[613] | 1 | PRCFYN ;WISC@ALTOONA/CTB-UTILITY YES/NO READER AND WAIT ;10 Sep 89 3:08 PM [11/13/98 4:19pm]
| 2 | V ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000
| 3 | ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified.
| 4 | YN ;
| 5 | K DTOUT S U="^" S:'$D(%)#2 %=3 S %S=% I %=3 S %=""
| 6 | I '$D(%A(0)) S %A(0)=""
| 7 | W:%A(0)["!" ! W:$D(%A)#2 !,%A
| 8 | F %I=0:0 S %I=$O(%A(%I)) Q:'%I Q:'$D(%A(%I)) W !,%A(%I)
| 9 | W:%A(0)["*" $C(7)
| 10 | W "? ",$P("YES// ^NO// ^<YES/NO> ",U,%S)
| 11 | RX R %Y:$S($D(DTIME):DTIME,1:300) E S DTOUT=1,%Y=U W $C(7)
| 12 | S:%Y]""!'% %=$A(%Y),%=$S(%=89:1,%=121:1,%=78:2,%=110:2,%=94:-1,1:0)
| 13 | I '%,%Y'["?" G Q1
| 14 | W:$X>73 ! W $P(" (YES)^ (NO)",U,%)
| 15 | G:%'=0 Q I $D(%B),%B]"" W !!,%B D C G:'$D(%A) Q S %=%S G YN
| 16 | I $D(%B),%B="" G Q1
| 17 | I $D(%A),'$D(%B) S %=%S G YN
| 18 | Q K %Y,%A,%B,%S,%I Q
| 19 | Q1 W:'%&(%Y'["?") $C(7) W !,"You must enter a 'Yes' or a 'No', or you may enter an '^' to Quit",! S %=%S G YN
| 20 | Q
| 21 | C F %I=0:0 S %I=$O(%B(%I)) Q:'%I Q:'$D(%B(%I)) W !,%B(%I)
| 22 | W ! Q
| 23 | WAIT ;
| 24 | W !,"..."
| 25 | W $P("Whoops,^Hmmm,^Excuse me,^Sorry,^Alright already!^OK! OK!^Alright, I'm tired.","^",$R(7)+1)," "
| 26 | W $P($T(LIST+$R(8)),";",3)_"..."
| 27 | LIST ;;This may take a few moments
| 28 | ;;Let me put you on 'HOLD' for a second
| 29 | ;;Please hold on
| 30 | ;;Just a moment, please
| 31 | ;;I'm working as fast as I can
| 32 | ;;Let me think about this for a moment
| 33 | ;;I'm just having one of those days...
| 34 | ;;Is it lunchtime yet?...
| 35 | ;
| 37 | ; Inputs
| 38 | ; % = default response as 1=Yes 2=No 3=Yes/No
| 39 | ; %A = Prompt Text array (optional)
| 40 | ; %B = Help text array (optional)
| 41 | ; Output
| 42 | ; % as 1=Yes 2=No -1=abort (^) 0=none of the above
| 43 | ;
| 44 | ; NOTES
| 45 | ; If %A(0) contains "!", a linefeed precedes the prompt(s)
| 46 | ; If %A(0) contains "*", the bell sounds after the prompt(s)