HLCSTCP2 ;SFIRMFO/RSD - BI-DIRECTIONAL TCP ;04/16/2008 16:20 ;;1.6;HEALTH LEVEL SEVEN;**19,43,49,57,63,64,66,67,76,77,87,109,133,122,140**;Oct 13,1995;Build 5 ;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ;Sender ;Request connection, send outbound message(s) delimited by MLLP ;Input : HLDP=Logical Link to use ; Set up error trap N $ETRAP,$ESTACK S $ETRAP="D ERROR^HLCSTCP2" N HLMSG,HLPORT,HLRETRY,HLRETMG,HLTCPO,POP ;HLRETRY=number of retranmission for this link,HLRETMG=alert sent S HLTCPO=HLDP,HLMSG="",(HLRETRY,HLRETMG)=0 ; ; patch 122 ; patch 133 ; set IO(0) to the null device I $G(^%ZOSF("OS"))]"",^%ZOSF("OS")'["GT.M" D . S IO(0)=$S(^%ZOSF("OS")["OpenM":$S($$OS^%ZOSV()["VMS":"_NLA0:",$$OS^%ZOSV()["UNIX":"/dev/null",1:$P),^%ZOSF("OS")["DSM":"_NLA0:",1:$P) . O IO(0) U IO(0) ; ;persistent conection, open connection first, HLPORT=open port I $G(HLTCPLNK)["Y" F Q:$$OPEN G EXIT:$$STOP^HLCSTCP H 1 F D QUE Q:$$STOP^HLCSTCP D:'HLMSG Q:$G(HLCSOUT) . ;no messages to send . D MON^HLCSTCP("Idle") H 3 . ;persistent connection, no retention . Q:$G(HLTCPLNK)["Y" . D MON^HLCSTCP("Retention") . N % I 0 . ;if message comes in or ask to stop . F %=1:1:HLTCPRET H 1 I $$STOP^HLCSTCP!$O(^HLMA("AC","O",HLDP,0)) Q . E S HLCSOUT=2 Q . Q:$$STOP^HLCSTCP . D MON^HLCSTCP("Idle") ;Close port I $D(HLPORT) D CLOSE^%ZISTCP K HLPORT EXIT Q ; QUE ; -- Check "OUT" queue for processing IF there is a message do it ; and then check the link if it open or not N HL,HLN,HLARR,HLHDR,HLI,HLJ,HLMSA,HLRESP,HLRESLT,HLRETRM,HLTCP,HLTCPI,X,Z,HLREREAD N HLTMBUF D MON^HLCSTCP("CheckOut") ;HLMSG=next msg, set at tag DONE I 'HLMSG S HLMSG=+$O(^HLMA("AC","O",HLDP,0)),HLRETRY=0 Q:'HLMSG ; S HLI=+$G(^HLMA(HLMSG,0)),HLJ=$O(^("MSH",0)),HLTCP="" ;don't have message text or MSH, kill x-ref and decrement 'to send' ; ; patch HL*1.6*122: MPI-client/server ; I 'HLI!'HLJ K ^HLMA("AC","O",HLDP,HLMSG) D LLCNT^HLCSTCP(HLDP,3,1) S HLMSG=0 Q I 'HLI!'HLJ D Q . F L +^HLMA("AC","O",HLDP,HLMSG):10 Q:$T H 1 . K ^HLMA("AC","O",HLDP,HLMSG) . L -^HLMA("AC","O",HLDP,HLMSG) . D LLCNT^HLCSTCP(HLDP,3,1) . S HLMSG=0 ; ;update msg status to 'being transmitted'; if cancelled decrement link and quit I '$$CHKMSG(1.5) D LLCNT^HLCSTCP(HLDP,3,1) S HLMSG=0 Q ;number of retransmissions for message S HLRETRM=+$P(^HLMA(HLMSG,"P"),U,5) ;retries exceeded, HLRETRA:action i=ignore, r=restart, s=shutdown ;quit if restart or shutdown, link is going down I HLRETRY>HLDRETR D Q:"I"'[HLRETRA . D MON^HLCSTCP("Error") . ;only 1 alert per link up time, don't send if restart . D:'HLRETMG&(HLRETRA'="R") .. ;send alert .. N XQA,XQAMSG,XQAOPT,XQAROU,XQAID,Z .. ;get mailgroup from file 869.3 .. S HLRETMG=1,Z=$P($$PARAM^HLCS2,U,8) Q:Z="" .. S XQA("G."