| 2 | ;;3.5;FEE BASIS;**4**;JAN 30, 1995
| 3 | ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified.
| 4 | ;
| 5 | SCPT ;set "AE" x-ref when SERVICE PROVIDED field is added or modified
| 6 | ; called by .01 field of SERVICE PROVIDED multiple in file 162
| 7 | ; input
| 8 | ; X = new value of SERVICE PROVIDED (internal)
| 9 | ; DA = IEN of entry in SERVICE PROVIDED multiple
| 10 | ; DA(1) = IEN of entry in INITIAL TREATMENT DATE multiple
| 11 | ; DA(2) = IEN of entry in VENDOR multiple
| 12 | ; DA(3) = IEN of PATIENT in file #162
| 13 | ;
| 14 | Q:'$G(X)
| 15 | N FBAADT,Y
| 16 | ; obtain current value of INITIAL TREATMENT DATE field from global
| 17 | S FBAADT=$P(^FBAAC(DA(3),1,DA(2),1,DA(1),0),U)
| 18 | ; build sorted list of CPT modifers from the CPT MODIFIER multiple
| 19 | S Y=$$MODL^FBAAUTL4("^FBAAC("_DA(3)_",1,"_DA(2)_",1,"_DA(1)_",1,"_DA_",""M"")")
| 20 | ; set node in "AE" x-ref
| 21 | S ^FBAAC("AE",DA(3),DA(2),FBAADT,X_$S(Y]"":"-"_Y,1:""),DA)=""
| 22 | Q
| 23 | ;
| 24 | KCPT ;kill "AE" x-ref when SERVICE PROVIDED field is deleted or modified
| 25 | ; called by .01 field of SERVICE PROVIDED multiple in file 162
| 26 | ; input
| 27 | ; X = old value of SERVICE PROVIDED (internal)
| 28 | ; DA = IEN of entry in SERVICE PROVIDED multiple
| 29 | ; DA(1) = IEN of entry in INITIAL TREATMENT DATE multiple
| 30 | ; DA(2) = IEN of entry in VENDOR multiple
| 31 | ; DA(3) = IEN of PATIENT in file #162
| 32 | ;
| 33 | Q:'$G(X)
| 35 | ; obtain current value of INITIAL TREATMENT DATE field from global
| 36 | S FBAADT=$P(^FBAAC(DA(3),1,DA(2),1,DA(1),0),U)
| 37 | ; kill all nodes in x-ref for this SERVICE PROVIDED entry (DA)
| 38 | ; Note: Deleting an entry in the SERVICE PROVIDED multiple will
| 39 | ; cause the x-ref kill logic of the CPT MODIFIER sub-multiple to be
| 40 | ; executed for each modifer before any global updates take place.
| 41 | ; Therefore, there can be several nodes to delete by the time the
| 42 | ; SERVICE PROVIDED field kill logic is run since each CPT MODIFIER
| 43 | ; kill logic will have set a node for any remaining modifiers.
| 44 | S CPTM=""
| 45 | F S CPTM=$O(^FBAAC("AE",DA(3),DA(2),FBAADT,CPTM)) Q:CPTM="" D
| 46 | . I $D(^FBAAC("AE",DA(3),DA(2),FBAADT,CPTM,DA)) K ^(DA)
| 47 | Q
| 48 | ;
| 49 | SMOD ;set "AE" x-ref when CPT MODIFIER is added or modified
| 50 | ; called by .01 field of CPT MODIFIER multiple in file 162
| 51 | ; input
| 52 | ; X = new value of CPT MODIFIER (internal)
| 53 | ; DA = IEN of entry in CPT MODIFIER multiple
| 54 | ; DA(1) = IEN of entry in SERVICE PROVIDED multiple
| 55 | ; DA(2) = IEN of entry in INITIAL TREATMENT DATE multiple
| 56 | ; DA(3) = IEN of entry in VENDOR multiple
| 57 | ; DA(4) = IEN of PATIENT in file #162
| 58 | ;
| 59 | Q:'$G(X)
| 61 | ; obtain current value of INITIAL TREATMENT DATE field
| 62 | S FBAADT=$P(^FBAAC(DA(4),1,DA(3),1,DA(2),0),U)
| 63 | ; obtain current value of SERVICE PROVIDED field
| 64 | S FBAACP=$P($G(^FBAAC(DA(4),1,DA(3),1,DA(2),1,DA(1),0)),U)
| 65 | ; obtain array of modifiers in global for CPT MODIFIER multiple
| 66 | D MODDATA^FBAAUTL4(DA(4),DA(3),DA(2),DA(1))
| 67 | ;
| 68 | ; when a new/changed modifier is entered, the x-ref that previously
| 69 | ; existed will need to be deleted.
