PRC5192P ;BP/TJH - IFCAP Post-Init for PRC*5.1*92 ; 28 Oct 2005 3:16 PM ;;5.1;IFCAP;**92**;Oct 20, 2000 QUIT ; START ; remove invalid entries from the "C" xref of file #442 D BMES^XPDUTL("Removing invalid entries from the C xref of file #442...") N PRCDA,PRCDB,PRCREC,PRCPO S PRCDA=0,U="^" F S PRCDA=$O(^PRC(442,"C",PRCDA)) Q:PRCDA="" D . S PRCDB=0 . F S PRCDB=$O(^PRC(442,"C",PRCDA,PRCDB)) Q:PRCDB="" D .. S PRCREC=$G(^PRC(442,PRCDB,0)) ; get associated record, zero node .. S PRCPO=$P($P(PRCREC,U,1),"-",2) ; extract purchase order w/o STATION NUMBER .. I PRCPO'=PRCDA K ^PRC(442,"C",PRCDA,PRCDB) ; if PO# doesn't match subscript, remove the xref entry. D BMES^XPDUTL("Cleanup of C xref complete.") Q