[613] | 1 | BPSOSO1 ;BHAM ISC/FCS/DRS - NCPDP Override Main menu ;09/03/2002 11:14 AM
| 2 | ;;1.0;E CLAIMS MGMT ENGINE;**1**;JUN 2004
| 3 | ;---------------------------------------------------------------
| 4 | ; IHS/SD/lwj 9/3/02 NCPDP 5.1 changes
| 5 | ; In 3.2, prior authorization was updated and stored in field 416.
| 6 | ; In 5.1, 416 is obsolete, and the information could be stored
| 7 | ; in field 461, and 462 or in the prior authorization segment.
| 8 | ; For now, the insurer/processors appear to be using 461, and
| 9 | ; 462 rather than the segment. In any case, we needed to change
| 10 | ; the way we capture prior authorization information - AND - we
| 11 | ; have to keep populating 416 since we have to still process 3.2
| 12 | ; claims. This routine was changed to call PRIORA in BPSOSo2
| 13 | ; rather than EDIT^BPSOSO2 when we are processing a prior auth.
| 14 | ;(Field prompts also altered to match 5.1 standards.)
| 15 | ;---------------------------------------------------------------
| 16 | Q
| 17 | TEST D MENU("") Q
| 18 | MENU(IEN) ;EP -
| 19 | D SETLIST
| 20 | N PROMPT S PROMPT(1)="Select which claim data you wish to override."
| 21 | S PROMPT(2)="Use ^ to exit this menu."
| 22 | N SEL F D Q:'SEL Q:SEL=-1
| 23 | . S SEL=$$LIST^BPSOSU4("S",$$LISTROOT,$$ANSROOT,"Override Claim Defaults",.PROMPT,1,20,$S($G(DTOUT):DTOUT,1:300))
| 24 | . I SEL W ! H 1 D @$P($T(LIST+SEL),";",4) ;
| 25 | Q
| 26 | LISTROOT() Q "^TMP("""_$T(+0)_""","_$J_","
| 27 | ANSROOT() Q "^TMP("""_$T(+0)_""","_($J+.1)_","
| 28 | SETLIST K ^TMP("BPSOSO1",$J),^TMP("BPSOSO1",$J+.1)
| 29 | N I,X F I=1:1 D Q:X="*"
| 30 | . S X=$T(LIST+I),X=$P(X,";",2,$L(X)) Q:X="*"
| 31 | . S ^TMP("BPSOSO1",$J,I,"I")=$P(X,";")
| 32 | . S ^TMP("BPSOSO1",$J,I,"E")=$P(X,";",2)
| 33 | S ^TMP("BPSOSO1",$J,0)=I-1
| 34 | Q
| 35 | ;
| 36 | ; IHS/SD/lwj 9/3/02 - the following 3 lines were removed from LIST -
| 37 | ; new 1 - 3 lines were added to replace them
| 38 | ;1;Preauthorization #;EDIT^BPSOSO2(IEN,416)
| 39 | ;2;Person Code;EDIT^BPSOSO2(IEN,303)
| 40 | ;3;Relationship Code;EDIT^BPSOSO2(IEN,306)
| 41 | ;
| 42 | ; IHS/SD/lwj 9/3/02 - since still unimplemented, the following
| 43 | ; lines were removed from the menu options in LIST
| 44 | ;I;Order of insurance;NOTIMP
| 45 | ;P;Pricing;NOTIMP
| 46 | ;
| 47 | LIST ;
| 48 | ;1;Prior Authorization;PRIORA^BPSOSO2(IEN) ;IHS/SD/lwj 9/3/02
| 49 | ;2;Patient Gender Code;EDIT^BPSOSO2(IEN,303)
| 50 | ;3;Patient Relationship Code;EDIT^BPSOSO2(IEN,306)
| 51 | ;4;Eligibility Clarification Code;EDIT^BPSOSO2(IEN,309)
| 52 | ;*;Enter/edit/override any NCPDP field;EDIT^BPSOSO2(IEN)
| 53 | ;*
| 54 | NOTIMP W !,"That option isn't yet implemented.",! N % R %:3 Q