HLMA ;AISC/SAW-Message Administration Module ;05/02/2008 10:27 ;;1.6;HEALTH LEVEL SEVEN;**19,43,58,63,66,82,91,109,115,133,132,122,140**;Oct 13, 1995;Build 5 ;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. GENERATE(HLEID,HLARYTYP,HLFORMAT,HLRESLT,HLMTIEN,HLP) ; ;Entry point to generate a deferred message ; ;This is a subroutine call with parameter passing. It returns a ;value in the variable HLRESLT with 1 to 3 pieces separated by uparrows ;as follows: 1st message ID^error code^error description ;If no error occurs, only the first piece is returned equal to a unique ;ID for the 1st message. If message was sent to more than 1 subscriber ;than the other message IDs will be in the array HLRESLT(n)=ID ;Otherwise, three pieces are returned with the ;first piece equal to the message ID, if one was assigned, otherwise 0 ; ;Required Input Parameters ; HLEID = Name or IEN of event driver protocol in the Protocol file ; HLARYTYP = Array type. One of the following codes: ; LM = local array containing a single message ; LB = local array containig a batch of messages ; GM = global array containing a single message ; GB = global array containing a batch of messages ; HLFORMAT = Format of array, 1 for pre-formatted in HL7 format, ; otherwise 0 ;NOTE: The parameter HLRESLT must be passed by reference ; HLRESLT = The variable that will be returned to the calling ; application as descibed above ;Optional Parameters ; HLMTIEN = IEN of entry in Message Text file where the message ; being generated is to be stored. This parameter is ; only passed for a batch type message ;NOTE: The parameter HLP used for the following parameters must be ; passed by reference ; HLP("SECURITY") = A 1 to 40 character string ; HLP("CONTPTR") = Continuation pointer, a 1 to 180 character string ; HLP("NAMESPACE") = Passed in by application namespace - HL*1.6*91 ; HLP("EXCLUDE SUBSCRIBER",)= or ; - A list of protocols to dynamically ; drop from the event protocol's subscriber multiple. ; ;can't have link open when generating new message N HLTCP,HLTCPO,HLPRIO,HLMIDAR S HLPRIO="D" S HLRESLT="" ;Check for required parameters CONT ; I $G(HLEID)']""!($G(HLARYTYP)']"")!($G(HLFORMAT)']"") D G EXIT . S HLRESLT="0^7^"_$G(^HL(771.7,7,0))_" at GENERATE^HLMA entry point" I 'HLEID S HLEID=$O(^ORD(101,"B",HLEID,0)) I 'HLEID S HLRESLT="0^1^"_$G(^HL(771.7,1,0)) G EXIT N HLRESLT1,HLRESLTA S (HLRESLTA,HLRESLT1)="" I "GL"'[$E(HLARYTYP) S HLRESLT="0^4^"_$G(^HL(771.7,4,0)) G EXIT I $L($G(HLP("SECURITY")))>40 S HLRESLT="0^6^"_$G(^HL(771.7,6,0)) G EXIT I $L($G(HLP("CONTPTR")))>180 S HLRESLT="0^11^"_$G(^HL(771.7,11,0)) G EXIT I $D(HLL("LINKS")) D G:$G(HLRESLT)]"" EXIT . N I,HLPNAM,HLPIEN,HLLNAM,HLLIEN . S I=0 . F S I=$O(HLL("LINKS",I)) Q:'I D Q:$G(HLRESLT)]"" . . S HLPNAM=$P(HLL("LINKS",I),U) . . S HLPIEN=+$O(^ORD(101,"B",HLPNAM,0)) . . I $P($G(^ORD(101,HLPIEN,0)),U,4)'="S" S HLRESLT="0^15^Invalid Subscriber Protocol in HLL('LINKS'): "_HLL("LINKS",I) Q . . S HLLNAM=$P(HLL("LINKS",I),U,2) . . S