| 2 | ;;3.5;FEE BASIS;**4,32,77,81**;JAN 30, 1995
| 3 | ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified.
| 4 | ;
| 5 | CPT(X,Y,FBSRVDT) ;return external format of CPT code
| 6 | ;INPUT X = ien of CPT
| 7 | ;optional Y I Y return description, I 'Y return external format of CPT
| 8 | ;optional FBSRVDT - date of service
| 9 | ;OUTPUT external format of CPT code or description of CPT code
| 10 | I '$G(X) Q ""
| 11 | N Z
| 12 | S Z=$$CPT^ICPTCOD(X,$S($G(FBSRVDT)>0:+$G(FBSRVDT),1:""),1)
| 13 | Q $S('$G(Y):$P(Z,U,2),1:$P(Z,U,3))
| 14 | ;
| 15 | MOD(X,Y,FBSRVDT) ;return external format of modifier
| 16 | ;INPUT X = ien of modifier
| 17 | ;optional Y I Y return description, I 'Y return external format of mod
| 18 | ;optional FBSRVDT - date of service
| 19 | ;OUTPUT external format of modifier or description of CPT code
| 20 | I '$G(X) Q ""
| 21 | N Z
| 22 | S Z=$$MOD^ICPTMOD(X,"I",$S($G(FBSRVDT)>0:+$G(FBSRVDT),1:""),1)
| 23 | Q $S('$G(Y):$P(Z,U,2),1:$P(Z,U,3))
| 24 | ;
| 25 | CPTDATA(W,X,Y,Z) ;get internal value of CPT
| 26 | ; input
| 27 | ; W = IEN of PATIENT in file 162
| 28 | ; X = IEN of VENDOR multiple in file 162
| 29 | ; Y = IEN of INITIAL TREATMENT DATE multiple in file 162
| 30 | ; Z = IEN of SERVICE PROVIDED multiple in file 162
| 31 | ; returns
| 32 | ; value of SERVICE PROVIDED (internal)
| 33 | ;
| 34 | I '$G(W)!('$G(X))!('$G(Y))!('$G(Z)) Q ""
| 35 | Q $P($G(^FBAAC(W,1,X,1,Y,1,Z,0)),U)
| 36 | ;
| 37 | MODDATA(W,X,Y,Z) ;get internal values of CPT Modifier
| 38 | ; input
| 39 | ; W = IEN of PATIENT in file 162
| 40 | ; X = IEN of VENDOR multiple in file 162
| 41 | ; Y = IEN of INITIAL TREATMENT DATE multiple in file 162
| 42 | ; Z = IEN of SERVICE PROVIDED multiple in file 162
| 43 | ; output
| 44 | ; FBMODA( array of CPT MODIFIERs
| 45 | ; FBMODA(#)=CPT MODIFIER (internal value)
| 46 | ; where # is the IEN for an entry in the CPT MODIFIER multiple
| 47 | K FBMODA
| 48 | I '$G(W)!('$G(X))!('$G(Y))!('$G(Z)) Q
| 49 | N FBI,FBMOD
| 50 | S FBI=0 F S FBI=$O(^FBAAC(W,1,X,1,Y,1,Z,"M",FBI)) Q:'FBI D
| 51 | . S FBMOD=$P($G(^FBAAC(W,1,X,1,Y,1,Z,"M",FBI,0)),U)
| 52 | . Q:FBMOD=""
| 54 | Q
| 55 | ;
| 56 | APS(FBJ,FBK,FBL,FBM) ; amount paid symbol
| 57 | ; input
| 58 | ; FBJ = IEN of PATIENT in file 162
| 59 | ; FBK = IEN of VENDOR multiple in file 162
| 60 | ; FBL = IEN of INITIAL TREATMENT DATE multiple in file 162
| 61 | ; FBM = IEN of SERVICE PROVIDED multiple in file 162
| 62 | ; returns symbol
| 63 | ; where value is M (Mill Bill emergency care - 38 U.S.C. 1725)
| 64 | ; R (RBRVS fee schedule amount)
| 65 | ; F (VA fee schedule amount)
| 66 | ; C (contracted service amount)
| 67 | ; U (usual & customary - claimed)
| 68 | ; null if no amount paid
| 70 | S FBRET=""
| 71 | S FBY0=$G(^FBAAC(FBJ,1,FBK,1,FBL,1,FBM,0))
| 72 | S FBY2=$G(^FBAAC(FBJ,1,FBK,1,FBL,1,FBM,2))
| 73 | S FBAP=$P(FBY0,U,3)
| 74 | I FBAP>0 D
| 75 | . ; use fee schedule info for payment (if any)
| 76 | . I +FBAP=+$P(FBY2,U,12) S FBRET=$P(FBY2,U,13) Q:FBRET]""
| 77 | . ; if no fee schedule info then calc 75th percentile and check
| 78 | . I $P(FBY2,U,12)="" D Q:FBRET]""
| 79 | . . S FBCPT=$$CPT($P(FBY0,U))
| 80 | . . S FBMODL=$$MODL("^FBAAC("_FBJ_",1,"_FBK_",1,"_FBL_",1,"_FBM_",""M"")","E")
| 81 | . . S FBDOS=$P($G(^FBAAC(FBJ,1,FBK,1,FBL,0)),U)
| 83 | . ; since not paid by a fee schedule, check prompt pay type
| 84 | . I $P(FBY2,U,2) S FBRET="C" Q
| 85 | . ; since not fee schedule or contract check POV code to identify
| 86 | . ; Mill Bill payments
| 87 | . S:"^39^52^"[(U_$P($G(^FBAA(161.82,+$P(FBY0,U,18),0)),U,3)_U) FBRET="M"
| 88 | . Q:FBRET]""
| 89 | . ; all other payments considered u&c
| 90 | . S FBRET="U"
| 91 | Q FBRET
| 92 | ;
| 93 | CHKBI(X,Y) ;called to determine if batch number or invoice number
| 94 | ;already exists
| 95 | ;X= next batch/invoice number
| 96 | ;Y=1 if Batch
| 97 | ;Y undefined if invoice number passed
| 98 | ;returns a truth if X is ok for next batch/invoice #
| 99 | ;
| 100 | I 'X Q ""
| 101 | I $G(Y) Q $S($D(^FBAA(161.7,"B",X)):"",1:1)
| 102 | I '$G(Y) Q $S($D(^FBAA(162.1,"B",X)):"",$D(^FBAAI("B",X)):"",$D(^FBAAC("C",X)):"",1:1)
| 103 | ;
| 104 | MODL(FBAN,FBFLAG) ;return sorted list given array of modifiers
| 105 | ; Input
| 106 | ; FBAN - closed root of array containing modifiers
| 107 | ; the data must be in nodes descendent from this root.
