IMRKIDS1 ;HCIOFO/SG - ERROR MESSAGES ; 6/5/02 9:43am ;;2.1;IMMUNOLOGY CASE REGISTRY;**18**;Feb 09, 1998 ; Q ; ;***** RETURNS TEXT OF THE MESSAGE ; ; ERRCODE Error code ; [.TYPE] Type of the error ; [ARG1-ARG5] Optional parameters that substitute the |n| "windows" ; in the text of the message (for example, the |2| will ; be substituted by the value of the ARG2). ; MSG(ERRCODE,TYPE,ARG1,ARG2,ARG3,ARG4,ARG5) ; S TYPE=6 Q:ERRCODE'<0 "" N ARG,I1,I2,MSG ;--- Get a descriptor of the message S I1=-ERRCODE,MSG=$P($T(MSGLIST+I1),";;",2) S I1=+$TR($P(MSG,U,2)," "),MSG=$P(MSG,U,3,999) S:I1>0 TYPE=I1 Q:MSG?." " "Unknown error ("_ERRCODE_")" ;--- Substitute parameters S I1=2 F S I1=$F(MSG,"|",I1-1) Q:'I1 D . S I2=$F(MSG,"|",I1) Q:'I2 . X "S ARG=$G(ARG"_+$TR($E(MSG,I1,I2-2)," ")_")" . S $E(MSG,I1-1,I2-1)=ARG Q $$TRIM^XLFSTR(MSG) ; ;***** RETURNS TYPE OF THE MESSAGE ; ; ERRCODE Error code ; TYPE(ERRCODE) ; Q:ERRCODE'<0 0 N I,TYPE S I=-ERRCODE S I=$P($T(MSGLIST+I),";;",2),TYPE=+$TR($P(I,U,2)," ") Q $S(TYPE>0:TYPE,1:6) ; ;***** LIST OF THE MESSAGES (THERE SHOULD BE NOTHING AFTER THE LIST!) ; ; The error codes are provided in the table only for clarity. ; Text of the messages are extracted using the $TEXT function and ; absolute values of the ERRCODE parameter. ; ; Message Type: ; 1 Debug 4 Warning ; 2 Information 5 Database Error ; 3 Data Quality 6 Error ; MSGLIST ; Code Type Message Text ;; -1 ^ 1 ^ User entered the "^" ;; -2 ^ 6 ^ Timeout ;; -3 ^ 6 ^ Cannot create the '|2|' checkpoint! ;; -4 ^ 6 ^ Cannot complete the '|2|' checkpoint! ;; -5 ^ 6 ^ Undefined variable: '|2|' ;; -6 ^ 6 ^ Error during the |2|. See log files. ;; -7 ^ 6 ^ Error code '|2|' is returned by the '|3|' ;; -8 ^ 3 ^ Error code '|2|' is returned by the '|3|' ;; -9 ^ 5 ^ FileMan DBS call error(s)|2| ;; -10 ^ 6 ^ Cannot lock the record(s) of |2| ;; -11 ^ 6 ^ Error(s) during processing of the patient data ;; -12 ^ 4 ^ Task has been interrupted by user