_Z)="",XQAMSG=$$HTE^XLFDT($H,2)_" HL7 LL "_$P(^HLCS(870,HLDP,0),U)_" exceeded retries. LL will "_$S(HLRETRA="S":"shutdown.",HLRETRA="R":"restart.",1:"keep trying.") .. D SETUP^XQALERT . ;quit if action is ignore . Q:"I"[HLRETRA . ;this will shutdown this link . S HLCSOUT=1 . ;action is shutdown, set shutdown flag so LM won't restart . S:HLRETRA="S" $P(^HLCS(870,HLDP,0),U,15)=1 . D STATUS^HLTF0(HLMSG,4,103,"LLP Exceeded Retry Param") I '$$OPEN Q D MON^HLCSTCP("Send") ; -- data passed in global array, success=1 I $$WRITE(HLMSG)<0 Q S (HLTCP,HLTCPI)=HLMSG,HLRETRY=HLRETRY+1,HLRETRM=HLRETRM+1 ;update status to awaiting response, decrement link if cancelled I '$$CHKMSG(1.7) D LLCNT^HLCSTCP(HLDP,3,1) S HLMSG=0 Q ;set transmission count, get ACKTIMEOUT override S $P(^HLMA(HLMSG,"P"),U,5)=HLRETRM I $P(^("P"),U,7) S HLN("ACKTIME")=+$P(^("P"),U,7) ;get header of message just sent K HLJ M HLJ=^HLMA(HLMSG,"MSH") ;first component of sending app. S HLN("ECH")=$$P^HLTPCK2(.HLJ,2),HLN("SAN")=$P($$P^HLTPCK2(.HLJ,3),$E(HLN("ECH"))) ;msg type, msg. id, commit ack, and app. ack parameter S HLN("TYPE")=$$P^HLTPCK2(.HLJ,1),HLN("MID")=$$P^HLTPCK2(.HLJ,10),HLN("ACAT")=$$P^HLTPCK2(.HLJ,15),HLN("APAT")=$$P^HLTPCK2(.HLJ,16) ;MSA segment, message is a response, can't have an a. ack. S Z=$$MSA^HLTP3(+^HLMA(HLMSG,0)) I Z]"" S:HLN("ACAT")="" HLN("ACAT")="NE" S HLN("APAT")="NE" ;for batch/file with commit ack, reset c. ack and a. ack variables I "BHS,FHS"[HLN("TYPE") S Z=$E(HLJ(1,0),5),X=$$P^HLTPCK2(.HLJ,9),HLN("ACAT")=$P(X,Z,5),HLN("APAT")=$P(X,Z,6),HLN("MID")=$$P^HLTPCK2(.HLJ,11) ;get event protocol S HLN("EID")=+$P(^HLMA(HLMSG,0),U,8),X=$G(^ORD(101,HLN("EID"),770)) ;set link counter to msg sent D LLCNT^HLCSTCP(HLDP,4) ;commit and app. ack is never, update status to complete and hang UNI-DIRECTIONAL WAIT I HLN("ACAT")="NE",HLN("APAT")="NE" D Q .D DONE(3) .; .; .H $G(HLDWAIT) ; ;do structure is to stack error D . N $ETRAP,$ESTACK S $ETRAP="D RDERR^HLCSTCP2" . ;HL*1.6*87: Read acknowledgement. . ;Loop to re-read from buffer when receiving incorrect ack. . F D Q:'+$G(HLREREAD) .. S HLREREAD=1 .. ;override ack timeout .. I $G(HLN("ACKTIME")) N HLDBACK S HLDBACK=HLN("ACKTIME") .. ;check for response, quit if no-response, msg will be resent .. ;HLRESP=ien 773^ien 772 for response message .. S HLRESP=$$READ^HLCSTCP1() .. ;if no response, decrement counter and quit .. I 'HLRESP D Q ...D LLCNT^HLCSTCP(HLDP,4,1) ...S HLREREAD="0^No Response" ...;check if the port needs to be closed and re-opened before the next re-transmission attempt ...I $G(HLDRETRY("CLOSE")) D CLOSE^%ZISTCP K HLPORT .. ;X 0=re-read msg, 1=commit ack, 3=app ack success, 4=error .. S X=$$RSP^HLTP31(HLRESP,.HLN) .. ;X=0, re-read msg. Incorrect ack (bad MSH,MSA,msg id,or sending app) .. Q:'X .. ;commit ack - done .. I X=1 D S HLREREAD="0^Commit Ack" Q ... ;don't need app. ack, set status to complete ... I "NE"[HLN("APAT") D Q ....D DONE(3) ....; ... ;response is deferred, set status to awaiting ack ... D DONE(2) ...; .. ;Error, HLRESLT=error number^error message from HLTP3 .. I X=4 D Q ... D DONE(4,+$G(HLRESLT),$P($G(HLRESLT),U,2)) ...; ... S HLREREAD="0^Error" .. ;app ack was successful .. D DONE(3) S HLREREAD="0^App Ack" ..; Q ; DCSEND ;direct connect ; Set up error trap N $ETRAP,$ESTACK S $ETRAP="D ERROR^HLCSTCP2" ; patch HL*1.6*122 N HLTMBUF ;override ack timeout I $G(HLP("ACKTIME")) N HLDBACK S HLDBACK=HLP("ACKTIME") I $$WRITE(HLMSG)<0 D:$G(HLERROR)]"" Q ;HL*1.6*77 . D STATUS^HLTF0(HLMSG,4,$P(HLERROR,"^"),$P(HLERROR,"^",2),1) ;HL*1.6*77 . D LLCNT^HLCSTCP(HLDP,3,1) D LLCNT^HLCSTCP(HLDP,4) ;do