FBPCR ;AISC/DMK,GRR,TET-POTENTIAL COST RECOVERY OUTPUT DRIVER ;23 May 2006 10:06 AM ;;3.5;FEE BASIS;**12,48,76,98**;JAN 30, 1995;Build 54 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. DOC ;Refer to fbdoc, tag fbpcr, for documentation of fbpcr* routines PSF ;select one/many/all primary service failities S FBARRLTC="" W !! S DIC="^DIC(4,",VAUTSTR="Primary Service Facility",VAUTNI=2,VAUTVB="FBPSV" D FIRST^VAUTOMA K DIC I Y=-1 G EXIT ARRAY ;set fee program array for all programs S FBPI=0 F S FBPI=$O(^FBAA(161.8,FBPI)) Q:'FBPI S FBPIN=$G(^(FBPI,0)) I $P(FBPIN,U,3) S FBPROG(FBPI)=$P(FBPIN,U) I '$D(FBPROG) G EXIT ;prepare array with LTC POV codes D MKARRLTC^FBPCR4 ;what party to include K DIR S DIR(0)="SO^P:Patient;I:Insurance;B:Both",DIR("A")="Include (P)atient Co-pays / (I)nsurance / (B)oth",DIR("B")="Both" S DIR("?")=" Select type of recover to include",DIR("?",1)=" P - include only recover from patient copays",DIR("?",2)=" I - include only recover from insurance",DIR("?",3)=" B - include both",DIR("L")="" D ^DIR S FBPARTY=$S($G(Y(0))="Patient":1,$G(Y(0))="Insurance":2,$G(Y(0))="Both":3,X="Both":3,1:0) K DIR G:FBPARTY=0 EXIT ;what type of copay to include S FBCOPAY=3 I FBPARTY'=2 D . S DIR(0)="SO^M:MeansTest;L:LTC;B:Both",DIR("A")="Include (M)eans Test Co-pays /(L)TC Co-pays /(B)oth",DIR("B")="Both" . S DIR("?")=" Select services to include",DIR("?",1)=" M - include only Means Test copays",DIR("?",2)=" L - include only LTC copays",DIR("?",3)=" B - include both",DIR("L")="" . D ^DIR S FBCOPAY=$S($G(Y(0))="LTC":1,$G(Y(0))="MeansTest":2,$G(Y(0))="Both":3,X="Both":3,1:0) . K DIR G:FBCOPAY=0 EXIT ; ;include patients if their insurance informations is unavailable? S FBINCUNK=0 I FBPARTY=2!(FBPARTY=3) D . S FBINCUNK=1 . N Y,X . W !! . S DIR("A")="Do you want to include patients whose insurance status is unavailable? " . S DIR("?")="Please answer Yes or No." . S DIR("B")="YES",DIR(0)="YA^^" . D ^DIR K DIR . I $G(DIRUT) S FBINCUNK=-1 Q . I $G(Y)=0 S FBINCUNK=0 I FBINCUNK=-1 G EXIT ;uparrow - exit ; DATE ;select date range D DATE^FBAAUTL I FBPOP G PSF S FBBDATE=BEGDATE,FBEDATE=ENDDATE S Z=9999999.9999,FBBEG=Z-FBEDATE,FBEND=Z-FBBDATE Q K ^TMP($J,"FB"),^TMP($J,"FBINSIBAPI"),DIC ; S VAR="FBINCUNK^FBARRLTC^FBARRLTC(^FBPARTY^FBCOPAY^FBNAME^FBIEN^FBID^FBBEG^FBEND^FBBDATE^FBEDATE^FBPSV^FBPSV(^FBPROG(",VAL=VAR,PGM="DQ^FBPCR",IOP="Q" D ZIS^FBAAUTL G:FBPOP EXIT DQ S $P(FBDASH,"=",80)="",$P(FBDASH1,"-",80)="",FBPG=0,FBCRT=$S($E(IOST,1,2)="C-":1,1:0),FBOUT=0,FBBEG=FBBEG-.9 U IO SORT ;sort driver for payment output(s) S FBPI=0 F S FBPI=$O(FBPROG(FBPI)) Q:'FBPI S FBXPROG=FBPROG(FBPI) D .I FBPI=2 D EN^FBPCR2 ;outpatient payments .I FBPI=3 D EN^FBPCR3 ;pharmacy payments .I FBPI=6!