[613] | 1 | HLCSTCPA ;OIFO-O/RJH - (TCP/IP) VMS ;07/26/2007 10:29
| 2 | ;;1.6;HEALTH LEVEL SEVEN;**84,122**;Oct 13, 1995;Build 14
| 3 | ;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified.
| 4 | ;
| 5 | ; 1. port number is input from VMS COM file, such as HLSxxxxDSM.COM,
| 6 | ; HLSxxxxCACHE.COM, or HLSxxxxGTM.COM file, where xxxx is port
| 7 | ; number.
| 8 | ; 2. find the ien of #870(logical link file) for the multi-listener
| 9 | Q
| 10 | ;
| 11 | GTMPORT(%) ; From tcpip ZFOO for GT.M
| 12 | ; %: device^port number
| 13 | N HLPORT
| 14 | S HLPORT=$P($G(%),"^",2)
| 15 | I $G(^%ZOSF("OS"))'["GT.M" D ^%ZTER Q
| 16 | D IEN
| 17 | Q
| 18 | ;
| 19 | PORT ;
| 20 | ; HLPORT: port number of multi-listener
| 21 | ; input of DSM: % = device^port number of multi-listener
| 22 | ; input of Cache: port number of TCPIP
| 23 | ;
| 24 | N HLPORT
| 25 | S HLPORT=0
| 26 | I ^%ZOSF("OS")["OpenM" D
| 27 | . S HLPORT=$ZF("GETSYM","PORT")
| 28 | I ^%ZOSF("OS")["DSM" D
| 29 | . S HLPORT=$P(%,"^",2)
| 30 | ;
| 31 | IEN ;
| 32 | ; HLIEN870: ien in #870 (logical link file)
| 33 | ; HLPRTS: port number in entry to be tested
| 34 | ;
| 35 | N HLIEN870
| 36 | I 'HLPORT D ^%ZTER Q
| 37 | S HLIEN870=0
| 38 | F S HLIEN870=$O(^HLCS(870,"E","M",HLIEN870)) Q:'HLIEN870 D Q:(HLPRTS=HLPORT)
| 39 | . S HLPRTS=$P(^HLCS(870,HLIEN870,400),"^",2)
| 40 | I 'HLIEN870 D ^%ZTER Q
| 41 | ;
| 43 | ; patch 122
| 44 | S U="^"
| 45 | ;
| 46 | ;for Cache/VMS
| 47 | I ^%ZOSF("OS")["OpenM" D Q
| 48 | . D CACHEVMS(HLIEN870)
| 49 | ;
| 50 | ;for DSM
| 51 | I ^%ZOSF("OS")["DSM" D Q
| 52 | . S $P(%,"^",2)=HLIEN870 ;set % = device^ien of #870
| 53 | . K HLIEN870
| 54 | . D EN
| 55 | ;
| 56 | ;for GT.M
| 57 | I ^%ZOSF("OS")["GT.M" D Q
| 58 | . S HLDP=HLIEN870 ;set HLDP = ien of #870
| 59 | . K HLIEN870
| 60 | . D GTMUCX
| 61 | ;
| 62 | D ^%ZTER
| 63 | Q
| 64 | GTMUCX ; GT.M /VMS tcpip
| 65 | ;listener, % = device^port
| 66 | S U="^",IO=$P(%,U)
| 67 | ; S IO(0)=$P O IO(0) ;Setup null device
| 68 | ; GTM specific code
| 70 | X "O IO:(RECORDSIZE=512)"
| 72 | C IO
| 73 | Q
| 74 | ;
| 75 | ; $ x=f$trnlnm("sys$net") !This is our MBX device
| 76 | ; $!
| 77 | ; $! for GT.M
| 78 | ; $ assign 'f$trnlnm("SYS$NET")' SYS$NET
| 79 | ; $! Depending on how your command files are set up, you may need to
| 80 | ; $! run the GT.M profile file.
| 81 | ; $ @<user$:[gtmmgr]>gtmprofile.com
| 82 | ; $ forfoo="$" + f$parse("user$:[gtmmgr.r]ZFOO.exe")
| 83 | ; $ PORT=5000
| 84 | ; $ data="''x'^''PORT'"
| 85 | ; $ forfoo GTMPORT^HLCSTCPA("''data'")
| 86 | ;
| 87 | CACHEVMS(%) ;Cache'/VMS tcpip
| 88 | ;listener, % = HLDP
| 89 | I $G(%)="" D ^%ZTER Q
| 90 | ; patch 133
| 91 | S IO="SYS$NET",U="^",HLDP=%
| 92 | S IO(0)="_NLA0:" O IO(0) ;Setup null device
| 93 | ; **Cache'/VMS specific code**
| 94 | O IO::5 E D MON^HLCSTCP("Openfail") Q
| 95 | X "U IO:(::""-M"")" ;Packet mode like DSM
| 97 | C IO
| 98 | Q
| 99 | ;
| 100 | EN ; DSM/VMS tcpip
| 101 | ;listener, % = device^HLDP
| 102 | I $G(%)="" D ^%ZTER Q
| 103 | ; patch 122
| 104 | ; S IO="SYS$NET",U="^",HLDP=$P(%,U,2)
| 105 | S U="^",IO=$P(%,U),HLDP=$P(%,U,2)
| 106 | ; patch 133
| 107 | S IO(0)="_NLA0:" O IO(0) ;Setup null device
| 108 | ; **VMS specific code, need to share device**
| 109 | O IO:(TCPDEV):60 E D MON^HLCSTCP("Openfail") Q
| 110 | ; patch 122
| 112 | C IO
| 113 | Q