| 2 | ;;3.5;FEE BASIS;**4,53,71,84,92,93,99,102**;JAN 30, 1995;Build 24
| 3 | ;
| 4 | Q
| 5 | ;
| 6 | RBRVS(CPT,MODL,DOS,ZIP,FAC,TIME) ; calculate RBRVS Fee Schedule amount
| 7 | ; Input
| 8 | ; CPT = CPT/HCPCS code (external value)
| 9 | ; MODL = list of CPT/HCPCS modifiers (external values)
| 10 | ; delimited by commas (e.g. "26,51")
| 11 | ; DOS = date of service (fileman format e.g. 2980101)
| 12 | ; ZIP = ZIP code of service (external 5 digit value)
| 13 | ; FAC = facility flag =1 if site of service is facility setting
| 14 | ; TIME = time in minutes, only passed on anesthesia CPT codes
| 15 | ; Returns string
| 16 | ; dollar amount^sched year OR null value if not on RBRVS schedule
| 17 | ; Output
| 18 | ; FBERR( array of error messages OR undefined if none
| 19 | ;
| 21 | ;
| 22 | ; initialization
| 23 | S FBAMT=""
| 24 | K FBERR
| 25 | ;
| 26 | ; check for required input parameters
| 27 | I $G(CPT)="" D ERR^FBAAFS("CPT missing")
| 28 | I $G(DOS)'?7N D ERR^FBAAFS("Date of Service missing")
| 29 | I $D(FBERR) Q FBAMT
| 30 | ;
| 31 | ;if date of service prior to VA implementation, don't use RBRVS
| 32 | I DOS<2990901 Q FBAMT
| 33 | ;
| 34 | ;if modifier SG present, don't use RBRVS, patch FB*3.5*84
| 35 | I MODL["SG" Q FBAMT
| 36 | ;
| 37 | ; determine schedule calendar year based on date of service
| 38 | S FBCY=$E(DOS,1,3)+1700
| 39 | ;
| 40 | ;If date of service in 2003 but prior to Mar 1, 2003 treat as 2002
| 41 | I $E(DOS,1,3)=303,DOS<3030301 S FBCY=FBCY-1
| 42 | ;
| 43 | ; if year after most recent RBRVS schedule then use prior year schedule
| 45 | ;
| 46 | ; get procedure data from schedule for year
| 48 | ;
| 49 | ; if procedure:
| 50 | ; - covered
| 51 | ; - payable
| 52 | ; - not for anesthesia
| 53 | ; then calculate amount
| 55 | . ;
| 56 | . ;validate parameters
| 57 | . I $G(ZIP)="" D ERR^FBAAFS("Missing ZIP Code")
| 58 | . I $G(FAC)="" D ERR^FBAAFS("Missing Facility Flag")
| 59 | . I $D(FBERR) Q
| 60 | . ;
| 61 | . ; get GPCIs for calendar year
| 62 | . D ZIP(FBCY,ZIP)
| 63 | . I FBGPCIY0="" D ERR^FBAAFS("Could not determine GPCIs") Q
| 64 | . ;
| 65 | . ; get conversion factor
| 66 | . S FBCF=$$CF(FBCY,$P(FBCPT0,U,2))
| 67 | . I FBCF="" D ERR^FBAAFS("Could not determine the conversion factor") Q
| 68 | . ;
| 69 | . ; calculate full schedule amount
| 71 | . ;
| 72 | . ; apply multiplier based on modifier
| 74 | ;
| 75 | ; return result
| 76 | Q $S(FBAMT>0:$J(FBAMT,0,2)_U_FBCY,1:"")
| 77 | ;
| 78 | PROC(CPT,MODL,FBCY,FBNONPBL) ; get procedure data for RBRVS schedule
| 79 | ; Input
| 80 | ; CPT = CPT/HCPCS code (external value)
| 81 | ; MODL = list of CPT/HCPCS modifiers (external value)
| 82 | ; delimited by commas
| 83 | ; FBCY = calendar year (4 digit)
| 84 | ; FBNONPBL ( optional):
| 85 | ; if $G(FBNONPBL)=0 then will make search among payable records only in #162.97
