FBXIP77E ;AISC/SS - PATCH FB*3.5*77 ENVIRONMENT CHECK ;03/29/04 ;;3.5;Fee Basis;**77**;JAN 30, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ENV ; ;this is the environment check pre-init routine I $$PATCH^XPDUTL("FB*3.5*42") D .N X,Y,DUOUT,DTOUT .W !,"You are a test site for a CoreFLS version (patch FB*3.5*42) of Fee Basis" .W !,"This patch has a conflict with the FB-CoreFLS test software." .W !,"It must NOT be installed unless an accompanying update is made to the" .W !,"FB-CoreFLS software immediately after installation of this patch." .W ! .K DIR S DIR(0)="YA" .S DIR("A")="Do you have the corresponding update to the FB-CoreFLS software that is associated with this patch? (Note: Entering ""No"" here will stop the installation of this patch) Y/N//" .D ^DIR K DIR .I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT)!(Y'=1) W !,"Installation of this patch has been stopped!" S XPDQUIT=2 Q .W !,"OK to install!" Q