IMRCAT ;SF-ISC/CNP-PRINT INSTRUCTIONS FOR CATEGORIZING IMR PATIENTS ;4/8/93 14:34 V ;;2.1;IMMUNOLOGY CASE REGISTRY;;Feb 09, 1998 ; called from ^DD(158,4,0) - CATEGORY W !!,"The categories for each are as follows:" CAT1 W !!,"1. HIV+, CD4+ (T4) Count 500/mm3 or Greater." W !," a. Confirmed HIV serum antibody positive (two positive ELISAs and" W !," a confirmatory Western Blot)" W !," b. CD4+ (T4) count 500/mm3 or greater." CAT2 W !!!,"2. HIV+, CD4+ Count between 200 and 500/mm3." W !," a. Confirmed HIV serum antibody positive (two positive ELISAs and" W !," a confirmatory Western Blot)" W !," b. CD4+ (T4) count 200 and 500/mm3." R !!,"Press return to continue: ",IMRORES:DTIME G:'$T!(IMRORES["^") EXIT CAT3 W !!,"3. AIDS with CD4+ (T4) LESS THAN 200/mm3." W !," a. Confirmed HIV serum antibody positive (two positive ELISAs and" W !," a confirmatory Western Blot)" W !," b. CD4+ (T4) count less than 200/mm3 or CD4+ percent less than 14." W !," c. No AIDs defining diseases. See below (Category 4)." CAT4 W !!,"4. AIDS WITH AIDS DEFINING DISEASES." W !," a. Confirmed HIV serum antibody positive (2 positive ELISAs and" W !," a confirmatory Western Blot) as above" W !," b. CDC defined diseases (see MMWR, December 18, 1992, Vol. 41/RR-17" W !," for listing of AIDs defining diseases)." EXIT W !! K IMRORES Q