[613] | 1 | BPSOSC2 ;BHAM ISC/FCS/DRS - certification testing ;06/01/2004
| 2 | ;;1.0;E CLAIMS MGMT ENGINE;**1,5**;JUN 2004;Build 45
| 3 | ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified.
| 4 | ;
| 5 | Q
| 6 | ; SETBPS - Overwrite BPS array with values from BPS Certfication file
| 7 | ; Input
| 8 | ; ENTRY - IEN for BPS Certification (#9002313.31)
| 9 | ; Output
| 10 | ; BPS Array - This is newed in BPSOSCA and is shared by all BPSOSC* routines
| 11 | ; and others
| 12 | SETBPS(ENTRY) ;
| 13 | ;
| 14 | I $G(ENTRY)="" Q
| 15 | ; If there is a payer in the Certification File, reset transaction header
| 16 | ; values based on this payer sheet
| 17 | N XDATA
| 18 | I $P(^BPS(9002313.31,ENTRY,0),"^",4) D
| 19 | . S BPS("NCPDP","IEN")=$P(^BPS(9002313.31,ENTRY,0),"^",4)
| 20 | . S XDATA=$G(^BPSF(9002313.92,BPS("NCPDP","IEN"),1))
| 21 | . S BPS("NCPDP","Version")=$P(XDATA,U,2)
| 22 | . S BPS("NCPDP","# Meds/Claim")=$P(XDATA,U,3)
| 23 | . S BPS("NCPDP","Software Vendor/Cert ID")=$P(XDATA,U,13)
| 24 | ;
| 25 | ; DMB 11/28/2006 - Existing Code, not sure if this is needed.
| 26 | S BPS("Patient","SSN")=""
| 27 | ;
| 28 | ; Loop through claim header fields
| 29 | N A,N S A=0
| 30 | F S A=$O(^BPS(9002313.31,ENTRY,1,A)) Q:'A D
| 31 | . N X S X=^BPS(9002313.31,ENTRY,1,A,0)
| 32 | . N FIELD S FIELD=$P(^BPSF(9002313.91,$P(X,U),0),U)
| 33 | . D SETBPS1(FIELD,$P(X,U,2))
| 34 | ;
| 35 | ; Loop through prescription fields
| 36 | S N=0
| 37 | F S N=$O(^BPS(9002313.31,ENTRY,2,N)) Q:'N D
| 38 | . N A S A=0
| 39 | . F S A=$O(^BPS(9002313.31,ENTRY,2,N,1,A)) Q:'A D
| 40 | .. S X=^BPS(9002313.31,ENTRY,2,N,1,A,0)
| 41 | .. N FIELD S FIELD=$P(^BPSF(9002313.91,$P(X,U),0),U)
| 42 | .. D SETBPS1(FIELD,$P(X,U,2),N)
| 43 | ;
| 44 | ; Construct a few other fields that weren't already set
| 45 | ; DMB 11/28/2006 - Existing Code, not sure if this is needed.
| 46 | S BPS("Patient","Name")=$G(BPS("Patient","Last Name"))_","_$G(BPS("Patient","First Name"))
| 47 | I '$D(BPS("RX",1,"Quantity")) S BPS("RX",1,"Quantity")=$G(BPS("RX",1,"Metric Decimal Quantity"))
| 48 | Q
| 49 | ;
| 50 | ; Overwrite BPS array values
| 52 | N OK S OK=0
| 53 | N I F I=1:1 Q:$T(TABLE+I)[";;*" D Q:OK
| 54 | . N X S X=$T(TABLE+I)
| 55 | . I $P(X,";",3)'=FIELD Q
| 56 | . S @("BPS("_$P(X,";",4)_")=VALUE")
| 57 | . S OK=1
| 58 | Q
| 59 | ;
| 60 | TABLE ;;
| 61 | ;;101;"NCPDP","BIN Number"
| 62 | ;;102;"NCPDP","Version"
| 63 | ;;103;"Transaction Code"
| 64 | ;;104;"NCPDP","PCN"
| 65 | ;;109;"Transaction Count"
| 66 | ;;110;"NCPDP","Software Vendor/Cert ID"
| 67 | ;;111;"NCPDP","Segment Identification"
| 68 | ;;201;"Site","Pharmacy #"
| 69 | ;;202;"Service Provider ID Qual"
| 70 | ;;301;"Insurer","Group #"
| 71 | ;;302;"Insurer","Policy #"
| 72 | ;;303;"Insurer","Person Code"
| 73 | ;;304;"Patient","DOB"
| 74 | ;;305;"Patient","Sex"