structure is to stack error D . N $ETRAP,$ESTACK S $ETRAP="D RDERR^HLCSTCP2" . ;HLRESP=ien 773^ien 772 for response message . S HLRESP=$$READ^HLCSTCP1() ; D DONE(3):$G(HLRESP),DONE(4,108,$S($G(HLERROR)]"":$P(HLERROR,"^",2),1:"No response")):'$G(HLRESP) I $G(HLERROR)']"" D .D MON^HLCSTCP("Idle") .I '$G(HLRESP) S HLERROR="108^No response" ;Close port I $D(HLPORT) D CLOSE^%ZISTCP K HLPORT Q ; DONE(ST,ERR,ERRMSG) ;set status to complete ;ST=status, ERR=error ien, ERRMSG=error msg D STATUS^HLTF0(HLMSG,ST,$G(ERR),$G(ERRMSG),1) ; D DEQUE^HLCSREP(HLDP,"O",HLMSG) ; ;check for more msg. I $G(HLPRIO)'="I" S HLMSG=+$O(^HLMA("AC","O",HLDP,0)),HLRETRY=0 Q ; CHKMSG(HLI) ;check status of message and update if not cancelled ;input: HLI=new status, HLMSG=ien of msg in 773 ;returns 1=msg was updated, 0=msg has been canceled N X ; ; New HL*1.6*77 code starting here... I '$D(^HLMA(HLMSG,"P")) D Q 0 . S HLERROR="2^Missing status field" . D STATUS^HLTF0(HLMSG,4,$P(HLERROR,U),$P(HLERROR,U,2),1) .; . D DEQUE^HLCSREP(HLDP,"O",HLMSG) ; ; End of HL*1.6*77 ; ;get status, quit if msg was cancelled ; S X=+^HLMA(HLMSG,"P") Q:X=3 0 ; ;update status if it is different I $G(HLI),HLI'=X D STATUS^HLTF0(HLMSG,HLI) ; Q 1 ; WRITE(HLDA) ; write message in HL7 format ; HLDA - ien of message in 773 ; - start block $C(11) ; - end block $C(28) ; - record separator $C(13) ;Output(s): 1 - Successful ; -1 - Unsuccessful ; N HLDA2,HLAR,HLI,LINENO,X,CRCOUNT S CRCOUNT=0 ;set error trap, used when called from HLTP3 ; ; New HL*1.6*77 code starts here... N $ETRAP,$ESTACK S $ETRAP="D ERROR^HLCSTCP2" I $G(^HLMA(HLDA,0))'>0 D Q -1 . S HLERROR="2^Message Text pointer missing" S HLDA2=+$G(^HLMA(HLDA,0)) ; End of HL*1.6*77 modifications... ; Q:'$G(^HLMA(HLDA,0)) -1 ;HL*1.6*77 ; header is in ^HLMA(, message is in ^HL(772, S LINENO=1,HLI=0,HLAR="^HLMA(HLDA,""MSH"")" U IO D W $C(13) S HLAR="^HL(772,HLDA2,""IN"")",HLI=0 D . F S HLI=$O(@HLAR@(HLI)) Q:'HLI S X=$G(^(HLI,0)) D .. ;first line, need start block char. .. S:LINENO=1 X=$C(11)_X .. ; HL*1.6*122 .. ; I X]"" W X,! .. N LENGTH .. S LENGTH=$L(X) .. ; buffer should be limited to 512 .. I LENGTH>512 D ... N X1 ... F Q:LENGTH<512 D .... S X1=$E(X,1,512),X=$E(X,513,999999) .... S LENGTH=$L(X) .... ; patch HL*1.6*140 .... ; W X1,@IOF .... W X1,@HLTCPLNK("IOF") .. ; .. ; @HLTCPLNK("IOF") (! or #) for flush character .. I X]"" W X,@HLTCPLNK("IOF") S CRCOUNT=0 .. ;send CR .. I X="" W $C(13) S CRCOUNT=CRCOUNT+1 .. ; prevent from maxstring error .. I CRCOUNT>200 W @HLTCPLNK("IOF") S CRCOUNT=0 .. S LINENO=LINENO+1 ; Sends end block for this message S X=$C(28)_$C(13) ; U IO W X,! U IO W X,@HLTCPLNK("IOF") ;switch to null device I $G(IO(0))'="",$G(IO(0))'=IO U IO(0) Q 1 ; OPEN() ; -- Open TCP/IP device (Client) ;HLPORT=port, defined only if port is open ;HLPORTA=number of attempted opens I $D(HLPORT) S IO=HLPORT D Q 1 . U IO . I HLOS["OpenM" X "U IO:(::""-M"")" ;use packet mode on Cache' N HLDOM,HLI,HLIP,HLPORTA G OPENA^HLCSTCP3 ; RDERR D RDERR^HLCSTCP4 Q ERROR D ERROR^HLCSTCP4 Q ; CC(X) ;cleanup and close D MON^HLCSTCP(X) I $D(HLPORT) D CLOSE^%ZISTCP K HLPORT ; patch HL*1.6*140 ; H 2 H 1 Q