[613] | 1 | PRCN11PO ;WISC/CW-post init patch 11 ;08-Nov-02
| 2 | ;;1.0;Equipment/Turn-In Request;**11**;Sep 13, 1996
| 3 | Q
| 4 | POST ;start post init
| 5 | ;add line item count to file 410 if record contains line items
| 6 | ;
| 8 | D BMES^XPDUTL(" >> Starting the Post-Initialization routine ...")
| 9 | D MES^XPDUTL(" -> Adding LINE ITEM COUNT to file 410 ...")
| 10 | ;
| 12 | F S PRCNDA1=$O(^PRCN(413,PRCNDA1)) Q:'PRCNDA1 D
| 13 | . S PRCNIMP=$P($G(^PRCN(413,PRCNDA1,0)),U,7)
| 14 | . ;request status in file 413.5 ;19-Approved-Funded
| 15 | . ;39-Ready for 2237 Processing ;18-Approved-Pending Funding
| 16 | . I (PRCNIMP'=39),(PRCNIMP'=18),(PRCNIMP'=19) Q
| 17 | . S PRCNIMP=$P(^PRCN(413,PRCNDA1,0),U)
| 18 | . S PRCNDA2=$O(^PRCS(410,"H",PRCNIMP,""))
| 19 | . Q:PRCNDA2=""
| 20 | . Q:'$D(^PRCS(410,PRCNDA2,"IT",1))
| 21 | . Q:'$D(^PRCS(410,PRCNDA2,10))
| 22 | . Q:$P(^PRCS(410,PRCNDA2,10),U)
| 23 | . S PRCNFND=1
| 24 | . S PRCNLIC=$O(^PRCS(410,PRCNDA2,"IT",99),-1),PRCNUM=PRCNUM+1
| 25 | . S ^PRCS(410,PRCNDA2,10)=PRCNLIC_U_$P(^PRCS(410,PRCNDA2,10),U,2,99)
| 26 | . W !!,PRCNUM_". "_"LINE ITEM COUNT "_PRCNLIC_" has been added to the entry record "_PRCNDA2_".",!
| 27 | ;
| 28 | I 'PRCNFND D MES^XPDUTL(" No records need to be updated!")
| 29 | D MES^XPDUTL(" >> End of the Post-Initialization routine ...")
| 30 | Q