PRCB1A4 ;WOIFO/DWA-COPY FCP USERS TO NEW FCP ;3/8/04 2:22 PM ;;5.1;IFCAP;**76**;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; V ; invalid entry Q ; ; this routine will copy users from an existing Fund Control Point ; to an empty Fund Control Point. ; EN ; S PRCF("X")="AS" D ^PRCFSITE I '$G(PRC("SITE")) Q S SITE=PRC("SITE") ; ; N FCP1,FCP2,PRFL,DIC,DIR,I,X,Y,FLDS,BY,TO,FR,IOP,L,B,PRCNT,PRCLAST ; FROM ; prompt for FCP to copy FROM S DIR(0)="NA^1:9999^I 'X!('$D(^PRC(420,SITE,1,Y))) K X",DIR("A")="Select FCP to copy FROM: ",DIR("?")="Answer must be a valid 1-4 digit Fund Control Point number." D ^DIR K DIR I Y="^" G QUIT I 'Y D FROM S FCP1=Y K X,Y ; DISPLAY ; display the user profiles for the chosen FCP W !! S L=0,DIC="^PRC(420,SITE,1,FCP1,1,",FLDS=".01;L20,1;L23,2;C51,3;C68",IOP=IO,BY=".01",FR=",",TO="",DHD="Control Point Users List "_FCP1 D EN1^DIP K DIC I '$D(^PRC(420,SITE,1,FCP1,1)) W !,?15,"*** NO USERS FOUND ***",!! G FROM I $P($G(^PRC(420,SITE,1,FCP1,1,0)),"^",3)="" W ! G FROM I '$$CONFRM(FCP1,.X) I X=1 G FROM I X=0 G QUIT I X=2 D . S X="^PRC(420,SITE,1,FCP1,1,",B=3 . D ICLOCK^PRC0B(X,.B) . I 'B W !,"Someone else is using that FCP, please try later." . Q I 'B G FROM ; GETFCP ; get the FCP to copy TO S DIR(0)="NA^1:9999^K:'$D(^PRC(420,SITE,1,Y))!('X) X",DIR("A")="Select FCP to copy TO: ",DIR("?")="Answer must be a valid 1-4 digit Fund Control Point number." D ^DIR K DIR I X="^" D DCLOCK^PRC0B("^PRC(420,SITE,1,FCP1,1,") G QUIT S FCP2=Y K X,Y I '$$CONFRM2(FCP2,.X) D DCLOCK^PRC0B("^PRC(420,SITE,1,FCP1,1,") G QUIT I X=1 G GETFCP I $P($G(^PRC(420,SITE,1,FCP2,1,0)),"^",3)'="" D G QUIT . W !!,"I cannot complete the copy, FCP ==> "_FCP2_" is not empty." ; I X=2 S X="^PRC(420,SITE,1,FCP2,1,",B=3 D ICLOCK^PRC0B(X,.B) I 'B W !,"Someone else is using that FCP, please try later." G GETFCP ; XTRCT ; S PRCNT=0,PRCLAST=0 S PRFL=0 F S PRFL=$O(^PRC(420,SITE,1,FCP1,1,PRFL)) Q:'PRFL D . S DIC="^PRC(420,SITE,1,FCP1,1,",DIC(0)="V,Z",X=PRFL . D ^DIC S PRFL(X)=Y(0,0)_"^"_Y(0) . S PRCNT=$G(PRCNT)+1,PRCLAST=$P(PRFL(X),"^",2) . Q ; COPY ; copy records to new FCP, setup cross references as needed S X=0 F S X=$O(PRFL(X)) Q:'X D . S ^PRC(420,SITE,1,FCP2,1,X,0)=^PRC(420,SITE,1,FCP1,1,X,0) . S:$D(^PRC(420,SITE,1,FCP1,1,X,2)) ^PRC(420,SITE,1,FCP2,1,X,2)=^PRC(420,SITE,1,FCP1,1,X,2) . I $P(PRFL(X),"^",3)]"" D . . S ^PRC(420,"A",X,SITE,FCP2,$P(PRFL(X),"^",3))="" . S ^PRC(420,"C",X,SITE,FCP2,X)="" S $P(^PRC(420,SITE,1,FCP2,1,0),"^",2)="420.02IPA" ; define subfile S $P(^PRC(420,SITE,1,FCP2,1,0),"^",4)=PRCNT ; keep users counted S $P(^PRC(420,SITE,1,FCP2,1,0),"^",3)=PRCLAST ; last user added W !!,"The FCP copy has been completed.",! Q ; UNLCK ; unlock ;Q:'$G(FCP1) D DCLOCK^PRC0B("^PRC(420,SITE,1,FCP1,1,") D DCLOCK^PRC0B("^PRC(420,SITE,1,FCP2,1,") ; QUIT ; K DLAYGO,DIC,X,Y,FCP1,FCP2,PRC,DIR,PRFL,PRCF,PRCNT,PRCLAST,SITE Q ; CONFRM(FCP,X) ; ask if these are the records that user wishes to copy W !!,?10,"PLEASE NOTE: THE FCP 'TO COPY TO' MUST BE EMPTY." W !!,"If you choose to use this option you must copy all users and their profiles." W !!,"Are these the correct users to copy?" S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="YES",DIR("?")="Answer YES if these are the correct users to copy, NO to choose a different FCP, or ""^"" to QUIT." D ^DIR K DIR I 'Y S X=1 I Y="^" S X=0 I Y S X=2 Q X ; CONFRM2(FCP,X) ; confirm that the TO FCP is correct W !!,"Copy users from "_FCP1_" to "_FCP_"?" S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="YES",DIR("?")="Answer YES to copy, NO to choose a different FCP, or ""^"" to QUIT." D ^DIR K DIR I 'Y S X=1 I Y="^" S X=0 I Y S X=2 Q X