ENY2VACO ;;(WIRMFO)/DH-Y2K Activity Report ;10.9.98 ;;7.0;ENGINEERING;**55,58**;August 17, 1993 EN ; national roll-up of Y2K information ; may be selected manually or scheduled to run automatically ; at a user specified frequency N %DT W @IOF,!,?20,"NATIONAL ROLL-UP OF Y2K INFORMATION" I $P($G(^DIC(6910,1,0)),U,2)']"" W !!,"There is no STATION NUMBER in your Engineering Init Parameters file.",!,"Can't proceed.",*7 D HOLD Q I '$D(^XUSEC("ENY2K_ROLL_UP",DUZ)) W !!,"You must hold security key ENY2K_ROLL_UP in order to execute this option.",*7 D HOLD Q ; ACT1 W !!,"Please enter starting and stopping dates for activity reporting",!," (or '^' to escape...)",! S %DT="AEP",%DT("A")="Starting date: ",%DT(0)=-DT S Y=$E(DT,1,5)-1 S:$E(Y,4,5)="00" Y=($E(Y,1,3)-1)_12 S Y=Y_"01" X ^DD("DD") S %DT("B")=Y D ^%DT Q:Y'>0 S Y=$P(Y,"."),ENDATE("STARTI")=Y X ^DD("DD") S ENDATE("STARTE")=Y ACT2 S Y=$$EOM^ENUTL(ENDATE("STARTI")) X ^DD("DD") S %DT("B")=Y S %DT("A")="Stopping date: " K %DT(0) D ^%DT Q:Y'>0 S Y=$P(Y,"."),ENDATE("STOPI")=Y_".9" X ^DD("DD") S ENDATE("STOPE")=Y I ENDATE("STOPI")'>ENDATE("STARTI") W !!,"STOPPING DATE must follow the STARTING DATE",*7 G ACT2 S X=$P($O(^ENG(6918,"C",ENDATE("STARTI"))),".") I X=""!(X>ENDATE("STOPI")) W !!,"There was no Y2K activity between "_ENDATE("STARTE")_" and "_ENDATE("STOPE")_".",!,"Cumulative information will be transmitted anyway.",*7 I $P(ENDATE("STOPI"),".",2)="" S ENDATE("STOPI")=ENDATE("STOPI")_".99" W !!,"The system is now prepared to send a Y2K report to VACO." S DIR("A")="Is that what you want to do",DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="YES" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT)!('Y) K ENDATE Q ; confirm the transaction S ZTRTN="DEQVACO^ENY2VACO",ZTIO="" F J="ENDATE(""STARTI"")","ENDATE(""STOPI"")" S ZTSAVE(J)="" S ZTDESC="Y2K National Roll-up (equipment)" S ZTDTH=$H D ^%ZTLOAD,HOME^%ZIS K ZTSK W !!,"A national roll-up of Y2K information has been tasked to run via NetWork",!,"Mail. You will receive a copy of the message." K ENDATE Q ; DEQVACO ; use ENX( as root of NetWork mail message K ^TMP($J) I $G(ENDATE("STARTI"))="" D . S Y=$E(DT,1,5)-1 S:$E(Y,4,5)="00" Y=($E(Y,1,3)-1)_12 S Y=Y_"01" . S Y=$P(Y,"."),ENDATE("STARTI")=Y . S ENDATE("STOPI")=$$EOM^ENUTL(ENDATE("STARTI"))_".99" N DA,CAT,EN,ENX,ENY,TOTAL,STATION,COST,COUNT,ALLSTN,ENSTN,KOUNT,ENCLASS D NOW^%DTC S ENY=$P(%,".",2) S ENC(1,0)="ENG^"_$E(1000+$E($P(^DIC(6910,1,0),U,2),1,3),2,4)_"^Y2K^"_(%+17000000\1)_U_ENY_$E("000000",1,6-$L(ENY))_U_$$LTZ^ENPLUTL_"^001^|",KOUNT=1 S (ALLSTN,ENSTN)=0,ENY2K("VACO")=1,ENCLASS=1 D CNTACT^ENY2REP,ROLLACT K COUNT,TOTAL K ^TMP($J) D DEQ1^ENY2REP4,ROLLCUM^ENY2VAC1 K COUNT,TOTAL D DEQ1^ENY2REPA,ROLLFC^ENY2VAC2 K COUNT,TOTAL D SUM1^ENY2USRS,ROLLUTL^ENY2VAC2 S KOUNT=KOUNT+1,ENC(KOUNT,0)="$" D SEND G EXIT ; ROLLACT ; add Y2K activity to national roll-up S STATION=0 F S STATION=$O(^TMP($J,"ENY2B",STATION)) Q:STATION="" D . S ENC(2,0)="A1^"_($P(ENDATE("STARTI"),".")+17000000\1)_U_($P(ENDATE("STOPI"),".")+17000000\1)_U_"|",COUNT=1,KOUNT=2 . F J=0,"FC","NC","CC","NA" F K=0,"FC","NC","CC","NA" I '(J=0&(K=0)) D .. S COUNT=COUNT+1 Q:'^TMP($J,"ENY2B",STATION,J,K,"COUNT") .. S KOUNT=KOUNT+1,ENC(KOUNT,0)="A"_COUNT_U_J_U_K_U_^TMP($J,"ENY2B",STATION,J,K,"COUNT")_U_^("EST")_U_^("ACT")_U_^("REST")_U_$S($D(COUNT(STATION,J,K,"EST")):COUNT(STATION,J,K,"EST"),1:"") .. S ENC(KOUNT,0)=ENC(KOUNT,0)_U_^TMP($J,"ENY2B",STATION,J,K,"RACT")_U_$S($D(COUNT(STATION,J,K,"ACT")):COUNT(STATION,J,K,"ACT"),1:"")_U_"|" Q ; SEND ; send NetWork mail S XMY(DUZ)="",XMY("S.EN_UPDATE_Y2K@FORUM.VA.GOV")="",XMDUZ=.5 ;S XMY(DUZ)="",XMDUZ=.5 S XMSUB="Roll-up of Y2K Information",XMTEXT="ENC(" D ^XMD K XMY,XMDUZ,XMSUB,XMTEXT Q ; HOLD Q:$E(IOST,1,2)'="C-" R !!,"Press to continue...",X:DTIME Q EXIT ; K ^TMP($J) D ^%ZISC,HOME^%ZIS I $D(ZTQUEUED) S ZTREQN="@" K J,K,X,ENDATE,ENSTN Q ;ENY2VACO