XOBUM1 ;; ld,mjk/alb - Foundations Manager ; 07/27/2002 13:00 ;;1.5;Foundations;;Sep 09, 2005 ;;Foundations Toolbox Release v1.5 [Build:] ; START(XOBPORT) ;-- Entry point to start a single VistALink Listener ; ; This procedure will start the VistALink Listener on a specific port. The port number is optional ; and will be validated if passed to this procedure. If the port is not passed, the user will be ; prompted for a port number. ; ; Input: ; XOBPORT - Port number for the Listener (optional) ; ; Output: ; None ; NEW XOBTASK,Y,XOBOK ; ;-- Reset I/O variables SET U="^" DO HOME^%ZIS ; DO . ; . ;-- Check operating system . IF '$$CHKOS() SET XOBOK=0 QUIT . ; . ;-- Validate/prompt for port . IF '$$VALID($GET(XOBPORT)) SET XOBPORT=$$GETPORT("start") . IF 'XOBPORT SET XOBOK=0 QUIT . ; . ;-- Wait msg to user . DO WAIT^DICD WRITE ! . ; . ;-- Check if Listener is running on port . IF '$$LOCK^XOBVTCP(XOBPORT) DO QUIT . . DO EN^DDIOL("VistALink Listener on port "_XOBPORT_" appears to be running already.") . . SET XOBOK=0 . ; . ;-- Lock was successful; unlock and queue the listener to startup . DO UNLOCK^XOBVTCP(XOBPORT) . DO UPDATE^XOBVTCP(XOBPORT,1) . SET XOBOK=$$START^XOBVTCP(XOBPORT) . IF 'XOBOK DO . . DO UPDATE^XOBVTCP(XOBPORT,5) . . DO EN^DDIOL("Unable to start VistALink Listener on port "_XOBPORT_".") ; QUIT XOBOK ; ; CHKOS() ;-- Check operating system ; ; This function will determine which operating system is being used. ; ; Input: ; None ; ; Output: ; Function value - returns 1 on success, 0 on failure ; NEW OPERSYS,RESULT ; SET RESULT=0 ; ;-- Get operating system SET OPERSYS=$$GETOS^XOBVTCP() ; DO . IF OPERSYS="OpenM-NT" DO QUIT .. DO EN^DDIOL("Starting VistALink Listener...") .. SET RESULT=1 . ; . IF OPERSYS["DSM" DO EN^DDIOL("Use the TCPIP utility in VMS to enable the VistALink Listener.") QUIT . ; . ;-- All other operating systems . DO EN^DDIOL("Starting the VistALink Listener is not yet supported for "_OPERSYS_".") QUIT . ; QUIT RESULT ; ; VALID(XOBPORT) ;-- Validate port ; ; This function will validate a port number passed in. ; ; Input: ; XOBPORT - Port number for the Listener (Optional) ; ; Output: ; Function value - returns 1 if valid, 0 otherwise ; NEW RESULT ; SET XOBPORT=+$GET(XOBPORT) SET RESULT=0 ; ;-- Check if port is not defined or invalid DO ; Drops out of block on failure . QUIT:XOBPORT=0 . QUIT:(XOBPORT?.AP) . QUIT:XOBPORT<5000!(XOBPORT>65535) . SET RESULT=1 QUIT RESULT ; ; GETPORT(XOBST) ;-- Prompt user for port number ; ; This function will prompt the user for a valid port number. ; ; Input: ; XOBST - start = start Listener ; stop = stop Listener ; ; Output: ; Function value - returns port # or zero ; NEW DIR,DIRUT,PORT SET XOBST=$GET(XOBST) ; SET DIR(0)="NA^5000:65535" SET DIR("A")="Enter Port: " SET DIR("B")=8000 ; Default port is 8000 SET DIR("?")="Choose a numeric port to "_XOBST_" the VistALink Listener on in the range of 5000-65535." DO ^DIR KILL DIR IF $DATA(DIRUT) DO . DO EN^DDIOL("Port not specified. VistALink Listener not "_$SELECT(XOBST="start":"started",1:"stopped")_".") . SET PORT=0 ELSE SET PORT=+$GET(Y) ; QUIT PORT ; ; BOX() ; -- start this BOX-VOl default configuration NEW XOBOX IF $$CHKOS^XOBUM1() DO . SET XOBOK=1 . DO WAIT^DICD WRITE ! . DO STARTCFG^XOBVTCP($$GETCFG^XOBVTCP()) ELSE DO . SET XOBOK=0 QUIT XOBOK ; ; STOP(LOGDA) ; -- stop a listener NEW Y,X,LOG0,XOBBOX,XOBPORT,XONCFG,XOBSTAT,XOBOK SET XOBOK=0 ; SET LOG0=$GET(^XOB(18.04,LOGDA,0)) SET XOBBOX=$PIECE(LOG0,U) SET XOBPORT=$PIECE(LOG0,U,2) SET XOBSTAT=$PIECE(LOG0,U,3) SET XOBCFG=$PIECE(LOG0,U,6) ; ; -- must be valid entyr with a running status IF XOBPORT,XOBSTAT=2 DO . DO UPDLOG^XOBVTCP(LOGDA,XOBPORT,3,XOBCFG) . SET XOBOK=1 ELSE DO . SET XOBOK=0_U_"Listener is not running!" ; QUIT XOBOK ; PARMS() ; -- maintain site parameters NEW DIC,X,Y,DR,DA,DIE,XOBOK SET XOBOK=0 ; IF $GET(^XOB(18.01,1,0))["" DO . SET DA=1,DR="[XOBU SITE PARAMETERS]",DIE="^XOB(18.01," DO ^DIE . SET XOBOK=1 ELSE DO . SET XOBOK=0_U_"Error: Site parameter file not initialized." ; QUIT XOBOK ; CFG() ; -- listener configuration edit NEW DIC,X,Y,DR,DA,DIE,XOBDONE,XOBOK SET XOBOK=0 ; SET XOBDONE=0 ; FOR DO QUIT:XOBDONE . WRITE ! . SET DIC="^XOB(18.03,",DIC(0)="AEMLQ" DO ^DIC . IF Y<1 SET XOBDONE=1 QUIT . SET DA=+Y,DR="[XOBV LISTENER CONFIG EDIT]",DIE="^XOB(18.03," DO ^DIE SET XOBOK=1 ; QUIT XOBOK ; CP() ; -- add a connector proxy NEW XOBOK SET XOBOK=0 DO CONT^XUSAP SET XOBOK=1 QUIT XOBOK ;