HLLIEN=+$O(^HLCS(870,"B",HLLNAM,0)) . . I '$D(^HLCS(870,HLLIEN,0)) S HLRESLT="0^15^Invalid HL Node in HLL('LINKS'): "_HLL("LINKS",I) Q ;Extract data from Protocol file D EVENT^HLUTIL1(HLEID,"15,20,771",.HLN) S HLENROU=$G(HLN(20)),HLEXROU=$G(HLN(15)) S HLP("GROUTINE")=$G(HLN(771)) K HLN I HLP("GROUTINE")']"",'HLFORMAT S HLRESLT="0^3^"_$G(^HL(771.7,3,0)) G EXIT ;Create message ID and Message Text IEN if Message Text IEN not ;previously created ('$G(HLMTIEN)) I '$G(HLMTIEN) D CREATE^HLTF(.HLMID,.HLMTIEN,.HLDT,.HLDT1) ;Get message ID if Message Text IEN already created I '$G(HLMID) D .S HLDT=$G(^HL(772,HLMTIEN,0)),HLMID=$P(HLDT,"^",6),HLDT=+HLDT .S HLDT1=$$HLDATE^HLFNC(HLDT) S HLMIDAR=0,HLRESLT=HLMID,HLP("DT")=HLDT,HLP("DTM")=HLDT1 ;Execute entry action for event driver protocol I HLENROU]"" X HLENROU ;Invoke transaction processor K HLDT,HLDT1,HLENROU D GENERATE^HLTP(HLMID,HLMTIEN,HLEID,HLARYTYP,HLFORMAT,.HLRESLT1,.HLP) ;HLMIDAR is array of message IDs, only set for broadcast messages I HLMIDAR K HLMIDAR("N") M HLRESLT=HLMIDAR S HLRESLT=HLRESLT_"^"_HLRESLT1 ; ; patch HL*1.6*122 S HLRESLT("HLMID")=$G(HLMIDAR("HLMID")) S HLRESLT("IEN773")=$G(HLMIDAR("IEN773")) ; ;Execute exit action for event driver protocol I HLEXROU]"" X HLEXROU EXIT ;Update status if Message Text file entry has been created K HLTCP I $D(HLMTIEN) D STATUS^HLTF0(HLMTIEN,$S($P(HLRESLT,"^",2):4,1:3),$S($P(HLRESLT,"^",2):$P(HLRESLT,"^",2),1:""),$S($P(HLRESLT,"^",2):$P(HLRESLT,"^",3),1:"")) K HLDT,HLDT1,HLMID,HLRESLT1,HLENROU,HLEXROU Q DIRECT(HLEID,HLARYTYP,HLFORMAT,HLRESLT,HLMTIENO,HLP) ; ;Entry point to generate an immediate message, must be TCP Logical Link ;Input: ; The same as GENERATE,with one additional subscript to the HLP input ; array: ; ; HLP("OPEN TIMEOUT") (optional, pass by reference) a number between ; 1 and 120 that specifies how many seconds the DIRECT CONNECT should ; try to open a connection before failing. It is killed upon ; completion. ; N HLTCP,HLTCPO,HLPRIO,HLSAN,HLN,HLMIDAR,HLMTIENR,ZMID,HLDIRECT ; patch HL*1.6*140- to protect application who call this entry N IO,IOF,ION,IOT,IOST,POP S HLRESLT="" ;HLMTIENO=ien passed in, batch message S HLMTIEN=$G(HLMTIENO) I $G(HLP("OPEN TIMEOUT")),((HLP("OPEN TIMEOUT")\1)'=+HLP("OPEN TIMEOUT"))!HLP("OPEN TIMEOUT")>120 Q "0^4^INVALID OPEN TIMEOUT PARAMETER" I $G(HLP("OPEN TIMEOUT")) D .S HLDIRECT("OPEN TIMEOUT")=HLP("OPEN TIMEOUT") .K HLP("OPEN TIMEOUT") K HL,HLMTIENO D INIT^HLFNC2(HLEID,.HL) I $G(HL) S HLRESLT="0^"_HL Q S HLPRIO="I" D CONT ;HLMTIENO=original msg. ien in file 772, HLMTIENR=response ien set in HLMA2 S HLMTIENO=HLMTIEN,HLMTIEN=$G(HLMTIENR) ;Set special HL variables S HLQUIT=0,HLNODE="",HLNEXT="D HLNEXT^HLCSUTL" Q ; CLOSE(LOGLINK) ;close connection that was open in tag DIRECT Q PING ;ping another VAMC to test Link ;set HLQUIET =1 to skip writes ;look for HLTPUT to get turnaround time over network. N DA,DIC,HLDP,HLDPNM,HLDPDM,HLCSOUT,HLDBSIZE,HLDREAD,HLOS,HLTCPADD,HLTCPCS,HLTCPLNK,HLTCPORT,HLTCPRET,HLCSFAIL,HLPARAM