(FBPI=7) S:FBPI=6&($D(FBPROG(7))) FBPI=67 D EN^FBPCR67 S:FBPI=67 FBPI=7 ;civil hospital/cnh payments PRINT ;print driver for payment output(s) I $G(^TMP($J,"FBINSIBAPI"))>0 D HDRUNK S FBPI=$O(^TMP($J,"FB",0)) I FBPI']"" D WMSG G OUT S FBSTA=0 S FBPSF=0 F S FBPSF=$O(^TMP($J,"FB",FBPSF)) Q:'FBPSF!FBOUT D STA S FBPT="" F S FBPT=$O(^TMP($J,"FB",FBPSF,FBPT)) Q:FBPT']""!FBOUT S DFN=$P(FBPT,";",2) D VET S FBPI=0 F S FBPI=$O(FBPROG(FBPI)) Q:'FBPI S FBXPROG=FBPROG(FBPI) D Q:FBOUT .I FBPSF_FBPT'=FBSTA D HDR Q:FBOUT .I FBPI=2,$D(^TMP($J,"FB",FBPSF,FBPT,FBPI)) D PRINT^FBPCR2 Q .I FBPI=3 D:$D(^TMP($J,"FB",FBPSF,FBPT,FBPI)) PRINT^FBPCR3 Q .I FBPI=6!(FBPI=7) D:$D(^TMP($J,"FB",FBPSF,FBPT,FBPI)) PRINT^FBPCR671 Q OUT I $G(^TMP($J,"FBINSIBAPI"))>0 D ERRHDL^FBPCR4 I FBOUT!$D(ZTQUEUED) G EXIT D EXIT G PSF Q EXIT ;kill and quit KILL ;kill all variables set in the FBPCR* routines, other than fbx D CLOSE^FBAAUTL K ^TMP($J,"FB") K A1,A2,A3,BEGDATE,C,D,D2,DFN,DIC,DIR,DTOUT,DUOUT,ENDDATE,FBPDXC,FBPARTY,FBCOPAY,FBARRLTC,FBINCUNK K FBAAA,FBAACPTC,FBAC,FBAP,FBBATCH,FBBDATE,FBBEG,FBBN,FBCATC,FBCNT,FBCP,FBCRT,FBDA1,FBDASH,FBDASH1,FBDATA,FBDOB,FBDRUG,FBDT,FBDT1,FBDOS,FBDX,FBDX1,FBEDATE,FBEND,FBERR,FBFD,FBFD1,FBHEAD K FBI,FBID,FBIEN,FBIN,FBINS,FBINVN,FBIX,FBJ,FBLOC,FBM,FBNAME,FBOB,FBOPI,FBOUT,FBOV,FBP,FBPAT,FBPD,FBPDX,FBPG,FBPI,FBPID,FBPIN,FBPNAME,FBPROC,FBPROC1,FBPROG,FBPSF,FBPSFNAM,FBPSFNUM,FBPSV,FBPT,FBPV,FBQTY,FBREIM,FBRX K FBSC,FBSL,FBSTA,FBSTR,FBSUSP,FBTA,FBTYPE,FBV,FBVCHAIN,FBVEN,FBVENID,FBVNAME,FBVI,FBVID,FBVP,FBXPROG,FBY,FBZ,I,IOP,J,K,L,M,N,PGM,T,V,VA,VAERR,VAL,VAR,VAUTNI,VAUTSTR,VAUTVB,X,Y,Z,FBSTANPI,FBXX Q WMSG ;write message if no matches found D HDR W !!?3,"There are no potential cost recoveries on file" W !?5,"for specified date range: ",$$DATX^FBAAUTL(FBBDATE)," through ",$$DATX^FBAAUTL(FBEDATE) I 'FBPSV D .W ",",!?5,"and selected Primary Service Area(s):" .S FBPSF=0 F S FBPSF=$O(FBPSV(FBPSF)) Q:'FBPSF W !?31,$G(FBPSV(FBPSF)) E W !?5,"and ALL Primary Service Areas " W ".",*7,!! Q ; CATC(DFN,FBDT,FBPOV) ; ;treats all copays as Means test for date < 3020705 (JULY 5,2002) ;check if patient is liable for copay ;INPUT: ; DFN = IEN of Patient file ; FBDT= Date ; FBPOV = POV code (for LTC determination) ;OUTPUT: ;0 - the patient is not liable for any co-pay; ;1 - if Means test catc or pending adjudication and agree to pay deduc ;2 - the patient is liable for LTC co-pay; ;3 - no 1010EC on file ;4 - more analysis is needed to determine the patient liability N FBLTC,FBISLTC S FBCATC=$$BIL^DGMTUB(DFN,FBDT) I '$D(FBPOV)!