IMRPDATA ; HCIOFO/FAI - DATA EXTRACTION ;10/02/01 11:10 ;;2.1;IMMUNOLOGY CASE REGISTRY;**16**;Feb 09, 1998 ENTRY ; Entry to run daily extract to gather past missing data. W !!,"This job will queue the nightly job for a particular date range for messages",!,"that were missed in the past when the background job did not finish." W !!,?5,"***WARNING*** This job will generate a large amount of mail messages.",!!,"Please do not select more than 7 days of data for each run of this extract.",!,"I will now search for entries to update your lab files with before starting" W !,"the extract. You must then tell me a date range for extraction.",!,"This may take a while.....",!! G ASK Q BETRAD N IMRTRANS Q:'$D(^IMR(158.9,1,0)) ;quit if no site parameters D ^IMRUTST D ^IMRDATE S IMRHNBEG=IMRHNBEG_".1800",IMRDTT=IMRHNBEG,$P(^IMR(158.9,1,0),"^",9)=IMRDTT ;set last start time equal to beginning date of range needed to pickup lost data S IMRC=0,IMRSET=0,X=^IMR(158.9,1,0) ;IMRC=message line counter, IMRSET= message counter S (IMRED,IMRDT)=IMRHNEND ;IMRED & IMRDT=set data extract end date/time S IMRSD=IMRHNBEG S IMRSD=$S(IMRSD>0:IMRSD\1,1:0) EN1 ; Entry point from post-init. The following variables must be defined; ; IMRSD,IMRED,IMRC,IMRSET,IMRDT. S IMRTRANS=1 ; Tell the system that this is a transmit to national D DOMAIN^IMRUTL ;get the domain name for ICR S IMRDOMN="S.IMRHDATA@"_IMRDOMN ;append domain to server name S IMRM90=$$FMADD^XLFDT(DT,-90) K ^TMP($J) I '$D(IMRDTT) S IMRDTT=$$NOW^XLFDT(),$P(^IMR(158.9,1,0),U,9)=IMRDTT ;set LAST START TIME if doesn't exist I '$D(IMRSTN) D IMROPN^IMRXOR Q:'$D(IMRSTN) S X=10987654321 D XOR^IMRXOR S IMRCODE=X ;encrypt patient SSN S IMRC=IMRC+1,IMRSET=IMRSET+1 ;increment message line # & message sequence number ; set segment=START^station number^date of data collection^message sequence number^encryption code^IMR version number S ^TMP($J,"IMRX",IMRC)="START"_"^"_IMRSTN_"^"_IMRDT_"^"_IMRSET_"^"_IMRCODE_"^"_$$VERSION^XPDUTL("IMR")_"^4" ; NEXT CASE node: piece #1=NEXT CASE, piece #2=LAST NEW CASE S:'$D(^IMR(158.9,1,"NXT")) ^("NXT")=0 S IMRNXT2=+$P(^("NXT"),"^",2),IMRNXT1=+^("NXT") ; Process new entries first, then process existing entries S IMRFN=0 F S IMRFN=$O(^IMR(158,IMRFN)) Q:IMRFN'>0 S IMRSEND=0 D NXT,SEND S ^IMR(158.9,1,"NXT")="0^"_IMRNXT2 S $P(^IMR(158.9,1,0),"^",10)=$$NOW^XLFDT() ;last completion date KIL K IMRDENT,IMRRAD,IMRRX,IMRLAB,IMRMI,IMRSCH,IMRCODE,IMRT1,IMRT2,DFN,IMRDFN,IMRFN,IMRED,IMRDT,IMR101,IMRNXT1,IMRNXT2,IMRSDV,IMRSET,IMRSTN,X,X1,X2,IMRC,IMRSSN,%DT,Y,%H,%,IMRTRANS K ^TMP($J),%T,DIC,IMRN,IMRSCH1,J,XCNP,XMZ,VAERR,D,DISYS,POP,IMRPAD,IMRADM,IMRDIS,IMRDOMN,IMRSEND,IMR5,IMRDTT,IMRL,IMRT,IMRTEST,IMRTRAN,IMRTSTI,IMRSD,IMRAD,IMRM90 Q SEND ; Send Message To National Registry K XMY S XMTEXT="^TMP($J,""IMRX"",",XMSUB="IMMUNOLOGY DATA. "_IMRSTN_" "_$E(IMRDTT,4,5)_"-"_$E(IMRDTT,6,7)_"-"_$E(IMRDTT,2,3)_" ("_IMRSET_")",XMDUZ=.5,XMY(IMRDOMN)="" ;set