| 108 | ; The subscripts of the nodes below FBAN must be
| 109 | ; positive numbers. The CPT MODIFIER internal value
| 110 | ; must be the first piece in these nodes or in the
| 111 | ; 0-node descendent from these nodes.
| 112 | ; i.e.
| 113 | ; ARRAY(number)=CPT MODIFIER (internal value)
| 114 | ; OR
| 115 | ; ARRAY(number,0)=CPT MODIFIER (internal value)
| 116 | ; FBFLAG - (optional) flag, E or I, default I
| 117 | ; I to return internal values of modifiers
| 118 | ; E to return external values of modifiers
| 119 | ; Returns string of sorted modifiers (e.g. "1,3,7")
| 120 | ;
| 122 | S FBRET=""
| 123 | S FBFLAG=$G(FBFLAG,"I")
| 124 | ;
| 125 | ; if any descendent data then determine if it is 0-node descendent
| 126 | S FBZERO=0 I $O(@FBAN@(0)),$D(@FBAN@($O(@FBAN@(0)),0))#2 S FBZERO=1
| 127 | ;
| 128 | ; loop thru input array and place modifiers in a sort array
| 129 | S FBI=0 F S FBI=$O(@FBAN@(FBI)) Q:'FBI D
| 130 | . ; get the cpt modifier
| 131 | . I FBZERO S FBX=$P(@FBAN@(FBI,0),U)
| 132 | . E S FBX=$P(@FBAN@(FBI),U)
| 133 | . I FBFLAG="E" D
| 134 | . . ; convert to external value
| 135 | . . S FBX=$$MOD^ICPTMOD(FBX,"I")
| 136 | . . I FBX>0 S FBX=$P(FBX,U,2)
| 137 | . . E S FBX=""
| 138 | . I FBX]"" S FBSORT(FBX)=""
| 139 | ;
| 140 | ; loop thru sorted array and add the modifiers to return value
| 142 | ;
| 143 | ; strip leading comma (if any)
| 144 | I $E(FBRET)="," S FBRET=$E(FBRET,2,999)
| 145 | ;
| 146 | ; return value
| 147 | Q FBRET
| 148 | ;
| 149 | REPMOD(FBJ,FBK,FBL,FBM) ; Replace CPT Modifier(s) in payment
| 150 | ; input
| 151 | ; FBJ = IEN of PATIENT in file 162
| 152 | ; FBK = IEN of VENDOR multiple in file 162
| 153 | ; FBL = IEN of INITIAL TREATMENT DATE multiple in file 162
| 154 | ; FBM = IEN of SERVICE PROVIDED multiple in file 162
| 155 | ; FBMODA( array of modifiers
| 156 | ; where FBMODA(number)=CPT Modifier (internal)
| 157 | ;
| 159 | S FBIENS=FBM_","_FBL_","_FBK_","_FBJ_","
| 160 | ;
| 161 | ; delete any existing CPT MODIFIER entries from global
| 162 | I $O(^FBAAC(FBJ,1,FBK,1,FBL,1,FBM,"M",0)) D
| 163 | . K FBFDA S FBI=0
| 164 | . F S FBI=$O(^FBAAC(FBJ,1,FBK,1,FBL,1,FBM,"M",FBI)) Q:'FBI D
| 165 | . . S FBFDA(162.06,FBI_","_FBIENS,.01)="@"
| 166 | . D FILE^DIE("","FBFDA") D MSG^DIALOG()
| 167 | ;
| 168 | ; create CPT MODIFIER entries from data in array FBMODA
| 169 | I $O(FBMODA(0)) D
| 171 | . . S FBFDA(162.06,"+"_FBI_","_FBIENS,.01)=FBMODA(FBI)
| 173 | ;
| 174 | Q
| 175 | ;
| 176 | ;FBAAUTL4