EC2P80PT ;ALB/GTS/JAP/GT - PATCH EC*2.0*80 Post-Init Rtn ;01/24/2006 ;;2.0; EVENT CAPTURE ;**80**;8 May 96 ; POST ; entry point N ECVRRV ;* if 725 converted, write message ; since check inserted in addproc subroutine, patch may be re-installed I $$GET1^DID(725,"","","PACKAGE REVISION DATA")["EC*2*80" D .D MES^XPDUTL(" ") .D MES^XPDUTL("It appears that the EC NATIONAL PROCEDURE") .D MES^XPDUTL("file (#725) has already been updated") .D MES^XPDUTL("with Patch EC*2*80.") .D MES^XPDUTL(" ") .D MES^XPDUTL("But the patch may be re-installed...") .D MES^XPDUTL(" ") D ENTUP D F7203 D KILL1 Q ; ENTUP ; D MES^XPDUTL(" ") D BMES^XPDUTL("Updating the National Procedures file (#725)...") D MES^XPDUTL(" ") ;* add new/edit national procedures D ADDPROC^EC725U38 ;add new procedures D NAMECHG^EC725U38 ;change desription D CPTCHG^EC725U39 ;change CPT code D INACT^EC725U39 ;inactivate code D REACT^EC725U39 ;reactivate code ;* set vrrv node (file #725) S ECVRRV=$$GET1^DID(725,"","","PACKAGE REVISION DATA") S ECVRRV=ECVRRV_"^EC*2*80" D PRD^DILFD(725,ECVRRV) D MES^XPDUTL(" ") D BMES^XPDUTL("Update of EC NATIONAL PROCEDURE file (#725)") D BMES^XPDUTL(" completed...") D MES^XPDUTL(" ") Q MSGTXT ; Message intro ;; Please forward this message to your local DSS Site Manager or ;; Event Capture ADPAC.;; Event Capture ADPAC. ;; ;; A review of the EC EVENT CODE SCREENS file (#720.3) was done ;; after installation of patch EC*2*80 which updated the EC NATIONAL ;; PROCEDURE file (#725). This message provides the results of that ;; review. ;; ;; The EC EVENT CODE SCREENS file (#720.3) records indicated below ;; point to an inactive record in the EC NATIONAL PROCEDURE file ;; (#725) or to an inactive record in the CPT file (#81). ;; ;; The user should use the Inactivate Event Code Screens [ECNACT] ;; option to inactivate the Event Code Screen. If necessary, a new ;; Event Code Screen can be created using a currently active CPT code ;; or National Procedure. ;; ;;QUIT ; F7203 ;* inspect/report 720.3 D BMES^XPDUTL("Inspecting EC Event Code Screens file (#720.3)...") D BMES^XPDUTL("You will receive a MailMan message regarding file #720.3^ ") D BMES^XPDUTL(" ") S ZTRTN="F7203Q^EC2P80PT",ZTDESC="File #720.3 Review from EC*2*80",ZTIO="" S ZTDTH=$H,ZTREQ="@",ZTSAVE("ZTREQ")="" D ^%ZTLOAD Q ; F7203Q ;* background job entry point N ECPTR,ECPROCT,EC01,ECSCDA,ECFILE,ECDATA,ECLOC,ECCAT,ECCATNM,ECUNIT,ECNAM,ECPROC,ECINACT,COUNT,TXTVAR S COUNT=0 K ^TMP($J,"EC2P80") F I=1:1 S TXTVAR=$P($T(MSGTXT+I),";;",2) Q:TXTVAR="QUIT" D LINE(TXTVAR) S (EC01,ECPROCT)=0 F S EC01=$O(^ECJ("B",EC01)) Q:+EC01=0 D .S ECPTR=$P(EC01,"-",4),ECSCDA=$O(^ECJ("B",EC01,0)) .Q:'$D(^ECJ(ECSCDA,0)) .;ignore any ec screen that has been inactivated .Q:+$P(^ECJ(ECSCDA,0),"^",2) .S ECFILE=$P(ECPTR,";",2) .;ec screens pointing to file #725 .I ECFILE["EC(725" S ECDATA=$G(^EC(725,$P(ECPTR,";",1),0)) D ..S ECINACT=$P(ECDATA,U,3) ..Q:ECINACT="" ..;ignore if procedure inactivated before this fiscal year ..Q:(ECINACT<3060101) ..S Y=ECINACT D DD^%DT S ECINACT=Y ..S ECLOC=$P(EC01,"-",1),ECUNIT=$P(EC01,"-",2),ECCAT=$P(EC01,"-",3) ..S ECLOC=$P($G(^DIC(4,ECLOC,0)),U,1),ECUNIT=$P($G(^ECD(ECUNIT,0)),U,1) ..S:+ECCAT'=0 ECCATNM=$P($G(^EC(726,ECCAT,0)),U,1) ..S:+ECCAT=0 ECCATNM="None" ..S ECPROC=$P(ECDATA,U,1)_" ("_$P(ECDATA,U,2)_")" ..S ECNAM=$P(^ECJ(ECSCDA,0),";",1) ..D LINE(" ") ..D LINE(" The National Procedure for the following Event Code") ..D LINE(" Screen ("_ECNAM_") is inactive or will soon be inactive --") ..D LINE(" Location: "_ECLOC) ..D LINE(" Category: "_ECCATNM) ..D LINE(" DSS Unit: "_ECUNIT) ..D LINE(" Procedure: "_ECPROC) ..D LINE(" Inactivation Date: "_ECINACT) ..S ECPROCT=ECPROCT+1 .;ec screens pointing to file #81 .I ECFILE["ICPT" S ECDATA=$G(^ICPT($P(ECPTR,";",1),0)) D ..S ECINACT=$P(ECDATA,U,4) ..Q:ECINACT="" ..S ECLOC=$P(EC01,"-",1),ECUNIT=$P(EC01,"-",2),ECCAT=$P(EC01,"-",3) ..S ECLOC=$P($G(^DIC(4,ECLOC,0)),U,1),ECUNIT=$P($G(^ECD(ECUNIT,0)),U,1) ..S:+ECCAT'=0 ECCATNM=$P($G(^EC(726,ECCAT,0)),U,1) ..S:+ECCAT=0 ECCATNM="None" ..S ECPROC=$P(ECDATA,U,2)_" ("_$P(ECDATA,U,1)_")",ECNAM=$P(^ECJ(ECSCDA,0),";",1) ..D LINE(" ") ..D LINE(" The CPT procedure for the following Event") ..D LINE(" Code Screen ("_ECNAM_") is inactive --") ..D LINE(" Location: "_ECLOC) ..D LINE(" Category: "_ECCATNM) ..D LINE(" DSS Unit: "_ECUNIT) ..D LINE(" Procedure: "_ECPROC) ..S ECPROCT=ECPROCT+1 I ECPROCT=0 D .D LINE(" ") .D LINE(" "_ECPROCT_" Event Code Screens were found to be pointing to aninactive") .D LINE(" or soon to be inactive procedure in file #725 or file #81.") .D LINE(" ") D MAIL K ^TMP($J,"EC2P80"),I,Y Q ; LINE(TEXT) ; Add line to message global S COUNT=COUNT+1,^TMP($J,"EC2P80",COUNT)=TEXT Q ; MAIL ; Send message N XMDUZ,XMY,XMTEXT,XMSUB S XMY(DUZ)="",XMDUZ=.5 S XMSUB="Event Code Screens to Review" S XMTEXT="^TMP($J,""EC2P80""," D ^XMD Q KILL1 ; K ZTDESC,ZTDTH,ZTIO,ZTREQ,ZTRTN,ZTSAVE("ZTREQ") Q