| 70 | ; remove node associated with new/changed modifier from array
| 71 | K FBMODA(DA)
| 72 | ; build sorted list of modifiers without the new/changed modifier
| 74 | ; kill existing x-ref node (if any) for the service
| 75 | K:$D(^FBAAC("AE",DA(4),DA(3),FBAADT,FBAACP_$S(Y]"":"-"_Y,1:""),DA(1))) ^(DA(1))
| 76 | ;
| 77 | ; now create a node in the x-ref for the new/changed value
| 78 | ; add new/changed modifier to modifier array
| 79 | S FBMODA(DA)=X
| 80 | ; build sorted list of all modifiers
| 82 | ; set x-ref node
| 83 | S ^FBAAC("AE",DA(4),DA(3),FBAADT,FBAACP_"-"_Y,DA(1))=""
| 84 | Q
| 85 | ;
| 86 | KMOD ;kill "AE" x-ref when CPT MODIFIER is deleted or modified
| 87 | ; called by .01 field of CPT MODIFIER multiple in file 162
| 88 | ; input
| 89 | ; X = old value of CPT MODIFIER (internal)
| 90 | ; DA = IEN of entry in CPT MODIFIER multiple
| 91 | ; DA(1) = IEN of entry in SERVICE PROVIDED multiple
| 92 | ; DA(2) = IEN of entry in INITIAL TREATMENT DATE multiple
| 93 | ; DA(3) = IEN of entry in VENDOR multiple
| 94 | ; DA(4) = IEN of PATIENT in file #162
| 95 | ;
| 96 | Q:'$G(X)
| 98 | ; obtain current value of INITIAL TREATMENT DATE field
| 99 | S FBAADT=$P(^FBAAC(DA(4),1,DA(3),1,DA(2),0),U)
| 100 | ; obtain current value of SERVICE PROVIDED field
| 101 | S FBAACP=$P($G(^FBAAC(DA(4),1,DA(3),1,DA(2),1,DA(1),0)),U)
| 102 | ; obtain array of modifiers in global for CPT MODIFIER multiple
| 103 | D MODDATA^FBAAUTL4(DA(4),DA(3),DA(2),DA(1))
| 104 | ;
| 105 | ; if a CPT modifier was deleted or changed then we need to delete
| 106 | ; the x-ref for the old value
| 107 | ; overwrite node in array for the deleted/changed CPT modifier since
| 108 | ; the global may have already been updated
| 109 | S FBMODA(DA)=X
| 110 | ; build sorted list of CPT modifiers
| 112 | ; kill existing x-ref node
| 113 | K:$D(^FBAAC("AE",DA(4),DA(3),FBAADT,FBAACP_$S(Y]"":"-"_Y,1:""),DA(1))) ^(DA(1))
| 114 | ;
| 115 | ; if a CPT modifier was deleted then we need to set a x-ref node for
| 116 | ; procedure and any remaining modifiers. Note that during a change
| 117 | ; the set logic is run after the kill logic and it will delete the
| 118 | ; x-ref node created here before setting a node for the new value.
| 119 | ; remove deleted/changed modifier from array
| 120 | K FBMODA(DA)
| 121 | ; build sorted list of remaining modifiers
| 123 | ; set x-ref node
| 124 | S ^FBAAC("AE",DA(4),DA(3),FBAADT,FBAACP_$S(Y]"":"-"_Y,1:""),DA(1))=""
| 125 | Q
| 126 | ;
| 127 | ;FBAAUTL7