| 86 | ; ignoring those non-payable ones with field #.08 NONPAYABLE = 1
| 87 | ; if $G(FBNONPBL)=1 then will make search among all items in #162.97
| 88 | ;
| 89 | ; Output
| 90 | ; FBCPT0 = zero node from file 162.97 OR "" if not covered
| 91 | ; FBCPTY0 = zero node from subfile 162.971 or "" if not covered
| 93 | S (FBCPT0,FBCPTY0)=""
| 94 | Q:$G(FBCY)']""!($G(CPT)']"")
| 95 | ;
| 96 | ; if modifier exists try to find entry with modifier
| 97 | I MODL]"" D
| 98 | . F FBI=1:1 S MOD=$P(MODL,",",FBI) Q:MOD="" D Q:FBCPTY0]""
| 99 | . . S CPTM=CPT_"-"_MOD
| 101 | ;
| 102 | ; if not found with modifier, try just CPT code
| 104 | ;
| 105 | Q
| 106 | ;
| 107 | PROC1(CPTM,FBCY,FBNONPBL) ; get procedure data for CPT-Modifier
| 108 | ; input
| 109 | ; CPTM - CPT Code - Modifier (e.g. 57335-TC or 57335)
| 110 | ; FBCY - 4 digit calendar year
| 111 | ; FBNONPBL ( optional):
| 112 | ; if $G(FBNONPBL)=0 then will make search among payable records only in #162.97
| 113 | ; ignoring those non-payable ones with field #.08 NONPAYABLE = 1
| 114 | ; if $G(FBNONPBL)=1 then will make search among all items in #162.97
| 115 | ; output
| 116 | ; FBCPT0 = zero node from file 162.97 OR "" if not covered
| 117 | ; FBCPTY0 = zero node from subfile 162.971 or "" if not covered
| 118 | N FBDA,FBDA1
| 119 | S (FBCPT0,FBCPTY0)=""
| 120 | S FBDA=$O(^FB(162.97,"B",CPTM,0))
| 121 | S FBDA1=$S(FBDA:$O(^FB(162.97,FBDA,"CY","B",FBCY,0)),1:"")
| 122 | I $G(FBDA),$G(FBDA1) D
| 123 | . N FBI,FBSUM,FBY
| 124 | . S FBY=$G(^FB(162.97,FBDA,"CY",FBDA1,0))
| 125 | . ;if non-payable records should not be considered
| 126 | . ;then quit if this is NONPAYBLE
| 127 | . I +$G(FBNONPBL)=0 Q:$P(FBY,U,8)=1
| 128 | . ; check if procedure covered by schedule
| 129 | . I +$G(FBNONPBL)=0,$$ANES^FBAAFS($P(CPTM,"-")),$P(FBY,U,6)']"" Q ; missing anes base
| 130 | . I +$G(FBNONPBL)=0,'$$ANES^FBAAFS($P(CPTM,"-")) D I FBSUM'>0 Q ; sum of RVUs = 0
| 131 | . . S FBSUM=0 F FBI=3,4,5,6 S FBSUM=FBSUM+$P(FBY,U,FBI)
| 132 | . ; passed checks
| 133 | . S FBCPTY0=FBY
| 134 | . S FBCPT0=$G(^FB(162.97,FBDA,0))
| 135 | Q
| 136 | ;
| 137 | ZIP(FBCY,ZIP) ; get GPCIs
| 138 | ; Input
| 139 | ; FBCY = calendar year (4 digit)
| 140 | ; ZIP = zip code (5 digit external value)
| 141 | ; Output
| 142 | ; FBGPCIY0 = zero node from file 162.96 or "" if not found
| 143 | S FBGPCIY0=""
| 144 | Q:$G(FBCY)']""!($G(ZIP)']"")
| 145 | N FBDA,FBDA1
| 146 | S FBDA=$O(^FB(162.96,"B",ZIP,0))
| 147 | S FBDA1=$S(FBDA:$O(^FB(162.96,FBDA,"CY","B",FBCY,0)),1:"")
| 148 | I FBDA,FBDA1 S FBGPCIY0=$G(^FB(162.96,FBDA,"CY",FBDA1,0))
| 149 | Q
| 150 | ;
| 151 | CF(FBCY,FBDA) ; get conversion factor
| 152 | ; Input
| 153 | ; FBCY = calendar year
| 154 | ; FBDA = optional conversion category (internal)
| 155 | ; Returns
| 156 | ; conversion factor from file 162.99