| 75 | ;;306;"Insurer","Relationship"
| 76 | ;;308;"Patient","Other Coverage Code"
| 77 | ;;307;"Customer Location"
| 78 | ;;309;"Eligibility Clarification Code"
| 79 | ;;310;"Patient","First Name"
| 80 | ;;311;"Patient","Last Name"
| 81 | ;;312;"Cardholder","First Name"
| 82 | ;;313;"Cardholder","Last Name"
| 83 | ;;322;"Patient","Street Address"
| 84 | ;;323;"Patient","City"
| 85 | ;;324;"Patient","State"
| 86 | ;;325;"Patient","Zip"
| 87 | ;;331;"Patient","Patient ID Qualifier"
| 88 | ;;332;"Patient","SSN"
| 89 | ;;326;"Patient","Phone #"
| 90 | ;;401;"RX","Date Filled"
| 91 | ;;402;"RX",N,"RX Number"
| 92 | ;;403;"RX",N,"Refill #"
| 93 | ;;404;"RX",N,"Quantity"
| 94 | ;;405;"RX",N,"Days Supply"
| 95 | ;;406;"RX",N,"Compound Code"
| 96 | ;;407;"RX",N,"NDC"
| 97 | ;;408;"RX",N,"DAW"
| 98 | ;;409;"RX",N,"Ingredient Cost"
| 99 | ;;410;"RX",N,"Sales Tax"
| 100 | ;;411;"RX",N,"Prescriber ID"
| 101 | ;;412;"RX",N,"Dispensing Fee"
| 102 | ;;414;"RX",N,"Date Written"
| 103 | ;;415;"RX",N,"# Refills"
| 104 | ;;416;"RX",N,"Preauth #"
| 105 | ;;418;"RX",N,"Level of Service"
| 106 | ;;419;"RX",N,"Origin Code"
| 107 | ;;420;"RX",N,"Clarification"
| 108 | ;;421;"RX",N,"Primary Prescriber"
| 109 | ;;422;"RX",N,"Clinic ID"
| 110 | ;;423;"RX",N,"Basis of Cost Determination"
| 111 | ;;424;"RX",N,"Diagnosis Code"
| 112 | ;;426;"RX",N,"Usual & Customary"
| 113 | ;;427;"RX",N,"Prescriber Last Name"
| 114 | ;;429;"RX",N,"Unit Dose Indicator"
| 115 | ;;430;"RX",N,"Gross Amount Due"
| 116 | ;;431;"RX",N,"Other Payor Amount"
| 117 | ;;433;"RX",N,"Patient Paid Amount"
| 118 | ;;436;"RX",N,"Alt. Product Type"
| 119 | ;;438;"RX",N,"Incentive Amount"
| 120 | ;;439;"RX",N,"DUR","DUR Conflict Code",439
| 121 | ;;440;"RX",N,"DUR","DUR Intervention Code",440
| 122 | ;;441;"RX",N,"DUR","DUR Outcome Code",441
| 123 | ;;442;"RX",N,"Metric Decimal Quantity"
| 124 | ;;443;"RX",N,"Primary Payor Denial Date"
| 125 | ;;444;"RX",N,"Provider ID"
| 126 | ;;455;"RX",N,"Rx/Service Ref Num Qual"
| 127 | ;;460;"RX",N,"Quantity"
| 128 | ;;461;"Claim",N,"Prior Auth Type"
| 129 | ;;462;"Claim",N,"Prior Auth Num Sub"
| 130 | ;;465;"RX",N,"Provider ID"
| 131 | ;;466;"RX",N,"Prescriber ID Qualifier"
| 132 | ;;467;"RX",N,"Prescriber Location Code"
| 133 | ;;468;"RX",N,"Primary Care Prov ID Qual"
| 134 | ;;469;"RX",N,"Primary Care Prov ID"
| 135 | ;;470;"RX",N,"Primary Care Prov Last Name"
| 136 | ;;473;"RX",N,"DUR","DUR/PPS CODE COUNTER",473
| 137 | ;;478;"Insurer","Other Amt Claim Sub Cnt"
| 138 | ;;479;"Insurer","Other Amt Claim Sub Qual"
| 139 | ;;480;"Insurer","Other Amt Claim Submitted"
| 140 | ;;481;"Insurer","Flat Sales Tax Amt Sub"
| 141 | ;;482;"Insurer","Percentage Sales Tax Amt Sub"
| 142 | ;;483;"Insurer","Percent Sales Tax Rate Sub"
| 143 | ;;484;"Insurer","Percent Sales Tax Basis Sub"
| 144 | ;;498;"RX",N,"Prescriber Phone #"
| 145 | ;;*