PRC51110 ;VMP/TJH ; Post Install routine for PRC*5.1*110 ; 07/20/2007 ;;5.1;IFCAP;**110**;Oct 20, 2000;Build 7 ; Q ; Do Not Enter at routine label ; EN ; Entry point. TMMSG ; Send message reporting any address issues found during installation D BMES^XPDUTL("Validating VA FSC mailing address, please wait...") N PRCSTA,PRCA S PRCSTA=0,U="^" F S PRCSTA=$O(^PRC(411,PRCSTA)) Q:'PRCSTA D . S PRCSTN=$O(^DIC(4,"D",$P(^PRC(411,PRCSTA,0),U,1),"")) Q:PRCSTN="" . S PRCMAX=0,PRCFSC=0 . F S PRCMAX=$O(^PRC(411,PRCSTA,4,PRCMAX)) Q:'PRCMAX D .. S PRCMAN=$P(^PRC(411,PRCSTA,4,PRCMAX,0),U,1) .. I $E(PRCMAN,1,6)="VA FSC" S PRCFSC=1 .. I $E(PRCMAN,1,3)="FMS" S PRCA(PRCSTN,PRCMAX)=PRCMAN . I 'PRCFSC S PRCA(PRCSTN,0)="No VA FSC address." I '$D(PRCA) D BMES^XPDUTL("Validation complete.") Q ; if nothing found, don't send MailMan message. ; N DA,PRCC,PRCGROUP,PRCPARAM,PRCTXT,XMDUZ,XMSUB,XMTEXT,XMY N PRC1,PRC2,PRCFSC,PRCMAN,PRCMAX,PRCNP,PRCSTR1,PRCSTR2,PRCTITLE,PRCTX S XMSUB="IMPORTANT BULLETIN FROM IFCAP PATCH PRC*5.1*110" S XMDUZ=DUZ,XMTEXT="PRCTXT" S PRCPARAM("FROM")="PATCH PRC*5.1*110 ADDRESS VERIFICATION" ; find purchasing/finance staff to send report to S PRCTX=0 K PRCJB F S PRCTX=$O(^DIC(3.1,PRCTX)) Q:'PRCTX D . S PRCTITLE=$P(^DIC(3.1,PRCTX,0),U,1) . F PRCSTR1="FISCAL","PURCH","FINAN","PROCUR","IFCAP" I $F(PRCTITLE,PRCSTR1) D .. F PRCSTR2="CHIEF","ADMIN","SUPER","COORD" I $F(PRCTITLE,PRCSTR2) S PRCJB(PRCTX)="" S PRCNP=1 F S PRCNP=$O(^VA(200,PRCNP)) Q:'PRCNP D . S PRCTX=$P($G(^VA(200,PRCNP,0)),U,9) . Q:PRCTX="" ; Quit if there is no job title . Q:'$D(PRCJB(PRCTX)) ; Quit if job title not one we're looking for . Q:$P(^VA(200,PRCNP,0),U,7) ; Quit if DISUSERed . S XMY(PRCNP)="" ; add this responsible party to mail list. S XMY(DUZ)="" ; add the patch installer to the mail list ; S PRCC=0 S PRCC=PRCC+1,PRCTXT(PRCC)="This message has been sent by patch PRC*5.1*110 at the completion of" S PRCC=PRCC+1,PRCTXT(PRCC)="the verification of the Mailing Address change for VA FSC." S PRCC=PRCC+1,PRCTXT(PRCC)="The purpose of this message is to report any remaining addresses which" S PRCC=PRCC+1,PRCTXT(PRCC)="might need to be edited and to report any Stations/Substations which" S PRCC=PRCC+1,PRCTXT(PRCC)="might need the VA FSC address added. You can use the 'Site Parameters'" S PRCC=PRCC+1,PRCTXT(PRCC)="option to edit the MAIL INVOICE LOCATION entries if necessary." S PRCC=PRCC+1,PRCTXT(PRCC)=" " S PRCC=PRCC+1,PRCTXT(PRCC)="As reported in the patch description, the Corporate Franchise Data Center" S PRCC=PRCC+1,PRCTXT(PRCC)="in Austin has changed the preferred address name for IFCAP communications" S PRCC=PRCC+1,PRCTXT(PRCC)="from FMS to VA FSC. This report lists any stations in your system that" S PRCC=PRCC+1,PRCTXT(PRCC)="do not have a MAIL INVOICE LOCATION starting with VA FSC. The necessity" S PRCC=PRCC+1,PRCTXT(PRCC)="for the address only applies to Stations/Substations that will be using" S PRCC=PRCC+1,PRCTXT(PRCC)="requisitions. You will need to make a local determination as to which" S PRCC=PRCC+1,PRCTXT(PRCC)="stations this applies to at your facility. Additionally, the report" S PRCC=PRCC+1,PRCTXT(PRCC)="lists addresses which contain the old FMS abbreviation. These could" S PRCC=PRCC+1,PRCTXT(PRCC)="be considered for editing or deletion. Again, this should be a local" S PRCC=PRCC+1,PRCTXT(PRCC)="determination that cannot be automated by this patch." S PRCC=PRCC+1,PRCTXT(PRCC)=" " S PRCC=PRCC+1,PRCTXT(PRCC)="The following Stations/Substations do not have a VA FSC address entry" S PRCC=PRCC+1,PRCTXT(PRCC)="in the ADMIN. ACTIVITY SITE PARAMETER file." S DA=0 F S DA=$O(PRCA(DA)) Q:DA="" Q:'$D(PRCA(DA,0)) D . S PRCC=PRCC+1 . S PRCTXT(PRCC)=$P(^DIC(4,DA,99),U,1) . K PRCA(DA,0) S PRCC=PRCC+1,PRCTXT(PRCC)=" " S PRCC=PRCC+1,PRCTXT(PRCC)="The following Stations/Substations have an FMS address which may need" S PRCC=PRCC+1,PRCTXT(PRCC)="to be edited." S PRC1=0 F S PRC1=$O(PRCA(PRC1)) Q:PRC1="" D . S PRC2=0 . F S PRC2=$O(PRCA(PRC1,PRC2)) Q:PRC2="" D .. S PRCC=PRCC+1 .. S PRCTXT(PRCC)=$P(^DIC(4,PRC1,99),U,1)_" "_PRCA(PRC1,PRC2) D SENDMSG^XMXAPI(XMDUZ,XMSUB,XMTEXT,.XMY,.IBPARAM,"","") D BMES^XPDUTL("Address validation complete, a MailMan message has been sent listing items") D MES^XPDUTL("which may need to be reviewed.") Q