N HCS,HCSCMD,HLCS,HCSDAT,HCSER,HCSEXIT,HCSTRACE,HLDT1,HLDRETR,HLRETRA,HLDBACK,HLDWAIT,HLTCPCS,INPUT,OUTPUT,POP,X,Y,HLX1,HLX2 S HLQUIET=$G(HLQUIET) S HLCS="",HCSTRACE="C: ",POP=1,INPUT="INPUT",OUTPUT="OUTPUT" S DIC="^HLCS(870,",DIC(0)="QEAMZ" D ^DIC Q:Y<0 S HLDP=+Y,HLDPNM=Y(0,0),HLDPDM=$P($$PARAM^HLCS2,U,2) ;I $P($G(^HLCS(870,HLDP,400)),U)="" W !,"Missing IP Address" Q D SETUP^HLCSAC G:HLCS PINGQ ; patch HL*1.6*122 G:$$DONTPING^HLMA4 PINGQ ;PING header=MSH^PING^domain^PING^logical link^datetime S INPUT(1)="MSH^PING^"_HLDPDM_"^PING^"_HLDPNM_"^"_$$HTE^XLFDT($H) D OPEN^HLCSAC I HLCS D DNS G:HLCS PINGQ D . N $ETRAP,$ESTACK S $ETRAP="D PINGERR^HLMA" . ;non-standard HL7 header; start block,header,end block . S HLX1=$H . ; . ; HL*1.6*122 start . ; replace flush character '!' with @IOF (! or #) . ; W $C(11)_INPUT(1)_$C(28)_$C(13),! ;HL*1.6*115, restored ! char . ; patch HL*1.6*140, flush character- HLTCPLNK("IOF") . ; W $C(11)_INPUT(1)_$C(28)_$C(13),@IOF . W $C(11)_INPUT(1)_$C(28)_$C(13),@HLTCPLNK("IOF") . ; HL*1.6*122 end . ; . ;read response . R X:HLDREAD . S HLX2=$H . S X=$P(X,$C(28)),HLCS=$S(X=INPUT(1):"PING worked",X="":"No response",1:"Incorrect response") . ;Get roundtrip time . K HLTPUT I X]"" S HLTPUT=$$HDIFF^XLFDT(HLX2,HLX1,2) D CLOSE^%ZISTCP PINGQ ;write back status and quit I 'HLQUIET W !,HLCS,! Q PINGERR ;process errors from PING S $ETRAP="G UNWIND^%ZTER",HLCS="-1^Error" ;I $ZE["READ" S HLCS="-1^Error during read" ;I $ZE["WRITE" S HLCS="-1^Error during write" ; HL*1.6*115, SACC compliance I $$EC^%ZOSV["READ" S HLCS="-1^Error during read" I $$EC^%ZOSV["WRITE" S HLCS="-1^Error during write" G UNWIND^%ZTER DNS ; ;openfail-try DNS lookup-Link must contain point to Domain Name S POP=$G(POP) S HLQUIET=$G(HLQUIET) I 'HLQUIET W !,"Calling DNS" N HLDOM,HLIP S HLCS="" S HLDOM=$P(^HLCS(870,HLDP,0),U,7) ; patch HL*1.6*122 start S HLDOM("DNS")=$P($G(^HLCS(870,+$G(HLDP),0)),"^",8) ; I 'HLDOM,'HLQUIET W !,"Domain Unknown" Q I 'HLDOM,($L(HLDOM("DNS"),".")<3) D Q . I 'HLQUIET W !,"Domain Unknown" . S HLCS="-1^Connection Fail" ; patch HL*1.6*122 end I HLDOM S HLDOM=$P(^DIC(4.2,HLDOM,0),U) ; patch HL*1.6*122 ; I HLDOM]"" D Q:'POP I HLDOM]""!($L(HLDOM("DNS"),".")>2) D Q:'POP . I HLDOM["VA.GOV"&(HLDOM'[".MED.") S HLDOM=$P(HLDOM,".VA.GOV")_".MED.VA.GOV" . I HLTCPORT=5000 S HLDOM="HL7."_HLDOM . I HLTCPORT=5500 S HLDOM="MPI."_HLDOM . ; patch HL*1.6*122 . I ($L(HLDOM("DNS"),".")>2) S HLDOM=HLDOM("DNS") . I 'HLQUIET W !,"Domain, "_HLDOM . I 'HLQUIET W !,"Port: ",HLTCPORT . S HLIP=$$ADDRESS^XLFNSLK(HLDOM) . I HLIP]"",'HLQUIET W !,"DNS Returned: ",HLIP . I HLIP]"" D . . ;If more than one IP returned, try each, cache successful open . . N HLI,HLJ,HLIP1 . . F HLJ=1:1:$L(HLIP,",") D Q:'POP . . . S HLIP1=$P(HLIP,",",HLJ) . . . F HLI=1:1:HLDRETR W:'HLQUIET !,"Trying ",HLIP1 D CALL^%ZISTCP(HLIP1,HLTCPORT,1) Q:'POP . . . I 'POP S $P(^HLCS(870,HLDP,400),U)=HLIP1 . . . U IO I POP S HLCS="-1^DNS Lookup Failed"