.3,ENDA_",",5.9)=$$NOW^XLFDT()
| 84 | . S ENFDA(6916.3,ENDA_",",6)=DUZ
| 85 | . S ENFDA(6916.3,ENDA_",",9)="@" ; may be leftover from prior e-sig
| 86 | . ;
| 87 | . D FILE^DIE("","ENFDA","ENERR")
| 88 | . S ENRET=$S($D(ENERR):"E",1:1)
| 89 | ;
| 90 | Q ENRET
| 91 | ;
| 92 | TERM(ENDA) ; Terminate Equipment Responsibility Assignment
| 93 | ; input
| 94 | ; ENDA = assignment ien (file 6916.3)
| 95 | ; returns value = 1 (created) or 0 (not active) or E (error)
| 97 | S ENRET=0
| 98 | ; only terminate if assignment is active
| 99 | I $P($G(^ENG(6916.3,ENDA,0)),U,8)="" D
| 100 | . S ENFDA(6916.3,ENDA_",",7)=$$NOW^XLFDT()
| 101 | . S ENFDA(6916.3,ENDA_",",8)=DUZ
| 102 | . D FILE^DIE("","ENFDA","ENERR")
| 103 | . S ENRET=$S($D(ENERR):"E",1:1)
| 104 | ;
| 105 | Q ENRET
| 106 | ;
| 107 | SAVSIG ; Save current signature data (if any) to previous signature multiple
| 108 | ; input ENDA = ien of assignment (file 6916.3)
| 109 | ; result = may create entry in subfile 6916.31
| 110 | ; output ENERR - only defined if there was an error during DBS call
| 111 | N ENFDA,ENY,ENY1
| 112 | ; if already signed or certified then retain that data in history
| 113 | S ENY=$G(^ENG(6916.3,ENDA,0))
| 114 | Q:'$P(ENY,U,5) ; not signed or certified
| 115 | S ENY1=$G(^ENG(6916.3,ENDA,1))
| 116 | ;
| 117 | S ENFDA(6916.31,"+1,"_ENDA_",",.01)=$P(ENY,U,5)
| 118 | I $P(ENY,U,6) S ENFDA(6916.31,"+1,"_ENDA_",",1)=$P(ENY,U,6)
| 119 | I $P(ENY,U,10) S ENFDA(6916.31,"+1,"_ENDA_",",2)=$P(ENY,U,10)
| 120 | I $P(ENY,U,7) S ENFDA(6916.31,"+1,"_ENDA_",",3)=$P(ENY,U,7)
| 121 | I $P(ENY1,U)]"" S ENFDA(6916.31,"+1,"_ENDA_",",4)=$P(ENY1,U)
| 122 | ;
| 123 | D UPDATE^DIE("","ENFDA","","ENERR")
| 124 | ;
| 125 | Q
| 126 | ;
| 127 | ;ENTIUTL1