| 157 | N FBCF,FBDA1
| 158 | I '$G(FBDA) S FBDA=4 ; use Medicine category if not specified
| 159 | S FBDA1=$O(^FB(162.99,FBDA,"CY","B",FBCY,0))
| 160 | S FBCF=$S(FBDA1:$P($G(^FB(162.99,FBDA,"CY",FBDA1,0)),U,2),1:"")
| 161 | Q +FBCF
| 162 | ;
| 164 | ; Input
| 165 | ; FBCY = calendar year (4 digit)
| 166 | ; FAC = facility flag (0 or 1)
| 167 | ; FBCPTY0 = zero node from file 162.71
| 168 | ; FBGPCI0 = zero node from file 162.61
| 169 | ; FBCF = conversion factor (number)
| 170 | ; Returns $ amount
| 171 | ;
| 173 | S FBAMT=0
| 174 | ;Multiply Work RVU by the Budget Neutrality Adjustor (0.8994)
| 175 | I DOS<3070101 D
| 176 | .;Old formula for RBRVS pre-2007 payment amounts
| 177 | .S RVU(1)=$P(FBCPTY0,U,3)
| 178 | I DOS>3061231 D
| 179 | .;New formula for RBRVS 2007 payment amounts
| 180 | .;Multiply Work RVU by the Budget Neutrality Adjustor (0.8994)
| 181 | .S TMP=$P(FBCPTY0,U,3),TMPRVU=$J((TMP*(.8994)),".",2)
| 182 | .S RVU(1)=TMPRVU
| 183 | S RVU(2)=$P(FBCPTY0,U,4+FAC)
| 184 | S RVU(3)=$P(FBCPTY0,U,6)
| 185 | F FBI=2,3,4 S GPCI(FBI-1)=$P(FBGPCIY0,U,FBI)
| 186 | S FBAMT=((RVU(1)*GPCI(1))+(RVU(2)*GPCI(2))+(RVU(3)*GPCI(3)))*FBCF
| 187 | ; some procedures can't be performed in a facility setting by
| 188 | ; definition. the facility PE RVU for such a procedure is a null
| 189 | ; value.
| 190 | ; when facility setting - check for a null PE value and don't return amt
| 191 | I RVU(2)="",FAC S FBAMT=0 Q
| 192 | Q
| 193 | ;
| 194 | MULT(FBCY,MODL,FBCPT0,FBCPTY0) ;returns multiplier based on table type
| 195 | ; Input
| 196 | ; FBCY = calendar year (4 digit)
| 197 | ; MODL = list of CPT/HCPCS modifiers (external values)
| 198 | ; delimited by commas
| 199 | ; FBCPT0 = zero node of file 162.7 for procedure
| 200 | ; FBCPTY0 = zero node of subfile 162.71 for year
| 201 | ; Returns
| 202 | ; multiplier value OR 1 if none
| 204 | S FBRET=1
| 205 | S FBML=$P(FBCPTY0,U,2) ; mod level table for procedure
| 206 | I MODL]"",FBML]"",FBCY]"" D
| 207 | . S FBTBL=FBCY_"-"_FBML ; mod level table for year
| 208 | . S FBDA=$O(^FB(162.98,"B",FBTBL,0))
| 209 | . Q:'FBDA ; table not found
| 210 | . ; loop thru the modifiers
| 211 | . F FBI=1:1 S MOD=$P(MODL,",",FBI) Q:MOD="" D
| 212 | . . I $P($P(FBCPT0,U),"-",2)=MOD Q ; modifier already built in schedule
| 213 | . . ; look up modifier in mod level table
| 214 | . . S FBDA1=$O(^FB(162.98,FBDA,"M","B",MOD,0))
| 215 | . . Q:'FBDA1 ; modifier not found in table
| 216 | . . S FBPD=$P($G(^FB(162.98,FBDA,"M",FBDA1,0)),U,2) ; percentage
| 217 | . . I FBPD>0 S FBRET=FBRET*(FBPD/100) ; multiplier
| 218 | Q FBRET
| 219 | ;
| 220 | LASTCY() ; Determine last calendar year of RBRVS FEE schedule data
| 221 | ; based on last year for Medicine conversion factor
| 222 | N YEAR
| 223 | S YEAR=$O(^FB(162.99,4,"CY","B"," "),-1)
| 224 | Q YEAR
| 225 | ;FBAAFSR