| 2 | ;;3.5;FEE BASIS;**14,78**;JAN 30, 1995
| 3 | ;
| 4 | ; This routine generates ZFE HL7 segments that contain FEE BASIS
| 5 | ; authorization data for a veteran.
| 6 | ;
| 7 | EN(DFN,FBSTR,FBCUT) ; Returns array of ZFE segments containing FEE BASIS
| 8 | ; authorizatiion data for a veteran.
| 9 | ; Input:
| 10 | ; DFN - internal entry number of the PATIENT (#2) file and
| 11 | ; FEE BASIS PATIENT (#161) file
| 12 | ; FBSTR - (optional) comma delimited sting of requested fields
| 13 | ; DEFAULT: "1,2,3,4,5" (returns all fields)
| 14 | ; FBCUT - (optional) cutoff date (fileman format)
| 15 | ; Default: "2961001" (Oct 1, 1996)
| 16 | ; authorizations with a TO DATE prior to the cutoff will
| 17 | ; not be considered.
| 18 | ; Also needs HL7 variables defined (HLFS, HLECH and HLQ)
| 19 | ; Output:
| 20 | ; If an exception did not occur
| 21 | ; FBZFE(I) - an array of string(s) forming the ZFE segments for the
| 22 | ; patient's FEE authorizations that meet the criteria.
| 23 | ; I will be numeric values greater than 0.
| 24 | ; OR undefined if no authorizations meet criteria.
| 25 | ;
| 26 | ; Note: Only the latest authorization for each group is
| 27 | ; returned (where group is FEE PROGRAM + TREATMENT TYPE).
| 28 | ;
| 29 | ; If an exception did occur
| 30 | ; FBZFE(0) = -1 ^ exception number ^ exception text
| 31 | ;
| 33 | K FBZFE ; initialize array
| 34 | I $G(FBSTR)="" S FBSTR="1,2,3,4,5"
| 35 | S FBSTR=","_FBSTR_","
| 36 | I $G(FBCUT)="" S FBCUT=2961001
| 37 | ;
| 38 | ; check for required input
| 39 | I $G(FBZFE(0))'<0 D
| 40 | . I $G(DFN)="" S FBZFE(0)="-1^103^Patient DFN not specified." Q
| 41 | . I '$D(HLFS)!'$D(HLECH)!'$D(HLQ) S FBZFE(0)="-1^201^HL7 variables not defined." Q
| 42 | ;
| 43 | ; get patient ICN
| 44 | I $G(FBZFE(0))'<0 D
| 45 | . I $$IFLOCAL^MPIF001(DFN) S FBZFE(0)="-1^104^ICN could not be determined for the specified patient." Q ; must not be local ICN
| 46 | . S FBICN=$$GETICN^MPIF001(DFN) I FBICN<0 S FBZFE(0)="-1^104^ICN could not be determined for the specified patient." Q
| 47 | ;
| 48 | ; check if cutoff date is a valid value
| 49 | I $G(FBZFE(0))'<0 D
| 50 | . I FBCUT'?7N S FBZFE(0)="-1^101^Valid date not specified." Q
| 51 | . I $$FMTHL7^XLFDT(FBCUT)<0 S FBZFE(0)="-1^101^Valid date not specified." Q
| 52 | ;
| 53 | I $G(FBZFE(0))'<0 D
| 54 | . ; find authorizations that meet criteria (if any)
| 55 | . ; loop thru authorizations
| 56 | . S FBDA1=0 F S FBDA1=$O(^FBAAA(DFN,1,FBDA1)) Q:'FBDA1 D
| 57 | . . Q:$P($G(^FBAAA(DFN,1,FBDA1,"ADEL")),U)="Y" ; ignore Austin Deleted
| 58 | . . S FBY0=$G(^FBAAA(DFN,1,FBDA1,0))
| 59 | . . Q:$P(FBY0,U,3)="" ; FEE Program required
| 60 | . . Q:$P(FBY0,U,2)<FBCUT ; before cutoff date
| 61 | . . S FBGRP=$P(FBY0,U,3)_U_$P(FBY0,U,13) ; group (Program + Treat. Type)
| 62 | . . Q:$P(FBY0,U,2)'>$P($G(FBA(FBGRP)),U,2) ; already have later for grp
| 63 | . . ; save as latest found (so far) for a group
| 64 | . . S FBA(FBGRP)=FBDA1_U_$P(FBY0,U,2)
| 65 | . ;
| 66 | . ; build FBZFE array for selected authorizations
| 67 | . S FBI=0 ; init number of array elements
| 69 | . . S FBDA1=$P(FBA(FBGRP),U)
| 70 | . . D AUTH
| 71 | ;
| 72 | QUIT ;
| 73 | Q
| 74 | ;
| 75 | AUTH ; Add node (HL7 ZFE seg.) to FBZFE array for a specified authorization
| 76 | ; Input:
| 77 | ; DFN - veteran ien (file #2 and #161)
| 78 | ; FBDA1 - authorization ien (authorization multiple of #161)
| 79 | ; FBI - previous set ID number used for array or 0 when none
| 80 | ; FBSTR - comma delimited string of requested fields
| 81 | ; Output:
| 82 | ; FBI - set ID (modified)
| 83 | ; FBZFE(FBI) - output array element for one set ID
| 84 | ; ZFE ^ set ID ^ treat. type ^ FEE program ^ From ^ To
| 85 | ;
| 86 | N FBY0,X
| 87 | ;
| 88 | S FBY0=$G(^FBAAA(DFN,1,FBDA1,0))
| 89 | Q:FBY0="" ; nothing to process
| 90 | ;
| 91 | S FBI=FBI+1
| 92 | ;
| 93 | S FBZFE(FBI)="ZFE"
| 94 | S $P(FBZFE(FBI),HLFS,6)=""
| 95 | I FBSTR[",1," S $P(FBZFE(FBI),HLFS,2)=FBI ; sequential number
| 96 | I FBSTR[",2," S X=$$EXTERNAL^DILFD(161.01,.095,"",$P(FBY0,U,13)),$P(FBZFE(FBI),HLFS,3)=$S(X]"":X,1:HLQ)_$E(HLECH)_$E(HLECH)_"VA0033" ; Treatment Type
| 97 | I FBSTR[",3," S X=$S($P(FBY0,U,3):$P($G(^FBAA(161.8,$P(FBY0,U,3),0)),U),1:""),$P(FBZFE(FBI),HLFS,4)=$S(X]"":X,1:HLQ)_$E(HLECH)_$E(HLECH)_"VA0034" ; FEE Program
| 98 | I FBSTR[",4," S $P(FBZFE(FBI),HLFS,5)=$S($P(FBY0,U)]"":$$HLDATE^HLFNC($P(FBY0,U)),1:HLQ) ; From Date
| 99 | I FBSTR[",5," S $P(FBZFE(FBI),HLFS,6)=$S($P(FBY0,U,2)]"":$$HLDATE^HLFNC($P(FBY0,U,2)),1:HLQ) ; To Date
| 100 | Q