(FBDT<3020705) Q $S(FBCATC:1,1:0) S FBISLTC=$$ISLTC^FBPCR4(FBPOV) I FBISLTC=0 Q $S(FBCATC:1,1:0) ;Means test I FBISLTC=2 Q 0 ;LTC-service, but LTC-copay is not applicable S FBLTC=$$LTCST^FBPCR4(DFN,FBDT) I FBLTC=2 Q 2 ;LTC copay I FBLTC=0 Q 3 ;no 1010EC on file I FBLTC=4 Q 4 ;more info needed Q 0 ;exemption from LTC -copay ; VET ;set vet name/ssn/dob info ;INPUT: DFN = IEN of Patient file ; FBPI = IEN of fee program (optional) ;OUTPUT: FBPNAME = Patient's name ; FBPID = Patient's pid ; FBDOB = Patient's dob (if pharmacy fee program) N N S N=$G(^DPT(DFN,0)),FBPNAME=$P(N,U),FBPID=$$SSN^FBAAUTL(DFN),FBDOB=$$FMTE^XLFDT($P(N,U,3)) Q STA ;set station name & number ;INPUT = FBPSF - IEN to institution file ;OUTPUT = FBPSFNAM = station name ; FBPSFNUM = station number S FBPSFNAM=$P($G(^DIC(4,FBPSF,0)),U),FBPSFNUM=$P($G(^DIC(4,FBPSF,99)),U) S:FBPSFNAM=+FBPSFNAM FBPSFNAM="UNKNOWN" S FBSTANPI=$S($G(FBPSFNAM)="":"",FBPSFNAM="UNKNOWN":"",1:$P($$NPI^XUSNPI("Organization_ID",FBPSF),U,1)) Q PAGE ;form feed when new station/patient S FBSTA=$G(FBPSF)_$G(FBPT) I FBCRT&(FBPG'=0) D CR Q:FBOUT I FBPG>0!FBCRT W @IOF S FBPG=FBPG+1 Q CR ;read for display S DIR(0)="E" W ! D ^DIR K DIR S:$D(DUOUT)!($D(DTOUT)) FBOUT=1 Q HDR ;general header for potential recoveries D PAGE Q:FBOUT W !?(IOM-30/2),"POTENTIAL COST RECOVERY REPORT" W !?(IOM-(11+$L($G(FBPSFNAM))+$L($G(FBPSFNUM)))/2),"Division: ",$G(FBPSFNUM)," ",$G(FBPSFNAM) W !?(IOM-14/2),"NPI: ",$S($G(FBSTANPI)="":"",$G(FBSTANPI)=-1:"",1:$G(FBSTANPI)) W !?(IOM-19/2),$$DATX^FBAAUTL(FBBDATE)," - ",$$DATX^FBAAUTL(FBEDATE) W !?71,"Page: ",FBPG W !,"Patient: ",$G(FBPNAME),?40,"Pat. ID: ",$G(FBPID),?62,"DOB: ",$G(FBDOB) W ! I FBINCUNK=1,$D(^TMP($J,"FBINSIBAPI",+$G(DFN))) W ">> Warning: accurate insurance information for the patient is unavailable" W !?3,"('*' Represents Reimbursement to Patient",?50,"'#' Represents Voided Payment)" W !,FBDASH W ! D:$D(DFN) INS^DGRPDB Q HDRUNK ;Warning message if patient's insurance status is unknown D PAGE Q:FBOUT W !?(IOM-30/2),"POTENTIAL COST RECOVERY REPORT" W !?(IOM-(11+$L($G(FBPSFNAM))+$L($G(FBPSFNUM)))/2),"Division: ",$G(FBPSFNUM)," ",$G(FBPSFNAM) W !?(IOM-19/2),$$DATX^FBAAUTL(FBBDATE)," - ",$$DATX^FBAAUTL(FBEDATE) W !?71,"Page: ",FBPG W !,"------------------------------ !!! WARNING !!! --------------------------------" W !,"This report is incomplete due to problems with obtaining insurance information" W !,"for those patients listed in a separate section in the end of the report. You" W !,"may want to rerun the report again to get more accurate results." W !,FBDASH I FBINCUNK=1 D . W !,"Note: You have chosen to include patients with unknown insurance status in" . W !,"this report. Please be aware that these patients will be treated as if they" . W !,"have billable insurance and their treatment details will be marked accordingly." . W !,"The names of these patients will be accompanied with the following message" . W !,"to order to identify them:" . W !,">> Warning: accurate insurance information for the patient is unavailable" . W !,FBDASH Q