up mail message variables D:IMRSEND ^XMD ;send message if more than START,PA,DE & TIME segments K ^TMP($J),XMTEXT,XMDUZ,XMY,XMSUB,IMRGI S IMRC=1,IMRSET=IMRSET+1 S:IMRSEND=0 IMRSET=IMRSET-1 S ^TMP($J,"IMRX",IMRC)="START"_"^"_IMRSTN_"^"_IMRDT_"^"_IMRSET_"^"_IMRCODE_"^"_$$VERSION^XPDUTL("IMR") Q NXT D CLEAR ; Node 101 contains last dates noted for various services provided ; Node 5 is the date of death node S IMR101=$G(^IMR(158,IMRFN,101)),IMRI=+IMR101,IMR5=$G(^IMR(158,IMRFN,5)) S IMRTRAN=$P(IMR5,"^",21) Q:IMRTRAN ;data transmitted for deceased (1:YES,0:NO) S IMRDOD=$P(IMR5,"^",19) ;imr date of death S IMRT1=$P($H,",",2) ;IMRT1 is used to calculate the number of seconds needed to extract data for patient S X=+^IMR(158,IMRFN,0) D XOR^IMRXOR Q:'$D(^DPT(X,0)) ;decode patient id, quit if not in File 2 S (DFN,IMRDFN)=X,IMRT2="" ;IMRT2 identify's record as new or update I $P(IMR101,"^",2)="" S IMRT2="NEW" D DEMOG ;piece #2=LAST SCHEDULING DATE NOTED I IMRT2="" S IMRT2="UPD" D DEMOG I IMR101'="" S IMRT1=$P($H,",",2)-IMRT1 S:IMRT1<0 IMRT1=IMRT1+(24*60*60) S IMRC=IMRC+1,^TMP($J,"IMRX",IMRC)="TIME"_"^"_IMRT2_"^"_IMRT1 Q DEMOG Q:'$D(^DPT(DFN,0)) D DEM^VADPT,ELIG^VADPT,SVC^VADPT,ADD^VADPT S X=$P(VADM(2),"^") D XOR^IMRXOR S IMRSSN=X ;encrypt patient SSN S IMRC=IMRC+1,^TMP($J,"IMRX",IMRC)="PA"_"^"_IMRSSN S X=$E($P(VADM(3),"^"),1,5)_"00" D XOR^IMRXOR S IMRDOB=X ;encrypt patient's date of birth S IMRSEX=$P(VADM(5),"^"),IMRZIP=VAPA(6),IMRPOS=$P(VAEL(2),"^",2) ;sex, zip code, and IMRPOS=period of service (external value) S IMRELIG=$P(VAEL(1),"^",2),IMRSEPD=$P(VASV(6,5),"^") ;current primary eligibility & service separation date I 'IMRDOD S IMRDOD=$P(VADM(6),"^"),$P(^IMR(158,IMRFN,5),"^",19,20)=IMRDOD_"^"_1 ;save MAS DOD as IMR Date of Death, flag DOD as from MAS I IMRDOD,DT>$$FMADD^XLFDT(IMRDOD,60) S $P(^IMR(158,IMRFN,5),"^",21)=1 ;continue sending data for 60 days after date of death ; segment=Demographic^date of birth (encrypted)^sex^zip code^period of service^eligibility code^service separation date^^date of death S IMRC=IMRC+1,^TMP($J,"IMRX",IMRC)="DE"_"^"_IMRDOB_"^"_IMRSEX_"^"_IMRZIP_"^"_IMRPOS_"^"_IMRELIG_"^"_IMRSEPD_"^^"_IMRDOD K IMRDOB,IMRSEX,IMRZIP,IMRPOS,IMRELIG,IMRSEPD,IMRDOD,VA,VADM,VAEL,VAPA,VASV S IMRFLG=0 IP S IMRLD=+$P(IMR101,"^",3),IMRLD1=+$P(IMR101,"^",4),IMRLD2=+$P(IMR101,"^",5) ;piece 3=LAST ADMIT DATE NOTED,piece 4=LAST DISCHARGE DATE NOTED,piece 5=LAST PTF ADMIT DATE NOTED D ^IMRPTF S $P(IMR101,"^",3,5)=$S(IMRADM>IMRLD:IMRADM,1:IMRLD)_"^"_$S(IMRDIS>IMRLD1:IMRDIS,1:IMRLD1)_"^"_$S(IMRPAD>IMRLD2:IMRPAD,1:IMRLD2) K IMRLD,IMRLD1,IMRLD2 D GETDAT^IMRDAT1 Q CLEAR ; Kill Variables K IMRT1,IMRT2,DFN,IMRLD,IMRLD1,IMRLD2 Q ASK ; Entry Point to Process Data Extract For A Given Date Range D ^IMRUTST K %DT S %DT="AQEXP",%DT("A")=" Start Date for Period: " D ^%DT K %DT G:Y'>0 KIL S IMRSD=Y,%DT="AQEXP",%DT("A")=" End Date for Period: " D ^%DT K %DT G:Y'>0 KIL S IMRED=Y I IMRED