FBXIP91 ;WCIOFO/SAB-PATCH INSTALL ROUTINE ;4/28/2005 ;;3.5;FEE BASIS;**91**;JAN 30, 1995 Q ; PS ; post-install entry point ; create KIDS checkpoints with call backs N FBX,Y F FBX="CVT" D . S Y=$$NEWCP^XPDUTL(FBX,FBX_"^FBXIP91") . I 'Y D BMES^XPDUTL("ERROR Creating "_FBX_" Checkpoint.") Q ; CVT ; Fix Invalid Data in Field #8.5 within the PRESCRIPTION muliple ; of file 162.1 N FBC,FB85I,FBDA,FBDA1,FBFDA,FBTXT,FBX D BMES^XPDUTL(" Fixing data in SubFile 162.11 Field #8.5...") ; S FBC=0 ; init count of corrected values ; loop thru pharmacy invoices S FBDA=0 F S FBDA=$O(^FBAA(162.1,FBDA)) Q:'FBDA D . ; loop thru prescriptions . S FBDA1=0 F S FBDA1=$O(^FBAA(162.1,FBDA,"RX",FBDA1)) Q:'FBDA1 D . . ; obtain internal value of field #8.5 . . S FB85I=$P($G(^FBAA(162.1,FBDA,"RX",FBDA1,0)),U,21) . . S FBX=$S(FB85I="Yes":"Y",FB85I="No":"N",1:"") . . Q:FBX="" ; not one of the values that should be converted . . S FBFDA(162.11,FBDA1_","_FBDA_",",8.5)=FBX . . D FILE^DIE("","FBFDA") . . S FBC=FBC+1 ; S FBTXT=" "_FBC_" invalid value"_$S(FBC=1:" was",1:"s were")_" found and corrected." D MES^XPDUTL(FBTXT) Q ; ;FBXIP91